
Why Brexit divorce talks don't favour Theresa May

17 March 2017
Yet the longer talks go on without an agreement, the more pressure will build on May to accept any terms that she’s offered. That risks “economic chaos,” says Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform. “So if Britain wants a half-decent deal, it needs the goodwill of its partners.”

UK's Brexit fight with Scotland escalates as May rejects vote

17 March 2017
Japan Times
“What you have now is Sturgeon maneuvering to get May to offend as many Scots as possible and May trying to maneuver to offend as few as possible,” said Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the London-based Centre For European Reform.
TVN24 BiS: Brexit już niemal przesądzony. Co to oznacza dla Polaków

TVN24 BiS: Brexit już niemal przesądzony. Co to oznacza dla Polaków

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 March 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TVN24 BiS about what Brexit will mean for immigrants in Britain and for British people themselves.
TOK FM: Theresa May zapowiedziała uruchomienie Brexitu pod koniec marca

TOK FM: Theresa May zapowiedziała uruchomienie Brexitu pod koniec marca

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 March 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the impending Brexit talks and what is to come over the next few months.

Who won the Dutch election, what happens now and what will Geert Wilders do next?

Rem Korteweg
16 March 2017
The Express
Mr Wilders has got the second largest party and will play an important opposition role, according to Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER). “He is going to keep ramming home his agenda," Mr Korteweg said today in the wake of the provisional election result last night.

One image perfectly captures why populists didn't win the Dutch election

Rem Korteweg
16 March 2017
Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the think-tank Centre for European Reform (CER), says the French and Dutch political systems aren’t really comparable. “If you want to talk about the populist tide, the tide is still there,” he says, but “there are definitely breakwaters you need to take into account,” including how “the Dutch political system works.”

Relief washes over European leadership after Dutch vote

16 March 2017
The Boston Globe
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based research organization, said the “Trump factor” had played a role in “making people think twice about voting for a populist, as people have seen that if you elect a populist you can get all kinds of wacky policies.” “At the same time,” he added, “we have seen a drop in populism in Europe since Brexit, as citizens have realized that, while a protest vote is fun, it can lead to the uncertainties of Brexit, which are not funny at all. That helped shift the mood in the Netherlands.”

Jesse Klaver, el Trudeau holandés que lleva a los Verdes a máximos

Rem Korteweg
16 March 2017
El Espanol
"Los apoyos de los socialistas se han fragmentado. Muchos han ido a GroenLinks y su carismático nuevo líder", explica a EL ESPAÑOL el investigador holandés Rem Korteweg, del think tank Centre for European Reform.

One image perfectly captures why populists didn't win the Dutch election

Rem Korteweg
16 March 2017
Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the think tank Centre for European Reform (CER), says the French and Dutch political systems aren’t really comparable. “If you want to talk about the populist tide, the tide is still there,” he says, but “there are definitely breakwaters you need to take into account,” including how “the Dutch political system works.”
BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight

BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight

15 March 2017
Charles Grant talks to The World Tonight about what could lie in store should Britain leave the EU without an exit deal (from 30.25).

CNN: Netherlands elections, after exit polls suggest Rutte ahead of Wilders

15 March 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Richard Quest on CNN to discuss the Dutch election result.

Hollanti äänestää ja Eurooppa jännittää – HS tapasi äänestäjiä pikkukaupungissa: ”Wilders ei saa nousta valtaan, hän on vaarallinen”

Rem Korteweg
15 March 2017
Helsingin Sanomat
Mutta kyselyihin ei uskota Britannian brexit-äänestyksen ja Trumpin vaalivoiton jälkeisessä maailmassa. Hollantilaiset saattavat ujostella kertoa gallup-nikkareille tukevansa Wildersiä, kertoo Centre for European Reform -ajatushautomon tutkija Rem Korteweg.

Ban on head scarves at work is legal, EU court rules

Camino Mortera-Martinez
14 March 2017
The New York Times
“It is a very bold step,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels, describing the ruling as a landmark decision, if also a political and pragmatic one. “Recently we have seen the court being much more attentive to the political winds rather than being so legalistic, because of the recognition that the E.U. is at risk of collapse.”

British PM May faces fresh Brexit hurdles despite winning parliament approval

14 March 2017
The Straits Times
"The thing historians will think quite strange is that, given that there's no majority in the country and no majority in parliament for a hard Brexit, how are we getting a hard Brexit?" said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. "The answer is there's no opposition and the Tory party, although a lot of it is quite soft, they are very scared of the eurosceptic newspaper groups."

The four traps Theresa May must avoid in her EU divorce letter

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2017
The Guardian
To avoid disaster, Britain’s prime minister needs to get article 50 talks off to a good start – and that begins when she writes to Donald Tusk.

Au Parlement néerlandais, chacun sa chapelle

Rem Korteweg
14 March 2017
«Une coalition sans Wilders sera un véritable Rubik’s Cube politique, écrit Rem Korteweg, chercheur au Centre for European Reform (CER). Ce système donne l’avantage aux partis qui défendent une cause unique, mais le résultat, c’est qu’il est presque impossible de dominer la scène politique.» Retour sur cette mosaïque de mouvements petits et jeunes, qui pourraient rafler des sièges au Parlement et donner la réplique à une future coalition hétéroclite.

Turcja i Holandia w konflikcie. Zyskają na tym obie strony?

Rem Korteweg
13 March 2017
Ale tylko w Holandii spór przybrał tak gwałtowną formę. Jak mówi w rozmowie z WP Rem Korteweg, holenderski analityk ośrodka Centre for European Reform (CER) w Londynie, stało się tak z jednego powodu: holenderskiej kampanii wyborczej.

Großbritannien-EU: Startschuss für den Brexit

Simon Tilford
13 March 2017
Die Presse
„Labour ist in völliger Auflösung und hat keine Strategie“, erklärte Simon Tilford vom Thinktank Centre for European Reform der „Presse“.

Post-election chaos could propel Wilders into a no-lose situation

Rem Korteweg
13 March 2017
The Times
Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the CER, believes that Mr Wilders wins even if he loses. Put another way, a fractured, fragile pro-EU centrist establishment loses even if it wins, as France could be about to discover. “If the alternative to a Wilders-led government is a period of prolonged political instability, the odds of him returning with even more seats next time around would increase,” he said. “Keeping him out of government could then become very difficult indeed.”

Los europeístas y proinmigración también prosperan en las elecciones de Holanda

Rem Korteweg
13 March 2017
El Espanol
¿Qué factores explican el ascenso de los partidos proeuropeos y el retroceso de Wilders? Para el investigador holandés Rem Korteweg, del think tank Centre for European Reform, el líder del euroescéptico PVV está sufriendo el contagio negativo del brexit y de Trump, con los que se había alineado. "La gente está nerviosa y preocupada. Ven en las noticias la incertidumbre en Reino Unido y el caos político en Estados Unidos y eso se traduce en dudas a la hora de votar por Wilders", explica Korteweg a EL ESPAÑOL.