
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak tries free-market recipe to fix Britain's woes

14 March 2023
The Wall Street Journal
Together with other factors, such as increased trade barriers with Europe after Brexit, the British economy is 5.5% smaller than it otherwise would have been, according to estimates by John Springford, the deputy director at the Center for European Reform think tank in London. 

How has Brexit affected business investment in the UK?

13 March 2023
Economics Observatory
John Springford for the Centre for European Reform conducts a ‘doppelgänger’ analysis to explore the costs of Brexit. This analysis uses statistical techniques to find the best combination of other countries that match a range of economic variables for the UK before the referendum, and uses this same combination to project what might have happened thereafter.

CER podcast: What does the Windsor Framework mean for EU-UK relations?

Charles Grant, Catherine Barnard
10 March 2023
In this week’s episode of the CER podcast Charles Grant is joined by Catherine Barnard to discuss the recently agreed Windsor Framework.

Spectator podcast: Will Sunak’s charm offensive with Macron work?

10 March 2023
Cindy Yu speaks to Fraser Nelson and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform after Rishi Sunak's visit to Paris to meet with President Emmanuel Macron.

France-UK summit kindles ‘Le bromance’

10 March 2023
The Wall Street Journal
Mr Macron needs fresh allies in Europe, as tensions with Germany rise on issues including energy policy and Germany’s at times hesitant support for military aid to Ukraine, said Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank. “Macron needs to diversify, he needs a few new friends in Europe,” Mr Grant said.

Sunak and Macron prepare show of unity in Paris as Vladimir Putin looks on

09 March 2023
Charles Grant, director of the think tank the Centre for European Reform, said Putin’s invasion of Ukraine has made Sunak and Macron realize “they need to get on better.”“Britain and France can’t be at loggerheads if that’s going to make the West weaker vis-a-vis Russia, and potentially China as well,” he said.

Brexit U-turn: Builders to get special immigration status to tackle construction industry crisis

09 March 2023
The Independent
Brexit has led to a shortfall of around 330,000 workers in the UK, mostly in low-skilled sectors, a report by the Centre for European Reform (CER) and UK in a Changing Europe found earlier this year.

Investors should buy Lloyds shares as the interest rate outlook improves

05 March 2023
Yahoo Finance
The UK economy is estimated to be 5.5% smaller than it would have been had it stayed in the EU, according to a study by the Centre for European Reform. And since the Brexit vote, foreign direct investment and business activity in the UK have fallen.

Radio France - France Culture: Post-Brexit: les tourments du Royaume-Uni

04 March 2023
Rishi Sunak est attendu à Paris pour un sommet franco-britannique, le 10 mars. Le premier ministre de Charles III gouverne un pays rongé par l’inflation et des crises sociales. Le Royaume-Uni serait-il devenu l’homme malade de l’Europe, comme s’interrogeait récemment l’hebdomadaire The Economist ?
Avec Hélène Rey économiste, professeur à la London...

Tras acuerdo y una era de insultos? zanjago el Brexit?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
03 March 2023
El Universal
“El deal que se viene negociando desde la activación del artículo 50 [con el que se notifica la intención de un Estado miembro de retirarse de la UE] finalmente, con el acuerdo de Windsor, se puede considerar que está hecho del todo”, afirma Camino Mortera, jefa de la Oficina en Bruselas del think tank Centre for European Reform.

Les Britanniques ont raison de regretter le Brexit

02 March 2023
Les Echos
Le Centre for European Reform publie régulièrement ce qu'aurait été l'évolution de l'économie britannique si elle n'était pas sortie de l'UE. Pour ce faire, des « sosies » de l'économie britannique sont construits grâce à une combinaison de pays dont les performances économiques correspondent étroitement à celles du Royaume-Uni avant le référendum sur le Brexit.

Brexit slammed the UK economy. The new Northern Ireland deal gives it hope

28 February 2023
CNN Business
“There’s still a lot of uncertainty about what the ultimate steady-state relationship between the UK and EU is going to be, particularly how much the UK is going to diverge from EU regulations,” said John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.That could trigger fresh conflicts in future, but resolution on Northern Ireland increases the likelihood that these will be settled in a way that involves “more compromise and less confrontation,” he said.

Brexit: UK immigration system found to contribute to labour shortages

27 February 2023
The labour market for low-skilled EU workers is “much tighter” now than before the Brexit deal was signed in December 2020, John Springford, Deputy Director of the Centre for European Reform (CER), told EURACTIV.Springford co-authored a CER study, published in January, which found that Brexit had led to a loss of 460,000 EU workers compared to 2019, after taking the COVID-19 pandemic into account.“The large shortfall of non-UK workers is mostly in sectors that disproportionately employ less-skilled workers”, the study reads.

The Protocol deal is a win for Sunak – and the EU

27 February 2023
The Spectator
Soon after Boris Johnson struck a deal with the EU in October 2019 on the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Northern Ireland protocol, the British government demanded changes to the Protocol.

After a year of Russia's war on Ukraine, has the West learned the right lessons?

24 February 2023
There’s been a lot of talk in the last year about the Russian army’s inability to learn from its disastrous performance in Ukraine.

CER podcast: One year of war in Ukraine

Ian Bond, Olesya Khromeychuk, Richard Shirreff
24 February 2023
In this week’s episode of the CER podcast Ian Bond discusses the Ukraine-Russia war with Sir Richard Shireff & Dr Olesya Khromeychuk

Ukraine war: Europe has turned a crisis into an opportunity, and it’s better off for it

23 February 2023
“The main impact has been to create more unity,” says Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank.“It’s been positive for European integration and it’s created some momentum towards doing more things together than was feasible before the war.”

Brexit and the Australia deal is bad for British farming so why didn't any Ministers intervene?

22 February 2023
The Yorkshire Post
Recent studies by the Centre for European Reform state that the UK's GDP has already fallen by 5.5 per cent due to Brexit, amounting to an annual loss of tax revenue of £40bn, and the immigration policy has caused a shortfall of 330,000 workers.

Finland should be ready to join NATO, with or without Sweden

Helmi Pillai
22 February 2023
If Turkey is willing to ratify Finland’s NATO membership, there is little reason for Helsinki to wait for Stockholm.

How do we cure long-term sickness and revive our shrinking workforce?

22 February 2023
The Times
He [Jeremy Hunt] cannot do much about the loss of European Union workers, estimated by the Centre for European Reform to be 330,000, but he will hope to address the loss of older workers, apparently lured away from the labour market and into early retirement.