
How the Poland missile strike could change Putin's war in Ukraine

16 November 2022
NBC News
“This is an awful thing that wouldn’t have happened if Russia hadn’t launched a war on Ukraine,” said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform think tank in London, and a former senior NATO diplomat. “There has been a war in Europe for the last eight years; it’s just that most of Europe was able to close its mind to it. We like to imagine that this is war in a faraway country, but it’s really not that far at all.” 

Politico Pro Free FROM In the global chips race, EU’s cash engine sputters

15 November 2022
The Chips for Europe Initiative's €11 billion focused on commercializing research "would still punch below its weight" even if it all materializes, said Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at London-based think tank Centre for European Reform. Meyers estimates that the U.S.'s chips strategy promises $13.2 billion in research.

Migrants : une menace de tir de missiles, dernière violence derrière l’accord UE/Libye

14 November 2022
Middle East Eye
« Travailler avec les autorités des pays tiers pour empêcher les migrants d’arriver en Europe a été l’un des principaux axes de la politique européenne », relève Luigi Scazzieri, du groupe de réflexion Centre for European Reform.

France accepts migrant rescue ship rejected by Italy as tensions flare

11 November 2022
The Washington Post
But this week shifted “the trajectory in an almost dramatic way,” said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, adding that an escalation of the current disagreements could throw relations back into “the darkest phase in Italian-French relations” in recent memory.

The race to disunion: Are Brexiteers or Republicans ahead?

09 November 2022
The Washington Post
In June 2022, the Centre for European Reform estimated that quitting the single market and customs union reduced UK goods trade by about 15%. 

Why Brexit has been far less damaging than Mark Carney suggests

08 November 2022
The New Statesman
It would be very surprising if this reduction in trade hadn’t reduced growth, and indeed John Springford, of the Centre for European Reform, estimates that if you look at the UK’s performance compared to a basket of “similar” countries, our growth shortfall is about 5 per cent.

'Devastating' court loss cripples Vestager's corporate tax crusade

08 November 2022
Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said that Tuesday’s ruling was “devastating for Vestager’s broader strategy of using state aid laws to tackle aggressive tax practices.”

US weapons sales in Europe are booming as Russia's war in Ukraine continues to rage

04 November 2022
Yahoo News
“This is certainly the biggest increase in defence spending in Europe since the end of the Cold War,” Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, told Yahoo News. Russia’s war in Ukraine has shaken countries and “people who got used to peace for a generation,” said Bond.

Here's how China could use its ownership of EU critical infrastructure to exert pressure

04 November 2022
The real concern is over digital and Europe's dependency on Chinese technology. "I worry more about other kinds of vulnerabilities, such as in the case of 5G, the possibility that it could be used for espionage or the possibility that it could be just turned off altogether," Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank, told Euronews. 

En defensa del endeudamiento por la acción climática

04 November 2022
ES Global
Los tipos de interés están subiendo a nivel mundial, pero, aun así, los gobiernos europeos deberían endeudarse por sumas importantes para financiar proyectos “verdes”. En algunos casos, la UE debería ayudar.

Where Britain went wrong

03 November 2022
The crisis was a “big shock to the UK’s broad economic model,” said John Springford, from the Centre for European Reform. Productivity took an immediate hit as exports of financial services plunged. It never fully recovered.

Here's what to expect from Italian PM Giorgia Meloni's first trip to Brussels

03 November 2022
"From everything we've seen so far, Meloni will try to signal that she is going to be assertive but not disruptive and that she can build a constructive relationship with the EU institutions," Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) told Euronews.
CER podcast: Can Rishi Sunak reset the UK-EU relationship?

CER podcast: Can Rishi Sunak reset the UK-EU relationship?

Charles Grant, Peter Foster
03 November 2022
Peter Foster joins Charles Grant to consider the prospects for repairing UK-EU relations under new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Sunak must bet big on our semiconductor industry – or we’ll lose out to competition

02 November 2022
City A.M
Rishi Sunak’s in-tray is overflowing with crises: from the cost of living to supporting Ukraine, from settling the UK’s long-running dispute with the EU about Northern Ireland to  the fate of his controversial home secretary.

The Westminster sitcom has a new male lead. Pass the popcorn

30 October 2022
The Sydney Morning Herald
Divorce from Brussels has made GDP more than 5 per cent smaller than it would have been otherwise and investment 13 per cent lower, according to the Centre for European Reform. Last year alone, UK exports to the EU fell by 13 per cent.

Judy Asks: Is European support for Ukraine dependent on the United States?

28 October 2022
Carnegie Europe
There are three ways to look at US aid to Ukraine in comparison with aid from Europe. The first is in terms of military support.

FMQs: Nicola Sturgeon destroys claim that Scotland must join the euro to get into EU

27 October 2022
The National
Just yesterday, here is the deputy director at the Centre for European Reform. ‘I'm not a Scottish nationalist, but euro membership doesn't get forced on member-states’.

What Giorgia Meloni’s government means for Europe

24 October 2022
Giorgia Meloni, the right-wing firebrand leader of Brothers of Italy is now Italy’s Prime Minster – notably the first woman to hold the role.

Giorgia Meloni sworn in as PM but Berlusconi snipes from the shadows

23 October 2022
The Sunday Times
She [Giorgia Meloni] may be lukewarm, however, about any moves towards further European integration — seen by France, in particular, as a precondition for the further eastward expansion of the EU, said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. “This will be very bad for those who really care about enlargement, because the French and others are quite clear there will not be another country joining the EU until the treaties have been changed to have more majority voting,” he said.

Chips Act sceptics

21 October 2022
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform argues that the EU’s Chips Act is unlikely to deliver the financial firepower to ensure Europe can compete globally or significantly increase Europe’s strategic autonomy.