
El Brexit sin fin: ¿Reino Unido, 'miembro asociado' de una UE ampliada para 2030?

23 September 2023
EL Confidencial
Por su parte, en Londres, Charles Grant, director del respetado think tank 'Centro para la Reforma Europea', recalcó que el discurso fue "más allá" del tono cauteloso que había mostrado hasta la fecha.

Wie es um die britische Wirtschaft steht

23 September 2023
Dabei belasten die Auswirkungen des Brexit das Land noch: Der Think Tank Center for European Reform schätzt, dass das Vereinigte Königreich fünf Prozent Wachstum verloren hat seit dem Austritt aus der Europäischen Union.

We won’t undo Brexit, Labour insists after Starmer remarks

22 September 2023
The Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, told Sky News that the comments went further than what Starmer had said previously, and that Brexiteers might question the point of leaving the EU if the UK does not significantly deregulate.“He’s trying to soften up the other world leaders, so they know what to expect when he becomes prime minister, if he does,” he said.
Charles Grant

Sky News: What's the significance of Starmer's EU comments?

21 September 2023
"One of the benefits of Brexit is supposed to be that the British are free to set their own rules."

Why the EU will not remain the world’s digital über-regulator

21 September 2023
The Economist
Since Europe is unlikely to become an ai superpower soon, the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, argued in a recent report, it should also focus on getting businesses to adopt the technology.

Britain's pitch to investors: We're boring now—and that's good

20 September 2023
The Wall Street Journal
“The UK had a bit of bad luck after Brexit in a series of crises,” said John Springford, director of the Centre for European Reform in London. The country’s economy has suffered permanent damage from Brexit, which increased trade friction with the nation’s biggest trade partner, and the ensuing turmoil, but renewed business investment in recent quarters also shows the UK is often underestimated, he said. 
Sander Tordoir

European Parliament: Public hearing on the new economic governance rules fit for the future

20 September 2023
At the European Parliament’s hearing on the reform of Europe’s fiscal framework, Sander Tordoir argued

The newfound influence of the UK’s competition watchdog

19 September 2023
Financial Times
Zach Meyers, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, says there is “global uncertainty” now in the merger space. “I’m not sure the CMA is really more unpredictable than others, but [due to the appeals system] it has bigger teeth,” he says. “It throws up the question as to whether the current system is viable, given the geopolitical blocs that are forming,” says a seasoned Brussels lobbyist, referring to the outsized influence of US, EU, UK and Chinese regulators.

Spectator podcast: Will Starmer soften Brexit?

19 September 2023
Oscar Edmondson speaks to Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in a podcast on where a Labour government would take British relations with the EU.

Building his profile on global stage, UK opposition leader meets Macron

19 September 2023
The New York Times
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a research institute, said Mr Starmer knew that after years of tension over Brexit, an incoming Labour government’s credibility with the European Union could be quite low.

Can Keir Starmer reset Britain’s Brexit deal?

19 September 2023
Financial Times
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, warned that the EU side had “many other priorities” and any initiative from a Labour government would require careful framing and a clear “offer”. “Before he takes office Starmer needs to work out what he wants to change in the Brexit settlement, and then forewarn EU leaders of what they should expect from Labour,” he added.
Charles Grant

Channel 4 News: Keir Starmer said he would boost growth by rewriting the Brexit deal

18 September 2023
"Will Starmer try and go beyond his red lines? The impression I get from talking to people in the Labour leadership is they know they've got to go further ...

Mario Draghi’s back — With a lot of work to do

18 September 2023
A paper co-authored by Sander Tordoir, economist at the Centre for European Reform, set out earlier this year why Germany needs a new growth model — including more infrastructure spending, higher wages and filling digitalization gaps. 

Keir Starmer warned of tough choice over revisiting Brexit

18 September 2023
The Evening Standard
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, added: “‘Some bolt-ons to the EU-UK trade deal would help some sectors, like agriculture. “But they wouldn’t change the problem: a free trade agreement is much less effective than a single market and customs union. Starmer says he wants a closer EU relationship to improve growth, but his red lines on the EU make it very hard to achieve that.”

Keir Starmer wants to rewrite the Brexit deal? Good – and he shouldn’t hold back

18 September 2023
The Guardian
According to one estimate from the Centre for European Reform, the British economy is more than 5% smaller than it would have been if Brexit hadn’t happened. 

Italy toughens asylum laws amid surge in migrant arrivals

Camino Mortera-Martinez
18 September 2023
Voice of America
The plan is unlikely to have a big effect, said Camino Mortera-Martinez of the Centre for European Reform. “When it comes to substantive points and content of things that the Commission can do — or the European Union even can do — about this problem, there is absolutely nothing new. We see von der Leyen’s 10-point plan that she offered Italy, and we see the same things that we've been seeing for the past 10 years,” Mortera-Martinez told VOA.
The economist John Springford on how he modelled what the UK would look like had it voted Remain.

Welcome to Doppelgänger Britain – a world without Brexit

16 September 2023
The New Statesman
The economist John Springford on how he modelled what the UK would look like had it voted Remain.
The EU still needs to build its de-risking toolkit

The EU still needs to build its de-risking toolkit

14 September 2023
‘De-risking’ the EU’s economic ties with China took centre stage in this week’s state of the union speech by European Commission President von der Leyen.

Italy mulls quitting China's 'Belt and Road' but fears offending Beijing

14 September 2023
Voice of America
There are also geopolitical reasons for Italy rethinking its membership in China's BRI, said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform."There's come to be a certain diplomatic stigma attached to it, partly because the whole of the West is rethinking its relationship with China," Scazzieri told VOA.

Has the European Central Bank become too powerful?

13 September 2023
The Economist
Officials must combine a monetary-policy justification with adherence to the eu’s fiscal rules and the need for sustainable debt. As such, “ECB lawyers have to be among the most innovative in the world,” says Sander Tordoir of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.