
Will new UK data laws put adequacy agreement with EU at risk?

19 July 2022
Tech Monitor
A data adequacy agreement was signed between the UK and EU last year, despite some opposition from MEPs, allowing free flows of data to continue across the channel. But this will be reviewed by European lawmakers on a regular basis as the UK changes its domestic data legislation.

Mario Draghi struggles through mire of Italy’s turbulent politics

15 July 2022
Financial Times
Even if early elections prove imminent, Luigi Scazzieri, a senior fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said Draghi has left Italy a substantial legacy in the EU Covid recovery programme architecture, which ties the delivery of the next tranches of funds to progress on reforms. 
"Future governments would have a strong incentive to keep going with reforms," he said.
With the spread between Italian and German bonds hitting their highest level for a month on Friday, Scazzieri said Italy — and its economy — would benefit from Draghi’s continued presence a little longer.

Analysis: EU-UK relations 'not likely to improve' despite leadership contest

15 July 2022
A recent June report by the Centre for European Reform (CER) showed that the UK economy is 5 per cent smaller than if Britain had stayed in the EU. The same report estimated that investment is 13.7 per cent lower, and goods trade, is 13.6 per cent lower in the final quarter of 2021.

South Africa: Competition Commission investigates Google’s advertising monopoly

15 July 2022
The Africa Report
Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at The Centre for European Reform, believes to stop anti-competitive practices, we must first stop the “conglomerate effect”. He said, “firms like Google offer a range of different services which all work together seamlessly, making it the firm’s dominance in different services mutually reinforcing.”

EU court confirms Commission’s extended powers in merger reviews

13 July 2022
“The General Court’s approval of article 22 is likely to be controversial. It opens up the risk of having to go through a merger review process, for even very small and inconsequential acquisitions,” said Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.
At the same time, Meyers noted that the court tried to address these concerns by stressing that the cumulative conditions required for the member states to send their request “significantly restrict the Commission’s freedom of action”. In other words, Article 22 is not to be considered a blank check.

What an honest British prime minister would say

12 July 2022
By the end of last year, the UK economy was 5% smaller than it would otherwise have been, according to the Centre for European Reform.

‘A job to run away from’: Dilemmas await successor to UK's Johnson

12 July 2022
France 24
Brexit is a topic of intergenerational disagreement just like the housing crisis. It is also a drag on the UK economy. By creating trade friction with the EU, Britain’s largest trading partner, Brexit means GDP is 5.2 percent lower than it would be otherwise, according to calculations by the Centre for European Reform.

UK Competition and Markets Authority ramps up big tech antitrust investigations

11 July 2022
Writing for the Centre of European Reform, Zach Meyers, senior research fellow at CER, said “if the UK falls behind in tech regulation, UK tech startups may prefer to grow in the EU, where the Digital Markets Act will make their lives easier.”
Post-Johnson Britain must reset relations with Europe

Post-Johnson Britain must reset relations with Europe

08 July 2022
The Financial Times
Unfortunately, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer’s speech to the Centre for European Reform earlier this week did not offer the bold alternative vision for cross-Channel partnership we require. Clearly focused on winning back Labour Leave voters who defected to the Tories in the 2019 election, his message was “Make Brexit Work”.

Boris Johnson’s biggest failing? It’s the post-Brexit economy.

07 July 2022
The Washington Post
Modeling by the Centre for European Reform found that solely because of Brexit, British trade in goods was down during the first half of last year, ranging between 11 and 16 percent.

The SNP will be rejoicing at Starmer's hard Brexit line

06 July 2022
The Herald Scotland
"Make Brexit Work” sounds like one of Boris Johnson's test slogans for the next General Election. In fact it is now Labour's headline policy following Sir Keir Starmer's remarkable conversion to the Brexit cause. He unveiled the new slogan in a speech to the Centre for European Reform.

Is there a digital currency on the horizon for the eurozone?

06 July 2022
International Banker
The Centre for European Reform (CER), a think-tank focused on advancing the European Union’s (EU’s) global presence, has argued that introducing a CBDC would ultimately prove to be of little benefit to consumers in Europe. “Europe’s banking sector is robust, and deposits are guaranteed up to a generous limit. Consumers, quite reasonably, consider bank savings to be about as safe as cash. And CBDCs would probably be provided via commercial banks, and could allow payments through a mobile app, a card, or a similar device,” Zach Meyers, a CER senior research fellow, wrote on June 7.

Has Labour ended any chance of the UK rejoining the EU?

06 July 2022
The Week
But in his speech, given at the pro-EU think tank the Centre for European Reform, Keir Starmer was clear he thought rejoining the single market or the customs union would “simply be a recipe for more division” and ensure Britain “remained stuck for another decade”. 
In a play on Boris Johnson’s campaign slogan to “get Brexit done”, he said the Labour party’s plan will be “make Brexit work”.

Brexit damage: Is EU exit now hitting UK's economy harder than COVID?

05 July 2022
The British opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer has said there is no going back on Brexit, in a speech on Monday night.
Instead, he offered a new slogan as part of a drive to ensure Britain thrives: "Make Brexit Work".
"There are some who say 'we don’t need to make Brexit work — we need to reverse it'," the Labour leader told the Centre for European Reform (CER). "I couldn’t disagree more."

Keir Starmer promises to make Brexit better, not rejoin the EU

05 July 2022
The Times
In his speech in London, Starmer set out what he described as a plan to “make Brexit work”. As well as plans to align with EU agriculture rules, he will also pledge to follow EU regulations in other areas such as chemicals and product safety standards, saying Labour has “no intention from diverging standards below current levels”.

Brexit: Starmer sparks outrage with new outlook on EU exit

05 July 2022
The Labour leader is poised to outline his plan at the Centre for European Reform (CER) on Monday. The five-step plan includes sorting out the Northern Ireland Protocol; tearing down unnecessary trade barriers; supporting our world leading services and sciences; keeping our nation safe, and investing in Britain. But this strategy to "make Brexit work" has not been welcomed by all.


04 July 2022
Politico London Playbook
Keir Starmer will set out Labour’s five-point plan for “making Brexit work” in a speech at the Centre for European Reform today.

Sir Keir Starmer clashes with Labour over Brexit

04 July 2022
The Telegraph
In a keynote speech on Britain’s future outside the European Union, Sir Keir pledged to “make Brexit work” and said he would not seek to join the Single Market or a customs union.

Keir Starmer says Labour will not take the UK back into the European Union

04 July 2022
Speaking at an event organised by the Centre for European Reform think-tank this evening, Starmer will say: “There are some who say ‘We don’t need to make Brexit work. We need to reverse it’. I couldn’t disagree more.“Because you cannot move forward or grow the country or deliver change or win back the trust of those who have lost faith in politics if you’re constantly focused on the arguments of the past.