
Theresa May faces fight to keep Brexit on track as Brussels puts the boot in and rivals push for delay

John Springford, Simon Tilford
10 June 2017
The Sun
The Centre for European Reform said the Tories could seek a “cross party consensus” with Labour.

Theresa May could be ousted by her own MPs if she goes for hard Brexit

Simon Tilford
09 June 2017
Huffington Post
The Centre for European Reform (CER) warned the Prime Minister would now have to take into account the views of pro-Europeans in her party during Brexit negotiations – or face a vote of no confidence.

May clings to power with Northern Irish unionists

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 June 2017
EU Observer
“The elections further complicated the UK’s negotiating leverage,” Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, told EUobserver. "The fact that she is forming a minority government, [and] that Labour has strengthened, might result in the parliament putting more pressure on her stance, demanding greater scrutiny, and for her to reveal her positions,” she said.

Porażka Theresy May szansą dla Polski?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 June 2017
Przed wyborami Partia Konserwatywna wskazywała, ze będzie chciała utrzymania dotychczasowych praw obywateli UE w Wielkiej Brytanii. Ale stanowisko Unii szło jeszcze dalej: Unia chciała, by prawa te były zagwarantowane przez Trybunał Sprawiedliwości UE - mówi WP Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, analityk Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

Le revers de Theresa May va compliquer encore les négociations du Brexit

John Springford, Simon Tilford
09 June 2017
Le Temps
«Theresa May ne pourra pas rester au pouvoir et elle démissionnera: elle a perdu toute crédibilité au sein de son parti», estiment Simon Tilford et John Springford, du Centre for European Reform, un think tank britannique. Si c’est le cas, une période d’environ deux mois s’ouvrira pour élire un nouveau leader des conservateurs. Le vainqueur définira alors une nouvelle position sur le Brexit et les négociations devront attendre.

Is a softer Brexit on the cards?

Simon Tilford
09 June 2017
Financial Times
Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, says that the result offers some succour to those who voted Remain in last year’s referendum.

Deutsche Welle: Ten problem będzie największą kością niezgody w negocjacjach z Brukselą na temat praw Polaków mieszkających w Wielkiej Brytanii

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 June 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Deursche Welle Poliski about the rights of Poles living in Great Britain.

PBS Newshour: John Springford

09 June 2017
John Springford, director of research at the CER, talks to PBS Newshour about the UK election result and what this means for Brexit negotiations with the EU.

British election throws up yet more questions on Brexit

Sophia Besch
09 June 2017
dpa international
 "You could hope that the EU-27 will see this as an opportunity for them to reach a softer Brexit deal with the UK, which is, in the end, in the interest of all of Europe to have a more stable relationship with Britain," Sophia Besch of the Centre for European Reform said. She noted that the election had shifted the power dynamic in the EU's favour.

An election that offered few answers

08 June 2017
“We’ve learnt nothing [about Brexit] because it suits Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn to say next to nothing about it,” said Charles Grant, director of the independent Centre for European Reform think-tank.“The political leaders have conspired to pull the wool over the eyes of the British people and avoid explaining that Brexit means painful choices.”

Crossing fingers for Corbyn

John Springford, Simon Tilford
08 June 2017
Handelsblatt Global
A disorderly Brexit would trigger a sharp depreciation of the pound, rising inflation and causing a “deep recession” in Britain, warned economists John Springford and Simon Tilford of the London-based Centre for European Reform.

Der Schlüssel für Macrons Erfolg liegt auch bei der EZB

Christian Odendahl
08 June 2017
Die heutige EZB-Sitzung hat gezeigt, dass die Zentralbank offenbar gewillt ist, dem politischen Druck zu widerstehen und ihre aggressive Geldpolitik beizubehalten. Das ist die richtige Entscheidung – und insbesondere für Emmanuel Macron enorm wichtig. Denn aus Deutschland wird Frankreichs Präsident wohl nur sehr bedingt die Unterstützung erhalten, die er für eine erfolgreiche Amtszeit braucht.

After the election, the real test: Brexit

08 June 2017
The Economist
Officials liken the [Brexit] process to accession negotiations in reverse. That is not reassuring for Britain: as Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, notes, accession talks consist more of take-it-or-leave-it offers than real negotiations. And so far the EU 27 have proved both united and hardline.

Elections in UK and France reveal diverging EU paths

08 June 2017
Fox Business
"The elites in Britain and France have always had very different views on the merits of EU membership," says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform.

TVN 24 BIS: Brytyjczycy głosują w wyborach. Co się zmieni?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 June 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TVN 24 Bis about the UK elections and Brexit.

What today’s UK election means for Britain and Europe

08 June 2017
The remaining 27 members of the EU would “cautiously welcome Theresa May having a larger majority,” John Springford, policy director of research at Centre for European Reform, tells Quartz. “It means they have someone with a strong personal mandate to negotiate with and any agreement that they put together is less likely to fall apart.”

TOK FM: Wybory parlamentarne w Wielkiej Brytanii - Partia Konserwatywna bliska zwycięstwa?

08 June 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM about the UK elections.

Cracks in co-operation

Camino Mortera-Martinez
07 June 2017
Financial Times
But in the event of a hard Brexit, these cracks may become crevices. Post-Brexit “security co-operation will be weakened”, says Camino Mortera-Martinez, an expert in home affairs at the Centre for European Reform. “It doesn't mean there will be more attacks, but it does mean that it will be difficult to cooperate smoothly and quickly.”

Why Prime Minister May is wrong to say no Brexit deal is better than a bad deal

Simon Tilford, John Springford
07 June 2017
"The costs to the UK economy of failing to strike a deal would dwarf those of signing up to a bad deal," authors John Springford, director of research, and Simon Tilford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, suggested.

CER podcast: UK election primer

Sophia Besch, Charles Grant, Simon Tilford
07 June 2017
On the day before the UK general election, Charles Grant and Simon Tilford discuss current polls, the effect of recent attacks on voting, which issues were not sufficiently discussed in the campaigns and what would be the best possible election result for Europe.