
España frena el auge de la extrema derecha pero deja preguntas sin respuesta

Camino Mortera-Martinez
24 July 2023
A pesar de compartir la etiqueta ECR a nivel europeo, Vox no puede considerarse un partido de extrema derecha convencional porque su tema central es el conflicto de la identidad española "consigo misma", más que la oposición contra "el de fuera", ha afirmado Camino Mortera-Martínez, responsable de la oficina en Bruselas del Centro para la Reforma Europea (CER).

Spanish election puts Europe on edge

21 July 2023
Politico Brussels Playbook
“The upsides [of leaving] are much bigger because he gets a shot at becoming prime minister in the Netherlands,” Sander Tordoir, senior economist at the Centre for European Reform told Gregorio Sorgi, adding: “Timmermans is embarking on a road of no return. He might perform well in the elections and enter government, or he fails — either way he’s undoubtedly out at the European level.”

Frans Timmermans bids to return to Dutch politics

20 July 2023
"The big challenge for him going back is to find the right tone and not be seen as the high horse from Brussels telling the Dutch how things are done," said Sander Tordoir, a senior economist at the Centre for European Reform who is Dutch. "It is a risk for him if he is seen as out of touch."

What would UK-EU defence industrial co-operation look like?

12 July 2023
Defence, security and foreign policy co-operation were not part of the 2020 Trade and Co-operation Agreement that underpins the post-Brexit UK-EU relationship.
CER podcast: NATO in Vilnius: What's next for Ukraine?

CER podcast: NATO in Vilnius: What's next for Ukraine?

11 July 2023
Ian Bond and Luigi Scazzieri discuss the NATO summit in Vilnius.

Stop treating Ukraine like a chemistry experiment

11 July 2023
It strikes me that Western countries are still approaching Ukraine like careful chemists, trying to provide just enough military help to neutralise Russia's invasion without overdoing it.

‘If you want cartwheels, I’m not your person’: Rachel Reeves on charisma, U-turns and rescuing the economy

10 July 2023
The Guardian
According to the Centre for European Reform, there has been an annual £40bn tax drop because of Brexit – equivalent to 34% of the yearly UK education budget, or 21% of the NHS budget. 

Hey Microsoft, can you lend your regulator a lawyer?

07 July 2023
But as Zach Meyers of the Centre for European Reform argues, the CMA’s approach has the virtue of letting consumers decide what business models should prevail and “shows… more respect” for open markets.

Judy Asks: Is Ukraine's NATO membership realistic?

06 July 2023
Carnegie Europe
Ukraine’s NATO membership is essential if the West wants to deter Vladimir Putin — or a Putin-like future Russian leader — from attacking the country again.

Monocle Radio: The Monocle Daily

03 July 2023
In the studio, Terry Stiastny and Ian Bond discuss the EU’s approach to Russian assets, why France and Germany have fallen out of love and how ‘Barbie’ has become an unlikely agitator in Vietnam.

Sommet de l’UE : l’épineux budget européen pas à l’ordre du jour… mais dans toutes les discussions

30 June 2023
Le Parisien
« En un mot, la Commission a enterré le fond de souveraineté tel qu’il avait été promis », tranche Sander Tordoir, chercheur du Centre for European Reform. Pis, selon cet économiste, les tractations qui s’ouvrent risquent fort d’affaiblir l’initiative encore davantage.

Parlamentspräsidentin Metsola fordert Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Ukraine

29 June 2023
Ian Bond vom CER sagte, der Westen müsse darüber nachdenken, was er noch mehr tun könne, um den Sieg der Ukraine zu beschleunigen. Der Aufstand gegen Putin habe gezeigt, dass der Krieg für Russland nicht gut laufe. Doch machten auch die Ukrainer keine großen Fortschritte dabei, die russischen Truppen aus dem Land zu vertreiben. 

CER podcast: The politics of China-US-EU trade: Pulling up the drawbridge?

29 June 2023
In this week's episode of the CER podcast Sander Tordoir, John Springford and Brad Setser discuss green tech industrial policy and ‘de-risking’ trade with China.

The predictable flop of Europe’s green industrial policy

28 June 2023
While poorer EU countries want a fund allowing them to catch up with the rest of the EU, “richer member states – who might be expected to benefit most since they have more start-ups – may not see the need for such a fund,” said Zach Meyers, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER).

Is Brexit the real reason for London’s stock market malaise?

28 June 2023
City A.M
The UK economy is estimated to be 5.5 per cent poorer now than it would have been had it stayed in the EU, according to a study by the Centre for European Reform. 

Future is blue podcast: How can the EU have a successful China policy?

27 June 2023
In this show our host Carlos Carnicero Urabayen talks to Sander Tordoir, Senior Economist at the Centre for European Reform, and Raymond Torres, Funcas Europe Director, about how can Europe implement the China policy it needs for a successful relationship with Asia's superpower.

Britanski diplomata za N1: Čini se kao da narod u Rusiji voli Vagnerovce

27 June 2023
Bivši britanski ambasador u Letoniji i ekspert za postsovjetski prostor Ijan Bond izjavio je u emisiji Global fokus da je predsednik Rusije Vladimir Putin mnogo ranjiviji nego što se mislilo,

Britain is paying a steep inflation price for Brexit

26 June 2023
The Globe and Mail
A study from the Centre for European Reform estimated that Brexit has cost the British labour market more than 300,000 workers. Extreme tightness in the labour market has fuelled wage inflation: Three-month wage growth was running at an annual rate of more than 7 per cent in April.

Newstalk: The Wagner group is posing the biggest ever threat

26 June 2023
Speaking to Joe on the show this morning was Ian Bond a former diplomat and now director for foreign policy at the CER.

Bruselas, ¿te quiero? Preocupación por el pacto migratorio y los problemas financieros de la UE

Camino Mortera-Martinez
24 June 2023
En esta edición de "Bruselas, ¿te quiero?" debatimos sobre el pacto de asilo y migración de la UE en el contexto de los recientes naufragios en Europa en los que han perdido la vida decenas de migrantes.