
NATO at 75: Strong but brittle?

NATO at 75: Strong but brittle?

15 July 2024
NATO’s 75th anniversary summit sought to project unity and strength, but large challenges simmer under the surface. 
Navigating the storm? The EU, the UK and Trump 2.0

Navigating the storm? The EU, the UK and Trump 2.0

10 July 2024
A second Trump presidency would lead to extensive transatlantic turbulence. The UK and its European partners would need to be pragmatic in finding new ways of working together.
An open letter to Keir Starmer: Ten suggestions on how to foster better relations with Europe

An open letter to Keir Starmer: Ten suggestions on how to foster better relations with Europe

08 July 2024
In an open letter to Keir Starmer, Charles Grant offers ten suggestions on how the Labour government can improve the UK-EU relationship.
Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

04 July 2024
The EU’s neighbours follow various models of dynamic alignment with its rules. Which model, if any, could suit the UK?
EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

01 July 2024
Britain’s next government needs a coherent strategy towards the EU, ranging from trade and regulation to energy, foreign policy and defence.
Between competition and co-operation: How to engage with China on climate

Between competition and co-operation: How to engage with China on climate

Christina Keßler
27 June 2024
How should the EU engage with China on climate? European policy-makers need to use both competition and co-operation to advance on climate action.
Will Hungary's presidency rock the EU?

Will Hungary's presidency rock the EU?

25 June 2024
The Hungarian presidency will have limited impact on EU policies – but the hit to the Union’s reputation could be significant. 
Why cities must drive growth in the EU's single market

Why cities must drive growth in the EU's single market

John Springford, Sander Tordoir, Lucas Resende Carvalho
20 June 2024
By integrating European services markets and investing in cities with high potential, the EU can raise its anemic growth rate and spread economic activity beyond successful metropolises.
What will the EU election results mean for Europe?

What will the EU election results mean for Europe?

11 June 2024
The populist right and far right will not dominate the new European Parliament. But the election results will influence the EU’s agenda and legislation over the next five years.
China and the West: The gap is set to grow

China and the West: The gap is set to grow

05 June 2024
China’s relations with the US and the EU are likely to worsen, because of both its aid for Russia and its economic strategy.
Is the Spitzenkandidat process a waste of time?

Is the Spitzenkandidat process a waste of time?

Christina Keßler
03 June 2024
The Spitzenkandidat (lead candidate) process has not fulfilled its promise of engaging the average voter. Still, it has helped ‘europeanise’ the European Parliament elections and is worth persisting with.
Big tech rivalry could be the key to competition in AI

Big tech rivalry could be the key to competition in AI

30 May 2024
Competition authorities might need to accept that today’s large technology firms will play a key role in artificial intelligence. They need to focus on ensuring they compete fiercely – rather than peacefully co-exist.
Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

28 May 2024
The Labour Party’s red lines will restrict its ambitions for changing the EU-UK relationship, but if it forms a government it should push Brussels for concessions, particularly on trade in goods.
The new migration and asylum pact: Smoke and mirrors?

The new migration and asylum pact: Smoke and mirrors?

23 May 2024
The EU’s new asylum rules are unlikely to make the current system more humane and effective, or less controversial. The EU should rethink its approach to co-operation with third countries.
Working hand in hand? EU-UK co-operation in supporting Ukraine

Working hand in hand? EU-UK co-operation in supporting Ukraine

20 May 2024
The EU and the UK have worked together closely to support Ukraine. Now they need to sustain support and strengthen their co-operation to be ready for possible US disengagement.
Europe must choose: Multiculturalism or stagnation?

Europe must choose: Multiculturalism or stagnation?

09 May 2024
An increasingly multi-ethnic society would safeguard Europe’s prosperity – or it can opt for nativism, labour shortages and higher taxes. 
Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling?

Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling?

03 May 2024
The US wants Europe to adopt stronger limits on high-tech goods trade with China. In response, the EU should insist the US stick with de-risking, not decoupling, and demand greater transatlantic economic co-operation.
The European Parliament elections: A sharp right turn?

The European Parliament elections: A sharp right turn?

30 April 2024
Right-wing forces are set to make sizeable gains in the European Parliament elections. That will tilt the Parliament right on many issues and could give these parties momentum nationally.
Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

29 April 2024
After Brexit, the UK finds itself next door to a regional trade hegemon. Britain can draw useful lessons from the experience of the EFTA countries.
Does it matter if Ukraine loses?

Does it matter if Ukraine loses?

24 April 2024
Ukraine is retreating and Russia is advancing, militarily and politically. Western leaders seem to underestimate both the impact of Ukraine’s defeat and the West’s ability to prevent it.
