Single market, competition & trade
How European Defense Bonds could work
13 February 2025
Internationale Politik Quarterly
Common EU debt issuance does not create an off-the-shelf bazooka. Making bonds work implies inevitable trade-offs and requires real tax revenues.
If the “Brussels effect” fades in tech markets, the EU will only have itself to blame
03 January 2025
Competition Policy International
The EU’s ability to project its regulatory standards across the globe is under pressure. Policy-makers within the EU fret that over-regulation, especially in tech, is contributing to the bloc’s slow economic growth.
What Britain can learn from France about growth
01 December 2024
Financial Times
Planning reform by itself is not enough to supercharge the UK economy
Tackling scams requires a team effort – but the EU is on track to create a blame game
27 November 2024
As EU law-makers update Europe’s payments laws, they want to tackle the bloc’s growing number of impersonation, romance and investment scams.
Draghi and Letta’s proposals to reform competition policy: A step backwards for European innovation
14 November 2024
Two former Italian prime ministers, Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, have recently published reports painting a dire picture of the EU’s economic prospects. Europe’s workforce is aging faster than the US’s.
Economie Interview Sander Tordoir: 'Er hangt een angstsluier over de Duitse economie'
19 October 2024
de Volkskrant
De ooit zo succesvolle Duitse economie is piepend en krakend tot stilstand gekomen. Maar er is hoop, zegt econoom Sander Tordoir.
Taking the pulse: Is China becoming Germany's new dependency?
10 October 2024
Carnegie Europe
Berlin’s “nein” in the vote on introducing EU tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles came despite the fact that the European Commission was following World Trade Organisation’s rules to offset China’s automotive subsidies.
Navigating data sovereignty: Lessons for Taiwan
07 October 2024
Taiwan Insight
Governments are paying growing attention to the concept of data sovereignty. This poses challenges for countries like Taiwan, whose economies have been built around open digital trade.
NPO Radio 1: Hoe gaat het economisch met Duitsland?
30 September 2024
De economische motor van Europa lijkt uit te pruttelen. Duitsland staat keer op keer voor nieuwe problemen, na de coronacrisis en de energiecrisis lijkt de de Duitse autoindustrie nu op de rand van de afgrond te staan.
Future is blue podcast: What Mario Draghi's report means for Europe
18 September 2024
Carlos Carnicero Urabayen is joined by Sander Tordoir and Raymond Torres to discuss the key findings and implications of Mario Draghi’s recent report on Europe's competitiveness.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: Evaluating Mario Draghi's report on competitiveness
13 September 2024
Elisabetta Cornago, Luigi Scazzieri, Sander Tordoir and Zach Meyers discuss Mario Draghi's report.
3 questions on the Draghi report on European competitiveness to Sander Tordoir
12 September 2024
We asked Sander Tordoir, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, for his first reactions to the Draghi report.
Can the EU hold back the great tech decoupling?
10 June 2024
The US has been far more aggressive than the EU in constraining China. US leaders talk about having a “small yard with a high fence” with restrictions on trade and investment only in areas sensitive to national security.
Chinese exports threaten Europe even more than the US
07 June 2024
Biden is right to heed working class voters in Pennsylvania. The Continent, which has even more to lose from a second China shock, better start listening to its workers too.
It's up to the EU to hold back the great tech decoupling
03 May 2024
EU countries can no longer ignore growing pressure from countries seeking a tougher line on China, nor can they ignore China’s efforts to replace Western firms in high-tech supply chains.
CER Podcast: Unpacking Europe: Evaluating Enrico Letta’s report on the single market
24 April 2024
Aslak Berg and Zach Meyers discuss Enrico Letta's report.
ANC Digital: EU leaders to discuss how to boost growth, compete with US, China during special summit
17 April 2024
"To make progress in these areas [EU growth], you really need member-states prepared to make compromises, including to give up some of their own national sovereignty over these particular areas," said Zach Meyers, assistant director, CER.
Why do Britain's goods and services exports appear to be holding up?
08 March 2024
On the face of it, UK exports have been surprisingly robust after Brexit. Goods exports to the EU have tracked those to the rest of the world, despite new trade barriers being imposed on the former but not on the latter.
Will Europe's DMA promote gatekeeper competition?
06 March 2024
(CEPA) The Center for European Policy Analysis
The Digital Markets Act aims to level tech’s uneven playing field. This goal requires not just reining in the largest tech companies but encouraging them to compete against each other.
Interviu Aslak Berg / Nu e deglobalizare: superputerile lumii își reașează piesele pe tablă
04 March 2024
CRONICILE Curs de Guvernare
Ceea ce unii numesc deglobalizare nu reprezintă altceva decât intrarea comerțului global într-o nouă eră, care să răspundă provocărilor lumii multipolare în care trăim – spune cercetătorul Aslak Berg