European arrest warrant: The case for opting in
SIR – Parliament will soon face a crucial vote on the Government’s proposal to opt into certain EU measures. A key concern is the European arrest warrant (EAW).
Without the EAW, other EU members may be unable speedily to extradite suspects such as Hussain Osman or Jeremy Forrest to Britain – both in jail after use of the EAW. The Association of Chief Police Officers says we cannot afford to lose it.
Britain also risks becoming a safe haven for fugitives from justice – a handful of them British citizens, but the vast majority foreign nationals wanted for crimes elsewhere in Europe.
At home, recent statutory changes should help prevent extradition to long pre-trial detention overseas, and curb EAW use for trivial offences. Overseas, Britain can only lead reform of Europe’s criminal justice co-operation by being part of the system.
There is no credible alternative to the EAW. Other EU members will be reluctant to adopt new laws if we reject a system that works. Resort to international law on extradition would be slow and ineffective.
A vote to opt in will be a vote for security and for fair and effective criminal justice.
Lord Phillips of Worth Matravers
Lord Carlile of Berriew QC
Sir Henry Brooke
Sir David Edward QC
Sir Anthony Hooper
Sir Francis Jacobs QC
Sir David Latham
Sir Konrad Schiemann
Andrew Caplen
President, Law Society of England & Wales
Alistair Morris
President, Law Society of Scotland
Evanna Fruithof
Consultant to The Bar Council
Jonathan Cooper
Doughty Street Chambers
Richard Clayton QC
4-5 Gray's Inn Square
Tom de la Mare QC
Blackstone Chambers
Helen Malcolm QC
Three Raymond Buildings
Professor Philippe Sands QC
Matrix Chambers
Lord Blair of Boughton QPM
Lord Harris of Haringey
Baroness Ludford
Former Member of the European Parliament
Lord Roper
Charles Clarke
Andrea Coomber
Director of JUSTICE
Director of the Centre for European Reform
William F Hughes
Former SOCA Director General
Michael Kennedy
Former President of Eurojust, former COO at CPS
Peter Neyroud
Former Chief Constable
Professor John Spencer QC
Cambridge University
Professor Estella Baker
De Montfort University
Professor Patrick J Birkinshaw
Hull University
Professor Paul Craig
Oxford University
Professor Brice Dickson
Queen's University Belfast
Professor Piet Eeckhout
University College London
Professor Angus Johnston
Oxford University
Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas
Queen Mary University of London
Professor Steve Peers
University of Essex
Nicola Padfield
Cambridge University
Dr Cian Murphy
King's College London
Dr Veronika Fikfak
Cambridge University
Dr Alicia Hinarejos
Cambridge University
Dr Rebecca Williams
Oxford University
Hugo Brady
London School of Economics