Single market, competition & trade
Qué será de Europa - La recuperación exige un nuevo pacto entre el capital y el trabajo
14 December 2012
La Vanguardia
Si la situación económica no muestra síntomas de recuperación, las finanzas públicas seguirán debilitándose. Y, también, si los gobiernos no corrigen en aplicar medidas de austeridad que se alejan de las políticas de redistribución fiscal y de los sistemas de protección social, el escenario que se creará agravará los problemas...
Brytyjski ekspert: Cameron w sprawie budżetu Unii postawi na swoim
23 November 2012
Gazeta Wyborcza
Brytyjski premier nie jest sam. Oszczędności chce Szwecja, Holandia i, co najważniejsze, Niemcy - mówi John Springford, analityk brytyjskiego think tanku Centre for European Reform
Workers must get a bigger slice of the pie
22 November 2012
The New York Times
Economic growth in Europe depends on a recovery in household consumption. And that, in turn, requires a rethinking of the balance between capital and labour.
Middle class amid industrialized economies
11 November 2012
The Voice of Russia
Interview with Simon Tilford – chief economist at the London-based Centre for European Reform about middle class in industrialized or developed economiesI think over quite a long period of time the middle class in industrialized or developed economies has been I think squeezed. What we’ve seen over
Can Angela Merkel talk Cameron into being a more flexible ally?
07 November 2012
The Guardian
The vexed EU budget is supposed to be the main topic of discussion when Germany's chancellor, Angela Merkel, meets David Cameron for supper on Wednesday in Downing Street.
London to Germany: Now save the euro
31 October 2012
The Globalist
Plenty of policy makers and analysts in the United States and the United Kingdom think Germany is destroying the euro. The Germans think they are saving it. Clearly, they both can't be right.
A three-tier EU puts single market at risk
25 October 2012
Financial Times
The euro crisis is changing the shape of the EU. As the countries in the eurozone seek to strengthen it by centralising economic policy making, three tiers are emerging within the union.
Evidence to the Select Committee on EU economic and financial affairs - Reform of the EU banking sector
23 October 2012
House of Lords
Unrevised transcript of evidence evidence given to the House of Lords European Union Sub-Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, with Philip Whyte, senior research fellow, CER.
Europe needs service-market liberalisation
20 September 2012
The Wall Street Journal
In exchange for sharing southern Europe's debt burden, Germany is demanding liberal economic reforms in those countries. Yet Germany is not following its own advice.
Peut-on croire Draghi?
05 September 2012
Les Echos
LE CERCLE. Mario Draghi, le président de la Banque Centrale Européenne, a affirmé à plusieurs reprises que la BCE ferait tout ce qui est nécessaire pour sauver l'euro.
Can Draghi be believed?
03 September 2012
Project Syndicate
LONDON – Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, has repeatedly claimed that the ECB will do everything necessary to save the euro.
Only a Franco-German bargain can save the euro
25 June 2012
The Guardian
Merkel and Hollande don't trust each other, but they must find a way of working together – and the markets may not wait long.
Eurozone crisis: What steps should be taken to move forward?
20 June 2012
The Voice of Russia
Interview with Simon Tilford – chief economist at the Centre for European Reform coming to us all the way from London.
I think a more deeply integrated financial architecture is possibly a solution. One of the reasons why the crises ran out of control in the eurozone is that bank in...
I think a more deeply integrated financial architecture is possibly a solution. One of the reasons why the crises ran out of control in the eurozone is that bank in...
O efeito dominó que ameaça a Espanha e a zona do euro
19 June 2012
Carta Maior
Em entrevista à Carta Maior, Simon Tilford, economista chefe do Centre for European Reform, defende a necessidade de uma massiva injeção fiscal na eurozona, sem a qual a Espanha terá que pedir um resgate este ano.
Germans, the euro and the painful truth
12 June 2012
International Herald Tribune
Will the Germans save the euro? Many people within the European Union and further afield are urging Berlin to take bold steps to secure the currency’s future. They have become frustrated by the Germans' apparent inaction.
But the view of German policy makers — conveyed to me on a recent visit...
But the view of German policy makers — conveyed to me on a recent visit...
Ousting Greece will not bring catharsis
06 June 2012
The International Herald Tribune
How the eurozone handles Greece will determine whether the single currency survives - and hence the future of the European Union as a whole.
Greece and the eurozone: Managing the crisis
29 May 2012
Open democracy
How the eurozone handles Greece will determine whether or not the single currency survives - and hence the future of the European Union as a whole.
Ihr selbstgerechten Deutschen!
30 April 2012
Die Zeit
Wenn es um die Krise in der Euro-Zone geht, lautet die herrschende Erzählung in Deutschland wie folgt: Es gibt keine Krise des Euro, denn dieser war ein Erfolg. Wenn einige Staaten im Moment in Schwierigkeiten stecken, dann nur deshalb, weil sie an Wettbewerbsfähigkeit verloren und die Maastricht-Kriterien verletzt haben. Die...
Die Dreistigkeit der Euro-Zone
12 April 2012
Financial Times Deutschland
Die Politiker und Vordenker der Eurozone haben keinen Zweifel: Durch die Vergrößerung des Rettungsfonds, des Europäischen Stabilitätsmechanismus (ESM), haben sie ihren Teil dazu beigetragen, die Mitglieder der Währungsunion zu stützen, die sich in Schwierigkeiten befinden. Nun liegt es am Rest der Welt - also am Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF) -...
L’audace de la zone euro et le FMI
12 April 2012
Les Echos
LE CERCLE. (par Simon Tilford) - Les décideurs et les hommes politiques de la zone euro ne doutent de rien : ils ont contribué leur part pour soutenir les membres de l’union monétaire en difficulté en accroissant le montant de son fonds d’urgence, le Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES).