
How Trump set Poland on the path to dictatorship

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
21 July 2017
The Daily Beast
“I just don’t see the appetite for such measures among the member states,” says Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, an analyst at Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank. “And it’s not just Hungary. Germany, too, will be reluctant to isolate Poland. So the Commission might well activate Article 7, but it will likely end at that.”

Voice of America: French military spending squeeze prompts top General's resignation

Sophia Besch
20 July 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to Henry Ridgwell as France's military head has resigned after a clash with President Emmanuel Macron over budget cuts.
Simon Tilford

Sky News: UK lacking in preparation for the Brexit negotiations

Simon Tilford
18 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks with Sky's Ian Brady on the EU's frustration with Britain over its lack of preparation for the Brexit negotiations.

Preserving peace in Ireland after Brexit

Edward Burke
18 July 2017
Financial Times
How to preserve the progress achieved since July 20 1997 is an exceptionally delicate question as the UK prepares to leave the EU. Edward Burke wrote a lucid analysis of the risks for the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

How to beat the ticking Brexit clock: Let British business leaders do the talking

Miriam González Durántez
18 July 2017
The Guardian
Unlike think-tanks like the Centre for European Reform which knows more about the EU than the whole cabinet put together, the common characteristic of most of the Legatum trade commission seems to be not having worked at any time within the EU or even directly with it.

CER podcast: Brexit negotiations: Players and process on the EU side

Sophia Besch, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
17 July 2017
Sophia Besch talks to Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska about the role of the European Commission, the member-states, the European Parliament and the ECJ in the Brexit talks.

David Davis' big Brexit bout eclipsed by scrap in London

17 July 2017
Financial Times
Spread over two or three years, annual payments of about €10bn net would address one of the EU's biggest concerns - a budget crunch that forces it to prematurely reopen its long-term budget before 2020. Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform has heard that may be enough for some capitals.

Britain's Conservative cabinet shambles over Brexit

17 July 2017
Financial Times
According to Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform, the Treasury has written an unpublished analysis that shows that the economic benefits of Mr Fox’s future trade agreements with non-EU states would be significantly less than the economic cost of leaving the customs union. Such a document, if leaked or published, could be a blow to Mr Fox’s position.

Brexit talks round 2: What to expect

Simon Tilford
16 July 2017
Deutsche Welle
Estimates of the potential end sum cover a wide spectrum but most are relatively consistent. The Centre for European Reform projects a figure from 25 to 73 billion euros  ($29-84 billion).

Britains Brexit chaos leaves EU friends and foes bemused

15 July 2017
“Our friends are concerned - and less friendly countries are bemused and astonished - that the great British machine, which is world famous for efficiency, now seems to be all over the place,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in London. “Britain’s name has never been held in lower regard than now in terms of its competence, its ability to organize, its ability to be strategic and influence anything.”

BBC Radio World at One: EU first

Simon Tilford
14 July 2017
Simon Tilford speaks to 'The World at One' about Emmanuel Macron and his priorities (from 15:27mins).

Think Tank Awards 2017: Who won?

14 July 2017
The winner this year of the best UK international affairs think-tank category was the Centre for European Reform, which enlightened anyone interested on Britain’s negotiating position, the stance of the “other side” (the EU negotiators), and where the discussions are likely to head in the end.

Macrons riskante Reformwette

Christian Odendahl
14 July 2017
Der Spiegel
"Die meisten internationalen Schätzungen ergeben, dass es nur geringe Jobeffekte hat, den Schutz für Beschäftigte abzubauen", schreibt Christian Odendahl vom Centre for European Reform (CER).
Germany's labour reforms may not deserve their fame

Germany's labour reforms may not deserve their fame

13 July 2017
Germany's start-of-the-century labour reforms are getting a lot of attention these days, both as the cure-all for the country's previous economic woes and as the culprit behind inequality.

Donald Trump z wizytą we Francji: Emmanuel Macron przyjmuje go po cesarsku

Sophia Besch
13 July 2017
Macron chce być pośrednikiem między Ameryką i Europę, bo nikt inny nie może przejąć tej prestiżowej roli. Z powodu Brexitu brytyjski rząd jest bardzo słaby, jego wpływ na Europę niewielki. Trump z kolei ostro zaatakował Niemcy z powodu nadwyżki handlowej, a Merkel odpowiedziała na szczycie G20 atakiem na amerykański protekcjonizm i torpedowanie walki z ociepleniem klimatu – mówi „Rzeczpospolitej" Sophia Besch, ekspertka Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

China's new silk road encroaches on US turf in Eastern Europe

12 July 2017
“There may be more willingness to put human-rights issues with China on the back burner,” said Ian Bond, the director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform and a former British diplomat. “In many respects, economically, there is a lot of concern in Europe about the direction the US is heading in.”

The myth of the German jobs miracle

11 July 2017
Financial Times
Christian Odendahl is one of the finest analysts of the German economy writing in English. So it’s worth your time to closely read his review of the country’s labour market reforms of the early 2000s, sometimes called “Agenda 2010” or the “Hartz Reforms”.

Criminal exports

Camino Mortera-Martinez
10 July 2017
Financial Times
Camino Mortera-Martinez of the Centre for European Reform says the European Arrest Warrant has made it easier for the UK to extradite criminals but Britain will find it almost impossible to negotiate as good an arrangement after Brexit.
CER wins the 2017 Prospect Award for best UK international affairs think-tank

CER wins the 2017 Prospect Award for best UK international affairs think-tank

10 July 2017
At the annual Prospect Think-Tank Awards, the Centre for European Reform won in the best UK international affairs think-tank category.

German industry warns UK not to expect help in Brexit negotiations

09 July 2017
The Observer
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said that even if German business did agitate for a good deal for Britain, there was little evidence Merkel would listen. “Many of the key policy-makers in Germany do not care what the business lobbies say,” he said. “They care about the principles. One of their principles is that the single market is indivisible. Another is that the British must be seen to pay a price for Brexit, doing less well outside the EU than in it.”