
Who needs the CER?

27 January 2020
Regardless of Brexit, the CER will continue to devise policies to make the EU more effective and successful, and to improve the quality of Britain's relationship with it.
Photo Credit: PETER NICHOLLS/POOL/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

Priorities for 'Global Britain'

Sam Lowe
27 January 2020
While the British government talks a good game on free trade and openness, it has failed to articulate what it actually wants and why. This will need to change.

UK foreign and security policy after Brexit

27 January 2020
Since the 19th century, Britain has seen alliances as temporary and interests as permanent. But Brexit will dissolve a partnership, while simultaneously harming the UK’s domestic and external security interests.

Democracy and the rule of law: Failing partnership?

Ian Bond, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 January 2020
Lack of respect for the rule of law is not just a Central European problem. EU institutions must make defending the rule of law in all member-states a top priority.

Flexibility does not come for free

Sam Lowe
16 January 2020
An EU-UK free trade agreement will result in new barriers to trade and border friction even if the UK chooses to unilaterally align itself with EU rules and regulations.

Conference report: Five challenges for Europe

John Springford, Christian Odendahl, Sam Lowe
16 December 2019
A new CER report summarises its 2019 Ditchley Park conference, which brought together 50 leading economists to discuss 'Five challenges for Europe'.

Will the Normandy Four summit bring "peace for our time" to Ukraine?

Khrystyna Parandii
05 December 2019
The leaders of Ukraine, Russia, France and Germany will meet in Paris on December 9th to discuss how to end the Donbas conflict. But this summit brings both opportunities and risks.

NATO: Brain dead, or just resting?

02 December 2019
NATO leaders will meet in London on December 3rd and 4th against a background of internal disagreements. But reports of the alliance's death are exaggerated.

How economically damaging will Brexit be?

28 November 2019
Forecasts of the long-term hit from Boris Johnson’s Brexit range from 2 to 7 per cent. There are several reasons to fear that that the costs will be on the higher side.

Bulletin issue 129 - December 2019/January 2020

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, John Springford, Sophia Besch
28 November 2019

Defence without direction

Sophia Besch
28 November 2019
The EU is strengthening its defence capabilities, but Europeans risk losing sight of how they want to use them.

Can Europe learn to play power politics?

Zaki Laïdi
28 November 2019
The EU's liberal model of shared sovereignty is under threat. Europe cannot afford to remain a pure soft power. It has to reform and learn how to play power politics.

How should the EU 'get Brexit done'?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 November 2019
The EU and the UK might have only 11 months to conclude negotiations on their future partnership. The EU would find it easier to achieve its objectives if its negotiating structures were similar to those for the Article 50 talks. 

Towards a European Security Council?

27 November 2019
France and Germany have discussed forming a ‘European Security Council’ to strengthen European foreign policy and co-ordinate closely with the UK after Brexit. While it could make Europe stronger, it may also prove divisive.

Can the European Commission develop Europe's defence industry?

Sophia Besch
18 November 2019
The EU aims to develop a home-grown European defence equipment market, and has created a new defence industry and space portfolio in the Commission to facilitate this. 

Schengen reloaded

Raoul Ueberecken
11 November 2019
The EU's Schengen borderless area is popular, but has been challenged by the migration crisis and terrorism. It needs updating, but not a complete reset.

What a Boris Johnson EU-UK free trade agreement means for business

Sam Lowe
05 November 2019
Johnson's EU-UK free trade agreement would increase friction and costs of trading with the EU. Many businesses would find adapting to a new FTA just as troublesome as if the UK had crashed out without a deal. 

The EU budget needs climate-proofing

04 November 2019
Greenhouse gas emissions from Europe’s farms have been flat since 2005. The Common Agricultural Policy, which consumes 37 per cent of the EU’s budget, subsidises a sector that needs to clean up its act.

The EU should reconsider its approach to trade and sustainable development

Sam Lowe
31 October 2019
In specific circumstances, the EU should make trade concessions contingent on partner countries meeting international environmental and labour standards.