
EU official Tweets a warning to Elon Musk

26 April 2022
Twitter’s current terms of use prohibit a range of content not necessarily illegal, for example, expressing a wish that someone dies or posting excessively violent content, said Zach Meyers, a senior researcher at the think-tank the Centre for European Reform. “Twitter would be free to loosen its current content moderation policies while still complying with the DSA – for example, by reversing the ban on Trump,” Meyers said.

Don’t expect Macron’s win to reset UK-France ties

25 April 2022
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform think tank, predicted that a reset in the Franco-British relationship won’t happen until Johnson ceases to be prime minister, and warned that contempt for the U.K. leader at the Elysée should not be underestimated.“The truth is that Macron doesn’t like Boris Johnson at all,” Grant said. “It is not just electoral politics — he really is fed up with Johnson. [The French] think Johnson is not an honest or a serious person they can deal with. That’s going to continue.”

New EU power to fine big tech billions in crackdown on hate speech, disinformation and harmful content

23 April 2022
Sky News
"The big tech firms will heavily resist other countries adopting similar rules, and I cannot imagine the firms voluntarily applying these rules outside the EU,", said Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

EU law targets Big Tech over hate speech, disinformation

23 April 2022
AP News
But they’re unlikely to do so voluntarily, said Zach Meyers, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. There is just too much money on the line if a company like Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, is restricted in how it can target advertising at specific groups of users.“The big tech firms will heavily resist other countries adopting similar rules, and I cannot imagine the firms voluntarily applying these rules outside the EU,” Meyers said.

Por qué una victoria de Le Pen en Francia provocaría el colapso de la Unión Europea

Camino Mortera-Martinez
23 April 2022
El Espanol
"La UE en tanto que proyecto no se puede permitir una victoria de Marine Le Pen. Porque aunque ella haya bajado el tono por lo que se refiere al Frexit y la salida del euro, su proyecto significa una obstrucción desde dentro, al estilo polaco o húngaro. La diferencia es que no es lo mismo tener este estilo agresivo contra la UE en Polonia y Hungría que en pleno motor franco-alemán", explica a EL ESPAÑOL Camino Mortera-Martínez, directora de la oficina en Bruselas del Centre for European Reform.

France is about to vote for its president. The West is watching anxiously.

22 April 2022
NBC News
Nonetheless, Ian Bond, a senior British diplomat for almost 30 years who is now director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said a Le Pen win could mean the end of France’s historical trans-Atlantic defense role. “The French were quite often quite difficult in NATO discussions,” he said.“But where the French didn’t go was to suggest, ‘Actually the Soviet Union isn’t that dangerous, is it?’ They accepted the case that the Soviet Union was the big problem that we had to face. And if Le Pen doesn’t accept that that is true of Russia, then that is problematic.”

Ukraine-Russia: West in promise of new 'security guarantees' to Ukraine as further horrors emerge

22 April 2022
The Scotsman
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy, at the Centre for European Reform in London, said: “Based on Russia's performance so far, I suspect that creating a land bridge to Transnistria will be impossible; but it can do a lot more damage to Ukraine in the attempt.”

EU on cusp of deal to force tech giants to tackle disinformation

22 April 2022
"In negotiating the Digital Services Act, EU law-makers balanced tackling disinformation with protecting free speech. The Commission’s last-minute proposal for stricter regulation of tech platforms during crises undermines this balance," said Zach Meyers, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank.

CER podcast: Water scarcity: Libya's forgotten issue

Megan Ferrando, Malak Altaeb
22 April 2022
Megan Ferrando spoke to Malak Altaeb about water scarcity in Libya.

The UK growth problem will not fix itself

21 April 2022
Financial Times
The Centre for European Reform, a think-tank, estimates that UK trade in goods is down by around 15 per cent due to Brexit.

French election: What exactly is Marine Le Pen's stance on Russia and Vladimir Putin?

18 April 2022
Euro News
"Le Pen does not specify what military threats France faces, and barely mentions Russia. This perhaps reflects the ambiguity of her relationship with Vladimir Putin," says a report for the think-tank the Centre for European Reform (CER) on what a Le Pen presidency would mean for Europe.

What would France look like after a Marine Le Pen victory?

17 April 2022
The Sunday Times
“If Le Pen enacted her policies, the consequences for the EU would be political chaos,” warned Ian Bond and John Springford in a report last week for the Centre for European Reform that described her plans for Europe as “a manifesto for trouble”.

Marine Le Pen is no friend of Brexit Britain

13 April 2022
The Telegraph
As Ian Bond and John Springford have argued in an article for the Centre for European Reform, Le Pen's publicly stated “France-first” agenda would potentially cripple the EU from the inside, as well as profoundly weaken the transatlantic alliance.

EU and Nato keep nervous eye on Marine Le Pen’s bid for French presidency

13 April 2022
Financial Times
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, said president Le Pen “would be bad news for France’s relations with its EU and Nato partners, but good news for Putin”.

Sweden heeds Greta’s call to target ‘consumption-based emissions’ in world-first

13 April 2022
Elisabetta Cornago, a climate expert at the Centre for European Reform, says “I am not sure many other countries in the EU are ready to change their approach to national target setting right now.”

Macron and Le Pen rematch over France’s global voice: In the choir or a monologue

12 April 2022
City A.M
As Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen prepare to face off in the final round of France’s presidential election, most French voters (like voters anywhere) will probably be thinking more about their own economic situation than events in other countries.

¿Qué supondría para Europa que Marine Le Pen llegara a la presidencia?

12 April 2022
Marine Le Pen ha renunciado a su referéndum sobre el euro, pero su programa de “Francia primero” paralizaría la Unión Europea desde dentro y debilitaría la alianza transatlántica.

Potential far-right victory for Le Pen in France’s election race viewed as a threat to the EU

12 April 2022
The Independent
A report from the Centre for European Reform published Monday highlighted how Le Pen could very well go down the same road as Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and his Polish counterpart Mateusz Morawiecki in throwing up roadblocks for Brussels wherever she can to further slow the EU’s already cumbersome decision-making."The difference is that France ... is indispensable to the EU,” the report stressed, saying the consequences would be “political chaos.”

The possibility of a Marine Le Pen victory in France is a boost for Vladimir Putin

11 April 2022
The New Statesman
 “The consequences for the EU would be political chaos,” conclude Ian Bond and John Springford of the Centre for European Reform.

Postwar ETS

08 April 2022
Financial Times
Before Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, the EU had planned to expand its emissions trading system to transport and housing.