Britain & EU member-states

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The former British ambassador in Latvia: the Cold War is already taking place (in Russian and Latvian)

13 January 2015
Эксклюзив: Вторая Холодная война уже идет, уверен бывший британский посол в Латвии

Italy’s ‘Neet’ rate is way above OECD average

07 January 2015
Financial Times
John Springford writes a letter of opinion in the Financial Times.

The fear from migration is penetrating the British mainstream (in Hebrew)

Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy
11 December 2014
המערכת הפוליטית הבריטית מעבירה הילוך. הבחירות של 2015  מתקרבות בצעדי ענק, ומנהיגי המפלגות מחממים מנועים לקראת מה שמסתמן - לפי המדגמים - כמרוץ צמוד ופתוח (עם יתרון קל ללייבור לעת עתה).

Judy Asks: Can Tusk boost EU foreign policy?

03 December 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Judy Asks: Has the EU already lost Britain?

Stephen Tindale
26 November 2014
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

О британской иррациональности...

18 November 2014
Ukranian Daily DEN
Ян БОНД: "У нас существует мысль, что можно иметь выгоду от членства в ЕС благодаря доступу к единому рынку, не будучи членами евросообщества" (In Russian and English).

Cameron risks painting himself into an anti-Europe corner

04 November 2014
Financial Times
Not making the case for British EU membership is risky, writes Charles Grant.

Beware of the Sweden Democrats (in Hebrew)

Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy
13 October 2014
לאחר הבחירות הכלליות בשבדיה, הוקמה שם ממשלת שמאל חדשה, בראשות המפלגה הסוציאל־דמוקרטית. והנה, לא עבר שבוע מאז השבעתה וכבר מסתמן, באופן לא מפתיע, כי הממשלה החדשה (שאחד מחבריה השתתף במשט המרמרה) מתכוונת לנקוט קו נוקשה יותר כלפי ישראל.

The EU wouldn’t be better off without the UK, but won’t pay any price to keep it

09 October 2014
Europe's world
Signposts from the European elections: A cross-section of views on the choices and priorities thrown up by the mid-year European election results

We can bring change and reform to the EU — abandoning it is not the answer

Charles Grant, John Kerr
25 September 2014
The Independent
We urge the UK’s political parties to raise their game in leading, not leaving, Europe.

Nederland, neem een 'Brexit' serieus!

Rem Korteweg
18 September 2014
Internationale Spectator
Staat het Verenigd Koninkrijk met één voet buiten de Europese Unie? Na de mislukte poging van de Britse premier David Cameron om te voorkomen dat Jean-Claude Juncker president van de Europese Commissie werd, viert euroscepsis in Londen hoogtij.

Експерти "Дня" — про те, які ризики несе для Великобританії та Європи відповідь "так" на референдумі в Шотландії (with Russian translation).

18 September 2014
Ukranian Daily DEN
18 вересня в Шотландії відбувся референдум, який вирішить подальшу долю цієї частини Сполученого Королівства. Виборцям потрібно відповісти "так" або "ні" на запитання: "Чи повинна Шотландія бути незалежною країною?"

Britain outside Europe? The Dutch view

Rem Korteweg
04 August 2014
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Fearing unknown referendum outcomes, the Netherlands favors reforms without treaty change.

'Known unknowns' about Scotland’s place in Europe

John Kerr
30 July 2014
Financial Times
Several unresolved questions hang over whether the Scots have a future in Europe, says John Kerr
In a little under two months Scots may vote to end their 300 year-old union with England. But their country is also part of a younger union in which most Scots wish to remain. Could...

Time for Labour to lead on clean air

Stephen Tindale
11 July 2014
Fabian Society
Air pollution kills 29,000 people every year in the UK, according to Public Health England. So clean air ought to be a political priority. But it isn’t.
Fortunately, those nasty Brussels bureaucrats are trying to protect public health. In December 2013 the European Commission proposed stricter air quality standards, based...

La probabilité d’une sortie de l’Union du Royaume-Uni a augmenté

02 July 2014
Challenges Fr
Interview avec Charles Grant, directeur du think-tank Centre for european reform, estime que le Royaume-Uni pourrait quitter l'Union européenne.

Cameron is not the only leader who should fear a British exit

26 June 2014
Financial Times
The British leader has time to prevent a calamity of his own making. Unless David Cameron changes course, the prime minister’s plans to reform the EU and persuade the British to vote to stay in it seem likely to fail.

Splendid isolation?

John Springford, Richard Lambert
25 June 2014
Project Syndicate
Membership of the European Union has shackled Britain’s economy to a corpse. The United Kingdom has been bound by swaths of costly red tape to a bunch of moribund economies with no growth prospects. As a result, UK exporters have been held back from the fast-growing markets of the Commonwealth and the developing world.

Be shrewd and end this EU feud

Stephen Tindale
24 June 2014
The Sunday Express
The current president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso, leaves office in November. Who should replace him? As always in EU discussions, this had led to arguments about content (which individual?) and about process (who should decide?).

Juncker als Kommissionspräsident: Gefährlicher Griff nach der Macht (with English translation)

03 June 2014
Frankfurter Allgemeine
Das Europaparlament will Jean-Claude Juncker als Kommissionspräsidenten durchdrücken - eine gefährliche Idee! Es würde die Briten aus der EU drängen. Wenn Premierminister Cameron das sagt, klingt das nach Erpressung, aber es ist die Wahrheit. Ein Gastbeitrag.