
Eurozone dodges triple-dip recession but submerges in 'lost decade'

Simon Tilford
14 November 2014
The Telegraph
"The electorates in Italy and Spain have been stoical so far, but this is predicated on the belief that things will get better. There is a false sense of complacency about what will happen if this depression goes on for year after year," said Simon Tilford.

BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight

13 November 2014
BBC Radio - The World Tonight
Charles Grant comments on John Major's speech in Berlin on the UK in the European Union.

Cameron veut aller plus loin pour limiter l'immigration

Camino Mortera-Martinez
12 November 2014
Le Figaro
Cela montre que le "'tourisme social' n'est pas un problème et que, si se produit un abus manifeste du système, il est possible de l'arrêter", décrypte Camino Mortera du think tank britannique Centre for European Reform.

EU Court rules against benefit tourists

11 November 2014
Wall Street Journal
The judgment is "a pretty good thing for the UK in general and northern European countries who have been pressing for more action on the benefits question," said John Springford at the CER. 

Le Royaume-Uni va-t-il devenir le paradis des fugitifs?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
09 November 2014
"Le temps nécessaire pour organiser les extraditions est passé d’environ 18 mois à entre 15 et 48 jours depuis l’entrée en vigueur du mandat d’arrêt européen en 2004 ", assure Camino Mortera-Martinez, chercheuse au Centre pour la réforme européenne à Londres.

European arrest warrant: The case for opting in

Charles Grant
06 November 2014
The Telegraph
Britain's top legal figures warn that MPs must opt in to the European Arrest Warrant as there is 'no credible alternative'.

Stock markets rally as ECB chief suggests further eurozone stimulus

Simon Tilford
06 November 2014
Voice of America
Simon Tilford, deputy director at the CER, believes time is of the essence. "The situation in the eurozone is very, very grave. Exceptionally grave," he said. "This is an economy that is still in some ways smaller than it was at the beginning of 2008."

ECB threatened to end funding unless Ireland took bailout, letters show

06 November 2014
International New York Times
Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER, said it was “shocking” to see so little acknowledgement from the president of the ECB that the eurozone creditors who financed Ireland’s property bubble bore some responsibility for the crash.

Cameron risks painting himself into an anti-Europe corner

04 November 2014
Financial Times
Not making the case for British EU membership is risky, writes Charles Grant.

With focus on eurosceptics, Cameron risks 'Brexit'

01 November 2014
Agence France Presse
"There has been a complete loss of understanding about where the government's position is on Europe over the past two weeks," said John Springford of the CER.

BBC Radio 4 Week in Westminster: There may be trouble ahead

01 November 2014
BBC Radio 4
Labour discord in Scotland. Tory troubles in Europe. The message from by-elections. And Lord Falconer on losing five stones in weight.
Charles Grant speaks on Cameron's troubles in Brussels (11:04).

Europa moet zich hardmaken voor toegang tot schaliegas VS

Rem Korteweg
31 October 2014
Rem Korteweg writes for Energiepodium on the promise of US shale gas imports and TTIP in the context of the Ukraine crisis (in Dutch).

Commission defers budget battle

Christian Odendahl
30 October 2014
European Voice
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER, said that the real issue was whether the Commission’s decision not to reject immediately the French and Italian budgets had harmed the credibility of the stability and growth pact in the eyes of German voters.

Why the Eurozone suffers from a Germany problem

Simon Tilford
27 October 2014
Social Media Journal
As Simon Tilford suggests, Germany is viewed by many in the Eurozone as a model to follow, rather than as a source for their current problems.

EU membership is 'critical' for British exports

25 October 2014
The Telegraph
The CER has estimated that membership of the EU increases Britain’s trade in goods by around 30 per cent and has also warned that an exit would endanger exports. Europe currently accounts for around 54 per cent of Britain’s total trade.

In his anger, Cameron has made Britain a toxic brand

24 October 2014
The Guardian
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform says Britain’s former allies are "in despair. They want to help us, they want us to stay in – but the brand is increasingly toxic."

Europe needs policies to halt coal, not more debate on targets

Stephen Tindale
24 October 2014
The European Council has accepted the proposals from the European Commission for a -40 per cent greenhouse gas target, a 27 per cent renewables target and a 27 per cent energy efficiency target.

'One road for many itineraries' Bucharest Forum 2014 October 2-4

24 October 2014
Bucharest Forum
Ian Bond, director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform speaks on 'One road for many itineraries' panel, at the Bucharest Forum 2014, held at the Palace of Parliament on October 2 - 4.

Xenophobia is bad economics: Five reasons why Britain should welcome immigration

21 October 2014
"Current levels of immigration help Britain to deal with the costs of an ageing population," states the CER in its paper 'The Economic Consequences of Leaving the EU'.

Europe's crisis that won't go away

Simon Tilford
21 October 2014
BBC News
Simon Tilford from the CER says: "This is a recipe for stagnation, deflation and political populism in France and Italy. It may culminate in a breakdown in relations between Germany and these countries and could even lead to a eurozone break-up."