
EU officials call for calm after week Brexit battle spiralled out of control

07 May 2017
The Guardian
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform in London, said: “The impact of the leak has been to strengthen hardliners in Westminster who want there to be no deal. “Another consequence of the leaking is that the British government no longer believes that the commission is a credible or serious negotiating partner that can be trusted, and that is a real problem.”

France's new president Emmanuel Macron

07 May 2017
USA Today
"The surge of support for Emmanuel Macron shows that liberal, pro-EU centrists may yet have a future in European politics. This would be good for the EU," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.

€100bn Brexit bill is 'legally impossible' to enforce, European Commission's own lawyers admit

07 May 2017
The Telegraph
John Springford, director of research, working on economic issues, at the Centre for European Reform in London, said the member-states were undermining the Commission's attempts to stick to a “principles-based” approach. “The Commission is trying to make the Brexit bill legally coherent so that, if negotiations fail, it has a defensible case at the International Court of Justice in the Hague,” he said.

Marine Le Pen vs. Emmanuel Macron: French candidates couldn't be more different

05 May 2017
USA Today
"A Macron victory would break the political mould of the Fifth Republic. Since 1958 France has been ruled by presidents who hail from the mainstream parties of left or right," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.

Election rehearsal

05 May 2017
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform tweeted that May is wrong to say EU policy makers are interfering in the election. “In fact they want her to win big, so she has the strength to compromise on Brexit,” he said.

Russian EU ambassador says Kremlin has no favorite in French election

04 May 2017
Deutsche Welle
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform (CER), says what surprises him is that Chizhov can say all this with a straight face. "Basically the Putin approach [is that] unless you actually catch me with my hand in the cookie jar, I haven't stolen any cookies," Bond said. "Is he going to come out and say 'yes, of course, we interfere in people's elections'? He's doing precisely what I would expect him to do, which is deny, deny, deny. Does he care if people believe it or not? No, not especially." 

Juncker will find me 'bloody difficult woman' in Brexit talks, says May

03 May 2017
The Guardian
Meanwhile, Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform (CER) thinktank, revealed that commission officials are considering demanding billions more from the UK than was previously suggested. “Commission officials have told me that the amount being sought by the EU from Britain before Brexit goes ahead is likely to be significantly higher than the €60bn that has already been floated,” said the CER director.

Daily Politics: The growing Brexit bill

03 May 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Andrew Neil about the growing Brexit bill (from 03.40).

A terrible start to the Brexit conversation

Simon Tilford
02 May 2017
The Financial Times
The UK is deluding itself if it thinks it will prosper outside the EU, writes Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform. He contends that few countries have ever allowed their sense of exceptionalism to damage their interests in the way Britain is doing.

BBC Sunday Politics: Camino Mortera-Martinez on Brexit neogitations

Camino Mortera-Martinez
02 May 2017
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to BBC Sunday Politics on the EU summit and the forthcoming Brexit neogitations.

Britain’s complacency over Brexit will end in humiliation

Simon Tilford
02 May 2017
The Guardian
France and Germany don't make the mistake of thinking they would be better off outside the EU. The UK is deluding itself if it thinks it will prosper.

Grudging Public Support for Euro Could Hold It Together

Christian Odendahl
30 April 2017
The Wall Street Journal
“The cost of breaking up the euro is so high that this probably won’t be the consequence of the challenge from populism,” says Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. “Rather, the issue is resistance to the broader European project. If populists win power on the basis of anti-euro rhetoric, countries’ willingness to work together in Europe will be constrained.”

European Union leaders - minus Britain - gather ahead of 'Brexit' negotiations to plot their moves

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 April 2017
The Los Angeles Times
“There was some concern that the UK will try to approach the negotiations with divide-and-rule tactics,” said Agata Gostyńska, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank. “The EU has something big at stake. It’s the EU’s fate. This is one of Germany’s priorities, to keep the EU united.”

Das Märchen von der britischen Einzigartigkeit

Simon Tilford
29 April 2017
Spiegel Online
Die britische Elite hält ihr Land für dermaßen außergewöhnlich, dass es den Rest Europas nicht braucht. So war ihre Einstellung zur EU, so kam es zum Brexit. Und so wird es zu einer Demütigung der Briten kommen.

Can Emmanuel Macron solve France's economic riddle?

29 April 2017
The Guardian
According to Charles Grant, director of the CER, Macron wants two things from Germany. Firstly, he wants Berlin to agree to reflate its domestic economy, thereby helping not just French exporters but those of other EU countries. Secondly, he wants to complete the monetary union project by having a eurozone budget managed by a eurozone parliament and a eurozone finance minister.

European leaders back Brexit negotiating plan before talks

Christian Odendahl
28 April 2017
“The British have been on a steep learning curve when it comes to what the red lines are and what they can reasonably expect to achieve,” said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform. “The EU has been remarkably consistent over the last couple of months when it comes to its position.”
RTÉ News: Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker

RTÉ News: Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker

26 April 2017
John Springford talks to RTÉ News about the likely topics of discussion when Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker in London (from 27.03).

Britain must contribute to EU budget until 2020 to secure favourable Brexit terms

26 April 2017
The Telegraph
Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank said that Germany - egged on by France - was leading the hardline on the budget issue, which Europe says must be satisfactorily resolved before it will agree to trade talks. "Some top officials suggest that they will not compromise on the €60 billion," he said, "But if the British are willing to compromise on the money, they will find the 27 willing to start talks on an FTA."

CER podcast: What UK-EU trade deal after Brexit?

John Springford, Sophia Besch
25 April 2017
John Springford talks to Sophia Besch about about the best possible trade deal between the UK and the EU after Brexit. Based on new empirical research into the costs of trade barriers he argues for a ‘Swiss style’ Brexit.

Tok FM: Wielka Brytania przed ogłoszeniem przyspieszonych wyborów

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
25 April 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the forthcoming UK elections.