Britain & EU member-states

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In or out, your Euro-nightmare begins here

Matthew Parris
31 May 2014
The Times
There are three years to go before a possible referendum on Europe, and already it’s impossible to know what to think

Pour une mise à jour du récit européen

Stephen Tindale
14 May 2014
Le Temps
Stephen Tindale, membre du Centre for European Reform basé à Londres, un think tank pro-européen mais critique, donne des pistes pour redonner du souffle au projet européen, miné par la crise et la perte de confiance

Video interview on 'The consequences of Brexit for the City of London'

08 May 2014
John Springford talks about his and Philip Whyte's latest policy brief 'The consequences of Brexit for the City of London'.

Was bringt QE in Europa?

Mark Schieritz
30 April 2014
Die Zeit
Ich habe hier die These vertreten, dass die EZB keine unkonventionellen Maßnahmen beschließen wird. Was aber, wenn doch? Christian Odendahl vom CER hat sich angeschaut, was Quantitative Easing für die Euro-Zone bedeuten würde. Ergebnis: Nicht allzu viel. Odendahl diskutiert zwei Wirkungskanäle, über die Anleihekäufe Produktion und Inflation beeinflussen können....

Gran Bretagna fuori dall’Ue? Non è inevitabile

Marco Mongiello
26 April 2014
«L’uscita della Gran Bretagna dall’Ue non è inevitabile», sostiene Charles Grant, fondatore e direttore del think tank britannico Cer (Centre for European Reform) ed ex inviato a Bruxelles dell’Economist. Gli europeisti nel Regno Unito ci sono e nell’eventualità di un referendum si faranno sentire. Ora però è il momento degli...

The EU debate: How should Labour respond?

Stephen Tindale
27 March 2014
Progress online
Well done Nick Clegg. Not for winning – it is hard to debate with someone who regards the truth as just one option – but for taking part. And for the radical strategy of making the European elections about Europe.
How should Labour’s leaders respond? Ed Miliband is firmly pro-European. He...

PM's strategy on UK's EU membership condemned to fail – Clegg

Nicholas Watt
05 March 2014
The Guardian
Nick Clegg has said that David Cameron's "peculiar" plans to renegotiate the terms of Britain's EU membership ahead of a referendum by the end of 2017 are "condemned to failure".
In a speech to the Centre for European Reform on Wednesday, in which he declared that pro-Europeans were best placed...

Miliband, Merkel and the f-word

Stephen Tindale
27 February 2014
Progress online
What should Ed Miliband discuss in his meeting with Europe’s most powerful and successful politician, German chancellor Angela Merkel? The economy will rightly be top of the agenda.

Video interview on 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'

John Springford, Simon Tilford
20 January 2014
Simon Tilford and John Springford discuss their latest CER policy brief 'The Great British trade-off: The impact of leaving the EU on the UK's trade and investment'.

Better off inside

Stephen Tindale
17 January 2014
The European
It’s impossible to say what will happen between the UK and the rest of Europe. But it is possible to say what should happen.

Cameron's European gamble is a losing proposition

17 December 2013
Financial Times
David Cameron has embarked on a bold, possibly reckless, strategy to sort out Britain’s troubled relationship with the EU. He promises that, if re-elected, he will renegotiate membership terms, then hold an in-or-out referendum in 2017.

Deflating German excuses

John Springford, Simon Tilford
02 December 2013
New York Times
Germany has become accustomed to being top of the class in Europe, the economic musterkind, or model pupil, of the Continent. But it was recently reprimanded by the United States Treasury for running a large trade surplus and imposing a "deflationary bias" on the eurozone.

The UK energy confusion: Good policies, shame about the politics

Stephen Tindale
29 November 2013
Energy Post
To outside observers, UK energy policy must seem to be hopelessly confused and the energy sector in a mess. Actually, the problem is not so much the policies, writes Stephen Tindale, associate fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Building a modern European Union: What's wrong and how to fix it

21 November 2013
On Thursday, November 21, 2013, the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) hosted a roundtable discussion with Charles Grant, the founder and director of the Centre for European Reform on the current state of the European Union.

Rutte en Cameron delen de diagnose, maar niet de remedie

Rem Korteweg
01 October 2013
Clingendael, Internationale Spectator
De Britse premier David Cameron is op zoek naar bondgenoten om zign Europese hervormings-agenda te verwezenlijken. Londen wil bevoegdheden terughalen uit Brussel en de voorwaarden van het Britse EU-lidmaatschap heronderhandelen.

Video interview on 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?

01 October 2013
John Springford discusses his latest policy brief on the impact of EU migration on Britain’s economy: 'Is immigration a reason for Britain to leave the EU?'

Continuidad o cambio en Alemania?

12 September 2013
Independientemente de lo que voten los alemanes el 22 de septiembre, la actitud de Berlín respecto a la UE no va a cambiar gran cosa.

Ragadós lesz-e a brit minta nálunk?

10 September 2013
Alapblog [Hungary]
Lengyelországban és Magyarországon sokkal inkább hasonlít az európai unióban kételkedők, a nacionalisták érvelése Putyinéhoz, mint a brit konzervatívokéhoz.

The Tories' political cul-de-sac on EU migration

08 August 2013
Right from the start, EU immigration was the glaringly obvious hole in David Cameron’s pledge to "reduce net immigration into the UK from the hundreds to the tens of thousands".