
Brexit is Boris Johnson’s singular achievement. How well is it working?

15 August 2022
The Washington Post
John Springford at the Centre for European Reform say their economic models have found that Britain’s GDP is 5 percent lower because of Brexit.
CER podcast: The Tory leadership contest and what it means for Europe

CER podcast: The Tory leadership contest and what it means for Europe

Charles Grant, Isabel Hardman
10 August 2022
Charles Grant and Isabel Hardman consider the UK Conservative party leadership contest.

Estados Unidos podría arreglárselas con una desglobalización. Europa no

09 August 2022
ES Global
La verdadera “desglobalización” —la desintegración de la economía global— se desencadenaría por un acontecimiento político, por ejemplo, que China invadiera Taiwán.

Facebook’s unlikely new public face: How Nick Clegg went from political wipeout in London to Mark Zuckerberg’s inner circle at Meta

04 August 2022
“It will not work,” Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says of Clegg’s efforts to kick responsibility back to governments. Content moderation is a “hot potato,” he notes - governments don’t want to be responsible for policing speech, either.

Tú no eres alemán, pero también te van a cortar el gas

Camino Mortera-Martinez
31 July 2022
EL Confidencial
Yo no sé qué más emergencias necesitamos para quitarnos todos del gas, como buenamente podamos. Que sí, los alemanes los que más. Pero eso no nos da derecho a castigarlos.

Brexit is a flop, and the voters know it. So why can't Labour call for a closer bond with Europe?

31 July 2022
The Observer
Yet three weeks before the Liverpool speech, Sir Keir used an address to the Centre for European Reform to reject categorically the suggestion that a Labour government should attempt to negotiate some form of customs union with the single market – a prospect of economic expansion so exciting that even the announcement that talks were being considered would stimulate a sudden surge in capital investment.

Political turmoil lights the powder trails to Italy's debt bomb

30 July 2022
The Telegraph
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, says: “The consensus is that Italy's debt is sustainable subject to political decision.“If we end up with a pretty populist right wing government, which just decides to throw fiscal caution to the wind, then obviously that can change.” 

Will the euro crisis flare up again?

29 July 2022
Money Week
As Luigi Scazzieri of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, told the Financial Times, “the whole idea of joint borrowing by the EU is at stake here”.

CER podcast: Draghi out - What next for Italy?

Luigi Scazzieri, Rosie Giorgi
26 July 2022
In this week's CER podcast Rosie Giorgi spoke to Luigi Scazzieri about Mario Draghi’s resignation as Italian Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni and a probable right-wing coalition government.

Doubts over Italy’s access to €800bn EU Covid fund after Mario Draghi’s exit

26 July 2022
Financial Times
“The whole idea of joint borrowing by the EU is at stake here,” said Luigi Scazzieri, senior fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “The perceived success or failure of the fund depends on whether it seen be successful in Italy, or whether it is seen to be wasteful.”

Giorgia Meloni: right-wing populist and unlikely disco star on track to be Italy’s first female prime minister

24 July 2022
The Sunday Times
“She comes across as extremely authentic and doesn’t seem like a particularly polished figure, and I think that’s part of her appeal,” Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said. “The heavy Roman accent also kind of helps.”

Mortera Martinez: “Il conflitto mette alle corde la stabilità dei governi europei”

Camino Mortera-Martinez
22 July 2022
Il Fatto Quotidiano
“Direi che c’è un collegamento diretto tra il conflitto in Ucraina e la stabilità dei governi di alcuni Paesi europei. A settembre-ottobre le cose peggioreranno. L’alta inflazione e la crisi energetica ci mostreranno la vera natura dei governi europei”.

Brexit victory! Australia trade deal 'will boost UK economy by £69 billion

22 July 2022
The Daily Express
The Centre for European Reform (CER) released a study in June which claimed the results of Brexit on the UK economy are "troubling".
CER's Deputy Director John Springford said in his "sobering" conclusion that in the final quarter of 2021, the UK's GDP was five percent smaller.
He added: "It should trouble Labour and the Conservatives that the economy is lagging so far behind its peers."

Everyone in UK to pay another £300 for Brexit – on top of £1,000 it’s already cost you

22 July 2022
The Metro
Estimates published last month by the Centre for European Reform suggest the UK economy was around £31 billion (5%) smaller by the end of last year than it would have been if it had stayed in the EU’s customs union and single market.

Far right in front for snap Italy election after Draghi goes

21 July 2022
The Guardian
Should a Brothers of Italy-led coalition win, it “would offer a much more disruptive scenario for Italy and the EU”, wrote Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Italy and the EU after Draghi

21 July 2022
UK in a changing Europe
The end of Mario Draghi’s tenure as Italian prime minister opens a new phase in Italy’s politics. Draghi’s government of national unity provided the country with political stability at a pivotal moment, steering it through much of the pandemic and putting together a €190 billion plan to use money from the EU’s pandemic recovery fund.

The ghost of Brexit will haunt Boris Johnson's successor

20 July 2022
Delano: Luxembourg in English
On the other hand, the UK's divorce from the EU has not been followed by the economic prosperity touted by many Brexiteers. According to the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank, the UK economy is worse off than it would have been had it remained a member of the EU.

TRT World: What international challenges will the next UK Prime Minister face?

20 July 2022
The conflict in Ukraine, tensions with allies over Brexit and rebuilding international trust in the post-Boris era: Britain’s next Prime Minister will have a lengthy list of international challenges to deal with.

Boris Johnson’s fall gives Brexit a chance to succeed

20 July 2022
Foreign Policy
The main effect of Brexit has been to damage manufacturing on the island of Great Britain, which is no longer able to participate in Europe-wide supply chains. According to an economic analysis by the Centre for European Reform, the goods trade is down 14 percent, adding a further Brexit shock to inflation caused by energy price rises and the waning of the COVID-19 pandemic. U.K.

Will new UK data laws put adequacy agreement with EU at risk?

19 July 2022
Tech Monitor
A data adequacy agreement was signed between the UK and EU last year, despite some opposition from MEPs, allowing free flows of data to continue across the channel. But this will be reviewed by European lawmakers on a regular basis as the UK changes its domestic data legislation.