
CER podcast: What UK-EU trade deal after Brexit?

John Springford, Sophia Besch
25 April 2017
John Springford talks to Sophia Besch about about the best possible trade deal between the UK and the EU after Brexit. Based on new empirical research into the costs of trade barriers he argues for a ‘Swiss style’ Brexit.

Tok FM: Wielka Brytania przed ogłoszeniem przyspieszonych wyborów

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
25 April 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the forthcoming UK elections.

Britain's best option for Brexit would be a Swiss-style deal keeping trade barriers with EU as low as possible, says new report

24 April 2017
The Sun
CER director of research John Springford said: “Something similar to the Swiss deal, but without free movement, would be the very best that Britain can hope for. “The EU might not be prepared to offer the UK such a deal, since the Swiss have accepted free movement as the price of single market participation in goods, and the EU want the Swiss to download EU law more rapidly.

Macron's rise could prove a mixed blessing for Brexit Britain

24 April 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said he would expect Mr Macron to continue with President François Hollande’s tough approach to Brexit. “He doesn’t want the nationalists to be able to argue that coming out of the EU pays off, so Britain must be seen to suffer a bit,” he said. “Macron is also a true believer in a federalist sense.”

Europe's populist wave stalls as Macron storms into French runoff

Christian Odendahl
23 April 2017
The Daily Mail
Others are sceptical about whether Macron can convince the Germans to do a deal. Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform points to a lack of "intellectual convergence" between Berlin and Paris on what Europe really needs. "In Berlin, there isn't a great sense of urgency. They see this as a marathon, not a sprint. There is a preference for incremental improvements in Europe rather than bold new projects," he said.

Le Pen and Macron: Candidates vying to be France's next president

23 April 2017
USA Today
"A Macron victory would break the political mould of the Fifth Republic. Since 1958 France has been ruled by presidents who hail from the mainstream parties of left or right," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank.

General election fever and Theresa May's Brexit travails

22 April 2017
The Irish Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, believes the election may have a limited impact on the course of the negotiations. “I think it will strengthen her hand domestically. She says it’s to strengthen her hand with the EU. It doesn’t make any difference to the EU, because the EU has the whip hand. The EU is in a strong position, and Britain is in a weak position, and the fact that she has a strong majority behind her doesn’t really change the fundamentals of the power relationship between the EU and the UK,” he says.

EU hopeful UK vote will smooth Brexit path

Simon Tilford
21 April 2017
Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform predicted that, despite the divisive nature of the Brexit referendum, May would win a massive majority of 130-150 seats because of the opposition Labour party's weakness. If so the "positive scenario is that she wants that (a majority) so she's not vulnerable to attacks from the eurosceptic right," Tilford told AFP.

French candidates pledge to fight terrorism in cliffhanger election

Simon Tilford
21 April 2017
Still, the element of fear can’t be underestimated in the voters’ decision, said Simon Tilford, deputy-director at the London-based Centre for European Reform. “Of all the candidates, Le Pen is the one most likely to benefit,” he said. “The fear is this will heighten concern about Islamic terrorism and enable Le Pen to tap into fears over migration and refugees.”

'Make Me Stronger' The election campaign is on. What choices will Britain be offered?

20 April 2017
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform wrote in the Guardian that the EU won’t make Brexit easy, no matter what the election result is.

How France's presidential election could break – or make – the EU

20 April 2017
The Guardian
“It would show that liberal, pro-EU centrists may yet have a future in European politics,” says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform. “Macron wants reforms to pep up France’s economy and strengthen its position in Europe.” A Macron win could also suggest that, after Britain’s decision to leave and the shock election of Donald Trump in the US, “the demise of liberalism, internationalism and the EU ... may not be inevitable,” Grant added.

Camino Mortera-Martinez — Wonk of the Week

Camino Mortera-Martinez
20 April 2017
In this new Playbook feature we'll shine a spotlight each Thursday on an author posting interesting content on Based in Brussels, Camino Mortera-Martinez works for the Centre for European Reform.

Judy Asks: Does France need to change?

Sophia Besch
20 April 2017
Carnegie Europe
It has become popular to argue that France needs to change, not only for the country's own sake, but also for the sake of the EU's future.

Can he close the deal? Inside Macron's daring run for the Elysee

20 April 2017
"For someone like Macron to win in a country that views the EU, free trade and bankers with a great deal of scepticism would be remarkable," said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think-tank. "It would suggest that the populist wave may have reached its peak in France and in parts of western Europe."

Germany needs a strong EU. Why would it allow Britain an easy Brexit?

19 April 2017
The Guardian
Angela Merkel’s government has no interest in indulging the UK during the negotiations – and a general election won't change that.

EU unmoved by May's election surprise

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 April 2017
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the London-based Centre for European Reform says it could help Mrs May in the talks over the transitional period after Brexit. “This is a tricky issue, because the transition would probably mean continued jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice, and continued payments to the EU.”

Erdogan warned to tread carefully with Turkey's EU entry at stake

18 April 2017
"The approval of the constitutional changes makes the prospect of Turkey's accession to the EU recede even further," Luigi Scazzieri, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, said in an emailed statement. "Many European leaders are already calling into question the future of the accession process."

After economic crisis, low birthrates challenge Southern Europe

Simon Tilford
16 April 2017
The New York Times
While dwindling populations threaten all of Europe, “the really serious problem is that some of the weakest countries are the ones with the least favorable demographics,” said Simon Tilford, the deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. “Lower birthrates in the south will mean weaker growth and productivity, holding the birthrate down and producing more fiscal problems.”

EU not ready to act against Hungary on reforms

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
12 April 2017
Voice of America
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform says the tools the bloc has to address rule of law issues aren’t working properly. “When a government violates European law and in the process goes against democratic values the commission can open an infringement procedure and bring the case in front of the Court of Justice. This procedure cannot be applied however when an EU government backtracks on democratic values but does not break any EU law. If the European Commission does not find any evidence that the EU law has been broken by government's reforms on higher education there is little it can do.”

EU, French militaries prepare to go it alone after Brexit, US warnings

Sophia Besch
09 April 2017
France 24
“After the British vote to leave the Franco-German couple is the obvious pair to provide leadership for EU defence,” writes research fellow Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform. “France will be the only country left in the EU that can credibly project force abroad, and not many initiatives can succeed in Brussels without Germany’s support.”