
Ask CER - Episode 7: Emergency EU energy measures, UK divergence from EU rules and power shifts in Europe

Elisabetta Cornago, Zach Meyers, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Rosie Giorgi
21 October 2022
You asked, we answered: the seventh episode of our 'Ask CER' podcast series.

Chips Act sceptics

21 October 2022
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform argues that the EU’s Chips Act is unlikely to deliver the financial firepower to ensure Europe can compete globally or significantly increase Europe’s strategic autonomy.

EU leaders debate gas price cap as north-south energy rifts deepen

20 October 2022
Energy Monitor
“After focusing on electricity market interventions in September, the European Commission has now turned to measures to tame gas prices,” says Elisabetta Cornago, a researcher at the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. “Price limits for gas transactions on the TTF exchange may be difficult to implement and might risk muddling incentives to save energy. Joint procurement of gas instead is a smart approach to negotiate more convenient gas prices, which should ultimately benefit consumers.”

As another Tory PM teeters, the costs of Brexit keep mounting

20 October 2022
The New European
In June, the Centre for European Reform estimated the price-tag for Johnson’s oven-ready Brexit was already running into the billions with UK gross domestic product (GDP) 5.2% – or a whopping £31bn – lower than it would have been if the UK had not left the EU.

Don't blame Brexit

19 October 2022
The Atlantic
In figures provided to me by the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank, Britain’s average GDP growth rate (in real terms) from 1945 to 1973 - outside what was then called the European Common Market - was 2.8 percent.

Economy in crisis, Tories in meltdown: How I have told the sad, strange story of Britain

17 October 2022
The Guardian
Modelling by the Centre for European Reform found that solely because of Brexit, British trade in goods was down during the first half of last year, ranging between 11 and 16% month to month.

Europe’s united front has surprised Russia and there might be more surprises to come

15 October 2022
Arab News
Elisabetta Cornago from the Centre for European Reform think-tank, for example, has described the gas price-cap proposal as “kind of a cry for help. The bloc has run out of low-hanging fruit to address the energy crisis and is gradually moving away from orthodoxy, despite the potential perils the shift entails.”

What measures could the West take if there was a nuclear strike and what would it mean for Putin?

14 October 2022
Sky News
Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform, says the West needs to stop being - and sounding - afraid of a nuclear attack."Nothing is as provocative to Putin as weakness, so the more the West says 'We are afraid that Russia might use nuclear weapons', the more likely that Putin is to continue making the threat of using nuclear weapons - and perhaps even use one or two to demonstrate he really means it."

A big leap for Germany on aid sharing, a small step for the EU

11 October 2022
The Washington Post
This so-called “social climate fund,” initially designed as a €72 billion cushion for vulnerable households and to finance more energy-efficient buildings, could be retooled and launched sooner to fit the current crisis, argues Elisabetta Cornago, of the Centre for European Reform.

Truss declares Macron a friend as pair forge working relationship

07 October 2022
BBC News
Centre for European Reform Director, Charles Grant said one of the measures of success will be "does it persuade Serbia, Azerbaijan and Turkey to lean a bit more to the West and less towards Russia".

Coal built the EU. Will gas destroy it?

07 October 2022
The other great test of Europe’s solidarity, this winter and beyond, will be its ability to share those gas supplies between countries in the event of shortages. Failure to do so, said Elisabetta Cornago, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think tank, would damage not only people’s well-being — but faith in the EU itself.

Le plan de crise énergétique de l’Allemagne critiqué lors de la réunion des dirigeants européens

07 October 2022
France 24
“Mais cela semble être davantage un échec de planification technique et managériale, par opposition à un échec politique”, comme en Allemagne, a déclaré Elisabetta Cornago, chercheuse basée à Bruxelles au Centre for European Reform.

Germany takes heat as EU leaders meet to discuss energy crisis

07 October 2022
The Washington Post
About half of the French nuclear power plants are under maintenance, which has deprived France of its title of Europe’s largest energy exporter and required it to import electricity from Germany.“But it seems to be more of a technical, managerial planning failure, as opposed to a political one,” like in Germany, said Elisabetta Cornago, a Brussels-based researcher at the Centre for European Reform.

BBC: The Context with Christian Fraser- First meeting of the European Political Community

06 October 2022
The idea behind the European Political Community is that Europe can have more geopolitical muscle than just EU member-states or countries on their own. European countries will be able to support Ukraine and stand up to Russia with one voice, Charles Grant tells Christian Fraser (from 2:58 mins).

Energy crisis: EU outlines possible gas price cap strategies ahead of meeting on Friday

05 October 2022
"My impression is that member states are looking at prices and quantities in isolation and that's difficult because of economics," said Elisabetta Cornago, a senior energy researcher at the Centre for European Reform."It's hard to picture such a level of market intervention This is uncharted territory."

Liz Truss heads to first summit of new club of nations

05 October 2022
BBC News
It might prove to be a "modest" turning point in EU-UK relations, says the director of the Centre for European Reform, Charles Grant. While a row about post-Brexit arrangements for Northern Ireland remains unresolved, talks are restarting this week. "Neither side is trying to push that issue to the brink at the moment," says Mr Grant. "So this summit could be a sign of a modest rapprochement."

Ukraine latest news: Thousands of Putin's troops 'call Ukrainian surrender hotline' - as Russian front line 'begins to collapse'

05 October 2022
Sky News
Foreign policy expert Ian Bond, from the Centre for European Reform think-tank, says the West needs to stop being - and sounding - afraid.This is what he told the Doomsday Watch podcast:"Nothing is as provocative to Putin as weakness, so the more the West says 'we are afraid that Russia might use nuclear weapons', the more likely it Putin is to continue making the threat of using nuclear weapons - and perhaps even use one or two to demonstrate he really means it."

Liz Truss seeks her own path back to Europe

04 October 2022
The British prime minister can now claim to have secured an influential role, removing the risk of Brits being treated as “second-class citizens” opposed to the EU bloc, said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

CER podcast: What might Macron's European Political Community look like?

Charles Grant, Camino Mortera-Martinez
03 October 2022
In this week's CER podcast Camino Mortera-Martinez spoke to Charles Grant about the European Political Community.

Doomsday watch podcast: Putin's mobilisation gamble

01 October 2022
As Putin announces a military mobilisation and Russian men flee for the border, is his gamble of extra troops set to pay off on the battlefield? Ian Bond of the Centre for European Reform joins to discuss the Kremlin's call-up, and increasing nuclear sabre-rattling.