
Newstalk: Reaction on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

25 February 2022
Sobering analysis from Ian Bond on why we have to be honest about the prospects for a Ukrainian insurgency. "The Russians have a record of extraordinary brutality in suppressing insurgencies in Chechnya & Syria - bombing everything that moves and intimidating."

iNews 24: EU agrees to freeze assets linked to Putin

Camino Mortera-Martinez
25 February 2022
Camino Mortera-Martinez says the EU is preparing to welcome an influx of refugees from Ukraine. She emphasises that Poland not asking for COVID passports or even ID cards shows this crisis is truly unprecedented

Sky News: President of Ukraine says the country will remove sanctions from all citizens who are "ready to defend our state with weapons in their hands"

24 February 2022
Ian Bond says the layout of Russian forces and attacks across Ukraine show Putin's plan to control the whole country.

India Today: Russia invades Ukraine

24 February 2022
Ian Bond says that anyone who has watched Putin's speeches this week can see he's acting on a lot of emotion: both on hatred towards the West and delusion about what kind of country Ukraine is.

La guerra de Putin: lo idiotas que fuimos

Camino Mortera-Martinez
24 February 2022
El Periodico
Lo mejor que nos puede pasar es que los ucranios se defiendan y haya los menores muertos posibles, pero la toma de Kiev y la derrota del gobierno pro-europeo de Zelensky es inevitable.

With the Ukraine invasion, NATO is suddenly vulnerable

24 February 2022
The New York Times
“This changes everything for NATO,’’ said Ian Bond, a former British diplomat who heads foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform. “Russia’s aim is to extinguish Ukraine as a sovereign country in Europe. Now we need to worry about everything, and we need to get serious again.’’

Newstalk: The latest on what’s been happening with the crisis in Ukraine

23 February 2022
The breaking news overnight as The White House says President Biden will no longer be holding a summit with Vladimir Putin The summit had been mooted last weekend in an attempt to deescalate tensions in the region.  Ian Bond is director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform and spoke to Shane this morning with more on this breaking story. Listen here.

The Point: Digital platforms and unfair practices

23 February 2022
Zach Meyers spoke to The Point about how the world is preparing to regulate big tech giants amid the expansion of the digital market.

The west knows the cost of appeasement. We can’t rule out any option for stopping Putin

22 February 2022
The Guardian
The Russian leader has shown he cares enough about Ukraine to shed blood over it. He needs to know the gain won’t be worth the pain.

LBC: Ex-Diplomat warns of danger of Russian false flag operations

22 February 2022
Ex-Diplomat Ian Bond warns ordering troops into rebel-held regions of Ukraine is 'the latest and another dangerous step' from Putin. Watch here.

Readers' letters: Rees-Mogg is living in a Brexit alternative universe

21 February 2022
The Scotsman
It [the independent Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR)] pointed to research from the Centre for European Reform, which concluded that in October 2021 the UK's trade in goods with the EU had been 15.7 per cent, or £12.6bn lower, than it would have been without Brexit.

Putin may launch invasion of Ukraine in Donbas, analysts say

19 February 2022
Yahoo News
Ian Bond, a former British diplomat in Russia and current foreign policy director of the think-tank the Centre for European Reform, told Yahoo News that if Putin’s goal is to seize Donetsk and Luhansk, it “would significantly damage Ukraine’s economy because they’ve got a lot of heavy industry there.”

Jacob Rees-Mogg claims Brexit has been 'extremely beneficial' as trade plummets

17 February 2022
The National
In October, the Office for Budget Responsibility reported that both imports and exports with the EU had been affected by Brexit and that both were on track to end up 15% lower as a result of the UK leaving the EU.
It cited a study from the Centre for European Reform, which warned that month that the UK's trade in goods with the EU was 15.7% – equating to £12.6bn – lower than it would have been without Brexit.

Jacob Rees-Mogg says little evidence Brexit hit trade

17 February 2022
BBC News
The OBR said it was too early to know for sure because, for example, some of the barriers to trade agreed with the EU had not yet come into force.
It pointed to research from the Centre for European Reform, which concluded that in October 2021 the UK's trade in goods with the EU had been 15.7%, or £12.6bn lower, than it would have been without Brexit.

FT Podcast: How Russia's Ukraine threat galvanised western alliances

17 February 2022
After a week of frenetic diplomacy, the Ukraine crisis has yet to be resolved. But it has had a significant impact on reshaping western alliances. Gideon Rachman talks to Charles Grant, director of the CER about the impact of the Russian threat on US ties with Europe, and on Nato and the EU.

Europe is bracing for a possible huge influx of refugees if Russia attacks Ukraine

16 February 2022
"A small incursion would not create a large flow of refugees," said Luigi Scazzieri, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank.
"But a large-scale invasion could potentially lead to millions of displaced. In terms of scale, it could look similar to 2015," when a million Syrians fled their country’s civil war, he said. "But we just don't know what Russia will do at this stage."
CER podcast: The Russia-Ukraine crisis as seen from Kyiv and Paris

CER podcast: The Russia-Ukraine crisis as seen from Kyiv and Paris

Ian Bond, Khrystyna Parandii, Marie Dumoulin
16 February 2022
Ian Bond speaks to Marie Dumoulin and Khrystyna Parandii about the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

Europe's next climate challenge: Getting off Russian gas

15 February 2022
Over the past decade, “there were new LNG terminals built to reduce dependence on piped gas, and there have been new interconnectors to move LNG across the continent,” said Elisabetta Cornago, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels, Belgium. “But when it comes to helping households and businesses invest in energy efficiency, that’s where the pace has been very slow.”“How do we build an energy system in Europe that is decarbonized, stable, and affordable?” Cornago asked. “That’s the big question.” 

Sky News: UK ready to impose some severe economic consequences on Russia

15 February 2022
Ian Bond said the UK should keep supporting the Ukrainians, who are best-placed to defend their country...but it's too late to be thinking about sending armed forces in. 

European diplomacy and the crisis over Ukraine: Limited options and the cohesion test

14 February 2022
Aspenia Online
As Vladimir Putin demands a new security order in Europe and Russian troops mass along Ukraine’s borders, the threat of a major conflict on the continent is real.