
UK to seek 'temporary customs union' after Brexit

15 August 2017
Channel News Asia
Professor Alan Winters, director of the UK Trade Policy Observatory at the University of Sussex described the proposals as "vague and aspirational" - a view echoed by John Springford, director of research at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, who accused the government of "constructive ambiguity".

Retired Brits 'rushing to move to Spain, Portugal and France' before Brexit makes it more difficult

14 August 2017
The Mirror
But migration expert John Springford, of the Centre for European Reform, warned the “golden age of British retirees heading to the Costas is probably over”. And he told the Guardian: “Retirees are expensive. There is no way Spain would allow lots of Brits to retire there and use their health system unless young Spanish people could come and work in the UK. If we don’t have free movement, it’s very unlikely we’d have retirement rights.”

Newsnight: The customs union

14 August 2017
Charles Grant speaks to Newsnight about the customs union, and what the UK is hoping to negotiate (from 5.05 mins).
Philip Hammond and Liam Fox's Brexit transition plan is a pipe dream

Philip Hammond and Liam Fox's Brexit transition plan is a pipe dream

14 August 2017
The Guardian
The deal sketched out by the international trade secretary and the chancellor is one the EU could never agree to. Why did they go public with it?

No Britain, no missiles! EU has 'lot riding on' working with UK - ex-Macron defence aide

Francois Heisbourg
14 August 2017
The Express
Europe has a "lot riding on" securing continued defence co-operation with Britain after it has left the EU, the former advisor to French president Emmanuel Macron Francois Heisbourg has said in a CER podcast.

Brexit: UK retirees rushing to settle in Europe, say financial advisers

13 August 2017
The Guardian
“The golden age of British retirees heading to the Costas is probably over,” said John Springford, a migration expert who is director of research at the Centre for European Reform. He pointed to research that found that while young immigrants provided an economic boost in most OECD countries, people turned into a net drain on national finances somewhere between the age of 40 and 45.
CER podcast: François Heisbourg on Franco-German defence co-operation and the EU defence fund

CER podcast: François Heisbourg on Franco-German defence co-operation and the EU defence fund

Sophia Besch, François Heisbourg
11 August 2017
Sophia Besch speaks to Francois Heisbourg about the future of European defence co-operation.

Le miracle économique allemand n’est pas celui que l’on croit

Christian Odendahl
08 August 2017
Le Monde
C’est ce que s’est employé à faire l’économiste allemand Christian Odendahl, membre du Centre for European Reform, un think tank européen basé à Londres. Il vient de publier une étude intitulée « Le mythe Hartz », où il fait tomber quelques idées reçues. « Beaucoup attribuent le succès économique allemand aux réformes Hartz et recommandent que le reste de l’Europe s’en inspire, détaille l’auteur. Mais il y a des raisons d’être sceptique. »

Brexit bill: No longer if, but when and how much

07 August 2017
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said such a proposal had merit and could allow the Brexit talks to progress to the next phase. “There is a strong feeling among UK and EU officials that the best way to present the Brexit bill is as payments during a transition, in return for market access,” he said. “Three years of paying about £10 billion a year would mean the UK handing over a large part of what the EU wants — not all of it, but enough to create goodwill and probably to get the EU to talk about trade.”

Germany's trade surplus

Christian Odendahl
05 August 2017
A paper by economist Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform questions this account of Hartz, finding that the total number of hours worked in Germany has barely increased since the end of the 1990s, while the number of low-paid jobs and of Germans at risk of poverty have both spiked during the same period.

Tok FM: Brexit - czy rząd brytyjski ma opracowaną strategię?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 August 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the UK government and if it has developed a Brexit strategy.

Eurozone hopes PIIGS may fly

Simon Tilford
03 August 2017
Not all economists are saluting the Germans, however, nor are they all overly impressed by the latest rosy assessment of the bloc’s performance. Simon Tilford of the Centre for European Reform said the austerity program made matters worse in Greece, and that country has still not really rebounded.

Militärmacht auf dem Weg ins Abseits

Sophia Besch
30 July 2017
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Mit der Abkoppelung von Europa bekommt dieser Wehrbeitrag eine neue Stoßrichtung: „Die Sicherheitspolitik soll auch der Brexit-Prosperitätsagenda dienen, das Land als globale Macht aufzustellen – nicht nur als spezialisierte Militärmacht im europäischen Verbund“, sagt Sophia Besch, Expertin für Sicherheitspolitik am Center for European Reform in London.

No Dunkirk spirit can save Britain from Brexit defeat

Simon Tilford
28 July 2017
The New York Times
As Simon Tilford at the Center for European Reform has pointed out, Britain will be much less attractive to the foreign-owned businesses that generate half its exports once they cannot sell to the Continent without barriers.

Dublin heaps pressure on May over Northern Ireland

28 July 2017
Financial Times
Charles Grant, director of the think-tank the Centre for European Reform, said there was a nearly 50 per cent chance that Britain remains in a customs union with the EU indefinitely — in a move that would open up the possibility of a soft Irish border.
“If Labour as a bloc [at Westminster] decides that Britain should stay in a customs union, then there is no parliamentary majority for not being in a customs union,” he said.

Special report: Poland's constitutional crisis threatens to pull EU apart

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 July 2017
The Telegraph
"We tend to focus on Hungary and UK but there are other member states - including Germany - who will not want to risk acting against Poland particularly if they can trade Polish support in other policy areas, " says Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, eastern EU expert at the Centre for European Reform, the London think-tank.

Brytyjski dziennik: Użycie art. 7 wobec Polski grozi rozerwaniem UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 July 2017
Fakty interia
Cytowana przez gazetę Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska z Centre for European Reform powiedziała, że "zazwyczaj skupiamy się na Węgrzech i Wielkiej Brytanii, ale są też inne kraje, w tym Niemcy, które nie chcą ryzykować działania przeciwko Polsce, szczególnie jeśli mogą przehandlować to za polskie poparcie w innych obszarach".

9 reasons why (some) Brits hate Europe’s highest court

25 July 2017
But not everyone agrees. Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, said he was not convinced many people have a problem with the ECJ. “It is a fairly small minority,” he said.

Poland's president defies government as he vetoes controversial judiciary reforms

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 July 2017
The Telegraph
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior analyst at the Centre for European Reform, said Poland may still be open to infringement proceedings as Mr Duda approved the third bill on Common Courts. 
"The Commission will now be reluctant to go as far as recommending member states triggering Article 7 proceedings, but it will definitely want to send a signal that the case is not closed," she said. 
"It might still want to open an infringement procedure against the law on reforming of the Common Courts, if it feels there are legal grounds."

9 ways Britain could stay in the European Union

21 July 2017
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, agreed. "The political imperative of keeping the Brits in the club would override any legal concerns," he said.