
España busca su sitio en los organismos internacionales

Camino Mortera-Martinez
21 August 2023
Camino Mortera, directora de la Oficina en Bruselas del CER cree que España está haciendo un buen trabajo en intentar colocar a sus nacionales en puestos influyentes en Europa, mucho más que en épocas anteriores. «El problema es que no acabamos de entender qué significa influir y cómo se tejen las redes de influencia en Bruselas. Tener altos cargos está muy bien pero depende de cuáles sean», explica.

Can we rejoin the EU? It was daft to leave but don’t romanticise the idea

20 August 2023
The Sunday Times
Bringing all these effects together in a so-called doppelganger model — comparing UK performance with what it would have been had we not left — John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform (CER), estimates that last year the UK economy was more than 5 per cent smaller than if had there not been a vote to leave.

Oppsiktsvekkende Nato-forslag: - Ikke gal

19 August 2023
Hvis det var en prøveballong, er det en prøveballong som har blitt skutt ned fra svært mange hold, sier Ian Bond, direktør for utenrikspolitikk i den britiske tankesmia Centre for European Reform, til Dagbladet. Bond har 28 års fartstid i det britiske diplomatkorpset, og har i en årrekke arbeidet med sikkerhetspolitiske og Nato-relaterte spørsmål.

Race to lead European Investment Bank heats up

18 August 2023
Politico Brussels Playbook
“The big question is: does the BBB want to govern? Are they willing to compromise, as they originated as a protest party?” Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform told Playbook. 

Rishi Sunak is a man with no plan, that’s the problem

17 August 2023
The Times
The Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, reckons Brexit has cost Britain 5.5 per cent of GDP.

Mayor lucha contra la desinformación y más transparencia: las obligaciones que tienen que cumplir las plataformas con la DSA

17 August 2023
Zach Meyers, analista del think-tank Centre for European Reform (CER), explica que las plataformas deberán realizar análisis de riesgos y adoptar medidas para corregirlos, algo que pueden ir desde ampliar su equipo de moderación hasta mejorar sus algoritmos o unirse al Código de buenas prácticas en materia de desinformación. 

Behind shiny new semiconductor investments, the EU Chips Act needs more work

15 August 2023
Duchâtel’s view was largely shared by Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER). The doubling of current EU production to 20% relies on the “unrealistic assumption that global production everywhere else stood still […]. Announced chip-making investments in Europe do not come close to delivering these ambitions,” he told EURACTIV.

CER Podcast: Will political turmoil in Spain and the Netherlands leave the EU in a tough spot?

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Sander Tordoir
09 August 2023
Camino Mortera-Martinez and Sander Tordoir discuss Dutch and Spanish politics in the context of the EU.
Para ser relevante en la UE, España debe reconstruir su centro político

Para ser relevante en la UE, España debe reconstruir su centro político

Camino Mortera-Martinez
08 August 2023
El Pais
Las elecciones generales del pasado 23 de julio han metido en un aprieto a la España que ya se veía en el chiringuito.

Monocle Radio - The Monocle Daily: Russia lambasts the Ukraine peace talks

07 August 2023
Russia lambasts peace talks hosted by Saudi Arabia – to which Moscow was not invited. With Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the CER and Daniella Peled.

Italy to issue work visas to non-EU nationals to help alleviate labor shortages

04 August 2023
The New American
Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, stated that “Meloni has changed tone on legal migration, aware of labour shortages in Italy. But she has not changed tone on illegal migration.” He went on to state, “I think her shift also reflects a recognition that she needs to offer third countries some legal migration routes if she wants them to co-operate more in terms of reducing illegal migration flows.”

Alemania necesita un nuevo modelo de crecimiento

Sander Tordoir, Shahin Vallée
02 August 2023
ES Global
Berlín debe modificar a fondo su estrategia de crecimiento, en lugar de aferrarse a un modelo fracasado de corporativismo industrial exportador.

La receta Lagarde para las reglas fiscales: planes a medida, pero plazos más cortos

01 August 2023
EL Confidencial
"La Comisión inicialmente propuso que los países presentaran planes de cuatro años con hasta tres años de extensiones. Eso es demasiado indulgente, pero tampoco funcionaría políticamente", escribía en marzo Sander Tordoir, economista del Centre for European Reform, un think tank europeo.

We’ll all suffer while Brexit remains taboo

31 July 2023
The Times
Privately, Labour insiders say that Europe is a second-term issue. Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, disagrees, saying that delay will compound the economic damage. His report on what Labour should say on Europe comes out in September.

The European reverberations of the Netherlands’ political implosion

28 July 2023
El Pais
As Spain digests the results from a ballot box that may leave it in political deadlock, the Netherlands gears up for an election campaign of its own. 

UK rebuffs EU offer for strategic dialogue

27 July 2023
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said it was unrealistic to expect the two sides to agree a new strategic forum so soon after the UK left the bloc but added that it was a worthy long-term goal. “It is only a few months since the Windsor deal was signed and it has not yet been fully implemented. So while trust levels are rising, it is from an extremely low level,” he said.

ECB hikes rates for ninth time, despite recession fear

27 July 2023
EU Observer
While the US has tightened the money supply "from a position of strength" and has a shot of disinflation "without a 'deep' recession," Sander Tordoir, who is a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform, tweeted on Thursday, "Such hope if there ever was one, seems faint for the eurozone."

CER podcast: Is the EU ready for enlargement?

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Charles Grant, Heather Grabbe
26 July 2023
Camino Mortera-Martinez, Charles Grant and Heather Grabbe discuss EU enlargement.

Ukraine tackles corruption in bid for EU membership and more stable future

26 July 2023
According to Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, “Ukraine has made less progress than many countries in Central and Eastern Europe in tackling the legacy of the way that it exited from communism."And Kyiv has only “relatively recently [implemented] the wholesale reform of Ukrainian institutions to tackle things like judicial corruption."

What is the ‘Rome Process’, Giorgia Meloni’s new plan to tackle irregular migration?

25 July 2023
"I don't see the Rome Process as a major step, but rather as yet another initiative to address migration into Europe," said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.