
How the EU should co-ordinate an end to the COVID-19 lockdown

14 April 2020
European governments hope that contact tracing apps can allow them to ease lockdowns. But much work must be done at both national and EU level before restrictions can be eased.

COVID-19: Can the EU avoid an epidemic of authoritarianism?

Ian Bond, Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 April 2020
Most EU governments have restricted fundamental rights in order to tackle COVID-19. The EU should check that measures are justifiable, proportionate and respect its norms, which is not the case in Hungary.

The EU's new Libya operation is flawed

08 April 2020
The EU’s new Libya operation follows years of criticism that the Union has not done enough to end the conflict.
A proposal for a coronabond: The Pandemic Solidarity Instrument

A proposal for a coronabond: The Pandemic Solidarity Instrument

Christian Odendahl, Sebastian Grund, Lucas Guttenberg
06 April 2020
The economic hit is so severe, and the demands on fiscal policy so high, that the EU needs to share the burden between stronger and weaker countries.
Rome empty March 2020

Trouble for the EU is brewing in coronavirus-hit Italy

02 April 2020
The COVID-19 crisis facing Italy may be new and unprecedented, but for many Italians the European Union’s reaction has been no surprise.

What are the chances that the Brexit talks break down?

29 March 2020
In the last few weeks, leading Conservative Brexiters have been talking up the possibility of walking away with no deal. Theresa May herself said that “no deal is better than a bad deal.”

The COVID-19 pandemic: The EU must think and act globally

27 March 2020
European leaders are naturally focusing on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their own continent. But a global crisis demands more than local solutions; the EU should do more beyond its borders.

The two economic stages of coronavirus

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
26 March 2020
European policy-makers must offset the huge costs of containing the virus, while keeping debt sustainable in all eurozone member-states. But they also need a plan to stimulate a V-shaped recovery.

Turkey and the EU: Preserving transactional co-operation

26 March 2020
Despite growing tensions with Turkey on many issues, it is in the EU’s interest to renew co-operation on migration with Ankara. The Union should also try to shift the relationship in a less confrontational direction.

Can the EU's defence ambitions survive budget cuts?

Sophia Besch
26 March 2020
The proposed cuts to the EU’s defence budget will not put an end to the EU’s ambitions. But they show that, on defence, the Union is only as effective as member-states allow it to be.

The EU needs to step up its response to the COVID-19 outbreak

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Luigi Scazzieri
23 March 2020
After initially responding slowly and in a haphazard manner, the EU has taken important steps to counter the coronavirus outbreak.
Milan airport March 2020

Bold policies needed to counter the coronavirus recession

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
10 March 2020
The COVID-19 crisis is serious, and will have severe economic consequences. But if matched by aggressive action from fiscal and monetary authorities, the economic fallout is manageable. 

Should the EU develop 'European champions' to fend off Chinese competition?

05 March 2020
China is distorting world trade through its aggressive industrial policy. But fostering ‘European champions’ in order to compete is premature – and risky.

Will courting Putin always end in tears?

03 March 2020
Putin is good at persuading Western leaders that bad relations with Russia are their fault. They should defend their interests better, but also keep talking to Russia.

The future EU-UK relationship and the (relative) case for optimism

Sam Lowe
02 March 2020
Beyond the headline disagreements, both the EU and UK have similar expectations as to what a future free trade agreement can and cannot deliver. 

Can Europe overcome its paralysis on Israel and Palestine?

Beth Oppenheim
26 February 2020
Despite Trump, the EU can still play a leading role in promoting a just resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. To influence, the Union will need to go beyond statements.

Is the time ripe for the EU to rethink its relations with Belarus?

Khrystyna Parandii
24 February 2020
The EU’s policy towards Belarus has been unambitious. Although Moscow’s recent push for Belarus-Russia integration may open new opportunities for EU engagement, rewards may be slow to appear.

Can France and Germany steer Europe to success? Annual report 2019

06 February 2020
The CER's annual report features an essay on the state Franco-German friendship. It also describes some of the CER’s achievements in 2019, including the increasingly prominent role played by our Brussels and Berlin offices.

The EU and US must work together to end the siege of Tripoli

30 January 2020
The conflict in Libya is spiralling out of control despite the recent Berlin conference. Europeans need to work with the US to pressure regional powers to stop fuelling fighting.