
ESG Insider podcast: Unpacking the EU's green deal industrial plan

09 June 2023
In this episode of the ESG Insider podcast, we’re turning our attention to the European Union and digging into the Green Deal Industrial Plan. 

CER podcast: We have to talk about Spain

Camino Mortera-Martinez
08 June 2023
In this week's episode of the CER podcast Octavia Hughes speaks to Camino Mortera-Martínez about the results of the Spanish local and regional elections.

ITV News: Sunak announces 'Atlantic Declaration' to boost UK-US ties after Biden talks

08 June 2023
John Springford from the CER says the declaration may lift UK economic growth a little but won’t have the economic heft of a comprehensive free-trade agreement

Judy Asks: Is Poland's democracy in danger?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
08 June 2023
Carnegie Europe
Poland’s democracy is in danger. So is the place it should rightly occupy in the European Union, and the world.

European Sovereignty Fund: Commission’s best chance or empty shell?

06 June 2023
According to Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER), this is a “sensible approach”. The lack of risk-oriented investments is “one of Europe’s biggest problems”, he told EURACTIV.

Occidente y la victoria de Erdoğan

05 June 2023
ES Global
La reelección de Erdoğan como presidente de Turquía significa que las relaciones de Ankara con sus aliados occidentales van a seguir siendo turbulentas.

Rishi Sunak 'annoys folk across EU' with claim about EPC summit

02 June 2023
The National
Luigi Scazzieri, from the Centre for European Reform think-tank, commented: “Two bad signs for the European Political Community: 1) Sunak does not even mention it – apparently it's just a meeting to discuss migration (?) 2) Meanwhile Erdoğan decided not to attend the summit.”

The UK’s Microsoft/Activision decision shows the EU how to regulate big tech

02 June 2023
When Microsoft announced its plan to acquire games giant Activision for $69 billion, few commentators thought the deal would get an easy ride from competition authorities.

Will Ukraine join Nato? Alliance cautious about membership bid that could plunge West into war with Russia

01 June 2023
But the Israel security pledge may be the wrong model for Ukraine, warns Ian Bond, a director at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “There are two problems,” he said. “One is cost – Israel has spent 10 per cent of its GDP on defence since the mid-1960s, and it’s hard to see how that is sustainable for Ukraine. The second is that Israel is a nuclear power, albeit undeclared, and no-one wants that for Ukraine.”

The EU cannot leave it to the US and China to slug it out

01 June 2023
The Parliament Magazine
Europe is playing a dangerous game allowing China and the US to escalate their conflict, leading to serious ramifications for the EU's economy.

UK Politics Brexit has cost every UK household £250 in food bills, experts claim

25 May 2023
The Independent
Brexit has cost the UK £33bn in lost trade and investment, according to a new study by the Centre for European Reform, which found that the economic damage is even worse than previously feared.

Ask CER - Episode 9: Turkish elections, industrial policy and Ukraine joining NATO

24 May 2023
You asked, we answered: the ninth episode of our 'Ask CER' podcast series.

Five major banks colluded on UK bonds, antitrust agency says

24 May 2023
“In theory, fines could be up to 10% of each bank’s annual global turnover,” said Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow in competition policy at the Centre for European Reform. “Since the collusion only relates to a small part of their businesses, the fines are likely to be considerably smaller.”

Electric cars could be crucial for the EU to meet its climate goals

22 May 2023
The Economist
Whether the EU will manage to meet its ambitious climate goals will now depend on member states’ willingness to deliver on the plans and to abstain from watering down any legislation that does not sit well with their voters, says Elisabetta Cornago of the Centre for European Reform in Brussels. 

Has Brexit left Britain in a better state?

21 May 2023
The Sunday Times
Others, such as John Springford from the Centre for European Reform — who has analysed the performance of several “doppelganger” countries since the UK voted to leave — think the initial economic hit of leaving was as much as 5 per cent, thanks to more trade friction and less business investment.

As Greece votes, leader says blocking migrants built ‘good will’ with Europe

Camino Mortera-Martinez
21 May 2023
The New York Times
Europe is “less on top of Greece for doing pushbacks and all the sort of things,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, who heads the Brussels office for the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.The latitude given Greece, she said, was in part recognition that the country had lived through a decade of brutal austerity.

Construction and aerospace join car industry in calls for better Brexit rules

20 May 2023
The Brexit Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) has has also led to a shortfall of 330,000 in the UK labour force, mostly in the low-skilled sector, according to the joint findings of the thinktanks Centre for European Reform (CER) and UK in a Changing Europe.

Record UK migration surge set to expose government divisions

20 May 2023
“Immigration pretty much automatically adds to GDP because there are more people in the country working and consuming,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “We have some good evidence that immigration actually helps to grease the wheels of the labor market a bit, and allows people to hand off lower-productivity tasks to other workers and concentrate on things which they were most productive at.”

Britain clashes with European judges over plan to send boat migrants to Rwanda

Camino Mortera-Martinez
19 May 2023
Voice of America
But Europe is not in the mood to meet Britain's demands after its exit from the European Union, says Camino Mortera-Martinez, a Brussels-based analyst with the Center for European Reform."I'm not necessarily sure that they will go the extra mile to go and enter into reform of yet another European institution to please Mr. Sunak and his hardline government, when it comes to migration," she told VOA.

For Biden, crisis at home complicates diplomacy abroad

18 May 2023
The New York Times
“I don’t think many European governments are very concerned, presumably because these crises come round quite often but never end in disaster,” said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform in London. “Cutting short the trip is a bad signal, but there is such good will to Biden in most capitals that they are prepared to cut him some slack.”