Britain & EU member-states

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Charles Grant

FT podcast - Rachman Review: Britain's role in a changing Europe

11 July 2024
Charles Grant, director of the London-based Centre for European Reform think-tank joins Gideon Rachman on his podcast to discuss how easy will it be for Keir Starmer, Britain’s new prime minister, to reset relations with the EU, and what impact will political disarray in France have on leadership within the bloc? 
Reino Unido-UE: hacia un alineamiento

Reino Unido-UE: hacia un alineamiento

06 July 2024
La Razon
El próximo gobierno británico necesita una estrategia coherente hacia la UE, que abarque desde el comercio y la regulación hasta la energía, la política exterior y la defensa.
Charles Grant

LSM.LV: Kas kopīgs Sunakam un Makronam, un kā labējā Trampa–Orbāna ass var apdraudēt ES? Intervij ar Londonas Eiropas Reformu centra direktoru

06 July 2024
Šonedēļ Eiropas politiskajā kalendārā ir divas parlamenta vēlēšanas – Francijā un Lielbritānijā. Lielbritānijā smagu zaudējumu jau piedzīvojusi 14 gadus pie varas esošā konservatīvo partija, kuras vadītājs un nu jau bijušais premjers Riši Sunaks šīs priekšlaicīgās vēlēšanas izsludināja.
Charles Grant

Voice of America: Внеочередные выборы в британский парламент

05 July 2024
В Великобритании – досрочные выборы в парламент, грозящие полной сменой правительства. Каких последствий ждут эксперты для внутренней и внешней политики Лондона? Charles Grant, director, CER speaks to Voice of America (from 7.27mins).
Charles Grant

The Spectator Podcast - Coffee House Shots: Can Lammy charm Trump?

09 May 2024
Charles Grant spoke on the Spectator podcast about David Cameron, David Lammy, Donald Trump and China.
Immigration can help Europe bridge the demographic deficit

Immigration can help Europe bridge the demographic deficit

02 May 2024
Financial Times
The radical right is likely to make big gains in the European parliament elections next month, with the “great replacement’ theory — that liberal elites are promoting immigration from outside Europe to undermine ethnic and cultural homogeneity — becoming increasingly influential.
Why do Britain's goods and services exports appear to be holding up?

Why do Britain's goods and services exports appear to be holding up?

08 March 2024
On the face of it, UK exports have been surprisingly robust after Brexit. Goods exports to the EU have tracked those to the rest of the world, despite new trade barriers being imposed on the former but not on the latter.
Labour's European conundrum

Labour's European conundrum

10 December 2023
If and when the Labour Party takes office, it will come under pressure to negotiate a much better Brexit deal than that bequeathed by Boris Johnson.
The CDU must not draw the wrong lessons from the Bavarian and Hessian elections

The CDU must not draw the wrong lessons from the Bavarian and Hessian elections

Christina Keßler
11 October 2023
LSE blog
The Alternative for Germany increased its vote share in two key state elections in Germany on 8 October. 
Charles Grant

The Spectator podcast: Has Brexit failed?

07 October 2023
Seven years after the Brexit vote, Katy Balls is joined for a fringe panel from the Conservative Party Conference to discuss if voting to leave the EU was worth it, where the wins are and if opportunities are being missed. Katy Balls in conversation with John Redwood MP, Theresa Villiers MP, Camilla Cavendish, Charles Grant, CER and Vote Leave founder Matthew Elliott.
CER Podcast: A European strategy for Labour

CER Podcast: A European strategy for Labour

Charles Grant, Neil Kinnock
27 September 2023
Charles Grant and Neil Kinnock discuss a European strategy for Labour.
Charles Grant

Channel 4 News: Keir Starmer said he would boost growth by rewriting the Brexit deal

18 September 2023
"Will Starmer try and go beyond his red lines? The impression I get from talking to people in the Labour leadership is they know they've got to go further ...
The economist John Springford on how he modelled what the UK would look like had it voted Remain.

Welcome to Doppelgänger Britain – a world without Brexit

16 September 2023
The New Statesman
The economist John Springford on how he modelled what the UK would look like had it voted Remain.

CER podcast: We have to talk about Spain

Camino Mortera-Martinez
08 June 2023
In this week's episode of the CER podcast Octavia Hughes speaks to Camino Mortera-Martínez about the results of the Spanish local and regional elections.

CER podcast: What does the Windsor Framework mean for EU-UK relations?

Charles Grant, Catherine Barnard
10 March 2023
In this week’s episode of the CER podcast Charles Grant is joined by Catherine Barnard to discuss the recently agreed Windsor Framework.

Spectator podcast: Will Sunak’s charm offensive with Macron work?

10 March 2023
Cindy Yu speaks to Fraser Nelson and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform after Rishi Sunak's visit to Paris to meet with President Emmanuel Macron.

Radio France - France Culture: Post-Brexit: les tourments du Royaume-Uni

04 March 2023
Rishi Sunak est attendu à Paris pour un sommet franco-britannique, le 10 mars. Le premier ministre de Charles III gouverne un pays rongé par l’inflation et des crises sociales. Le Royaume-Uni serait-il devenu l’homme malade de l’Europe, comme s’interrogeait récemment l’hebdomadaire The Economist ?
Avec Hélène Rey économiste, professeur à la London...

The Protocol deal is a win for Sunak – and the EU

27 February 2023
The Spectator
Soon after Boris Johnson struck a deal with the EU in October 2019 on the Withdrawal Agreement, including the Northern Ireland protocol, the British government demanded changes to the Protocol.

Spectator Podcast: Will the DUP accept Sunak’s deal?

17 February 2023
As it looks like the government is about to agree a new deal with the European Union on the Northern Ireland Protocol, Rishi Sunak is in Belfast today meeting with the DUP. Will they accept a compromise?
Max Jeffery speaks to Isabel Hardman and Charles Grant, director of the Centre for...

Ask CER - Episode 8: Inflation Reduction Act, Qatargate and Iran

Zach Meyers, Camino Mortera-Martinez, Helmi Pillai, Luigi Scazzieri
09 February 2023
You asked, we answered: the eighth episode of our 'Ask CER' podcast series.
