Britain & EU member-states

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Tok FM: Czy decyzje o przyszłości Wielkiej Brytanii u UE zapadną już jutro?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 February 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM, Poland.

Cameron’s EU deal is wafer thin, but that’s not the point

John Springford, Simon Tilford
18 February 2016
Neither Cameron's EU reforms nor Brexit would do anything to resolve Britain's economic problems, which are largely homegrown.

How to make EU emissions trading a success

Simon Tilford
14 February 2016
The emissions trading scheme currently in place in the EU has “fundamental flaws”, writes Simon Tilford, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform (CER).
Why ripping up EU red tape may not help the British economy

Why ripping up EU red tape may not help the British economy

04 February 2016
The Telegraph
Captains of industry tend to think that what is bad for them is bad for the rest of us.

Radio 5 Live Daily: David Cameron's benefit proposals

29 January 2016
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform discusses David Cameron's proposals on benefits (listen from 10.37).

Daily Politics: Cameron's Brussels renegotiations

29 January 2016
John Springford joins the Daily Politics show to discuss David Cameron's renegotiation efforts in Brussels (from 7.43 mins).
Brexit is the easy bit

Brexit is the easy bit

Jean-Claude Piris
12 January 2016
Financial Times
Voters should consider whether the cost in terms of prosperity and security is one they are prepared to pay, writes Jean-Claude Piris.

Tok FM: David Cameron zabiega o poparcie dla reformy UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 January 2016
David Cameron zabiega o poparcie dla reformy UE. Rozmawiają Agata Gostyńska i Jakub Janiszewski

David Camerons EU Reformen – ein Balanceakt für Großbritannien und die Europäische Union

Sophia Besch
18 December 2015
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Europapolitik (ÖGfE)
Im November 2015 hat die britische Regierung einen lange erwarteten Brief von David Cameron an Donald Tusk, den Präsident des Europäischen Rats, veröffentlicht.

Twelve things you need to know about Brexit

Simon Tilford, John Springford
10 December 2015
What would really happen if Britain left the European Union?

The policy failures masked by scapegoating migrants

Simon Tilford
09 December 2015
Financial Times
By focusing on ‘welfare tourism’, the government has deflected criticism of its policies, writes Simon Tilford.

Tok FM: Odcinek audycji 'Połączenie'

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
10 November 2015
UE według Davida Camerona. Rozmawiają Agata Gostyńska i Jakub Janiszewski

LBC Radio: Cameron's EU renegotiations

03 November 2015
Ian Bond speaks to LBC radio on David Cameron's EU renegotiations.

What does the parliamentary election in Poland mean for David Cameron and his reform plans?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 November 2015
UK in a changing Europe
On 25 October, Poles ousted the centre-right coalition government of Civic Platform and the Polish Peasant Party that had been in power for eight years. Law and Justice, which won the electoral race, share many of the concerns of the British government about the current balance of power between member-states and EU institutions.

Londyn nie zastąpi Berlina

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
26 October 2015
Nowy polski rząd będzie twardo bronił praw socjalnych polskich imigrantów w Wielkiej Brytanii – uważa ekspertka Agata Gostyńska z Center for European Reform (CER) w Londynie.

Letters: Britain’s future depends on relations with countries outside the eurozone

18 October 2015
The Telegraph
Jaw-jaw, not war-warSIR – Britain is lucky to have the thoroughly professional Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) to analyse threats to security and work with partners in tackling them.Thus the FCO recently played an exemplary role in the successful diplomacy that has curbed Iran’s nuclear programme.

Q: With Europe at the top of the Tory party conference agenda, is Cameron's EU renegotiation doomed to fail?

Simon Tilford
05 October 2015
City A.M
Simon Tilford is deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, says No. 

Britain can't be Norway, and Eurosceptics know this

29 September 2015
The Telegraph
Norway's relationship with the EU is being pushed as an alternative for Britain, but outers know it wouldn't work

A troubled euro needs a softer Germany

25 September 2015
The World Today: Chatham House
For those of us who think that the European Union is a good idea, the euro’s travails in recent years have been very trying. We had long assumed that the euro would encourage trade and investment across frontiers, thereby deepening the single market and boosting competition.

Vijf mythes over het Britse referendum

Rem Korteweg
07 September 2015
Internationale Spectator
De Britse premier David Cameron onderhandelt de komende maanden over het Britse EU-lidmaatschap. Medio volgend jaar volgt het EU-referendum. Nederland heeft belang bij het VK in de EU, maar Den Haag kan het proces maar beperkt beïnvloeden. Wat valt er te verwachten?