Britain & EU member-states

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CER podcast: The cost of Brexit to June 2018

Beth Oppenheim, John Springford
24 October 2018
The UK economy is 2.5 per cent smaller as a result of the vote to leave the EU. John Springford talks to Beth Oppenheim about his latest analysis, how he has refined his modelling method and the implications of the findings. 

Ekspert: Briti parlament hoiab peaminister Mayd kahvlis

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 October 2018
Sõltumata sellest, kas Ühendkuningriigi peaminister Theresa May tooks Brüsselist koju pehme või karmi Brexiti, püsib tõenäosus, et Briti parlament sellega ei nõustu, selgub intervjuust mõttekoja Centre for European Reform vanemteaduri Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska.

Debunking Jacob Rees-Mogg’s claim an extension period will make the UK a ‘vassal state’

Sam Lowe
19 October 2018
In an effort to break the Brexit negotiation deadlock over the Irish backstop, it is reported that Theresa May has conceded that the standstill transition period could be extended beyond its current deadline of December 2020.

A second Brexit referendum is wishful thinking

Beth Oppenheim
19 October 2018
The UK's 2016 Brexit referendum was meant to put the vexed question of Britain's relationship with Europe to bed forever - it didn't. 

Polskie Radio 24: Szczyt UE bez przełomu w sprawie Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
19 October 2018
Unia Europejska zgodzi się na wydłużony okres przejściowy po Brexicie, jeśli zechce tego Wielka Brytania - tak deklarowali szefowie unijnych instytucji na zakończenie szczytu w Brukseli. - Stawka jest wysoka, bo parlament brytyjski może zagłosować przeciwko umowie o wyjściu i deklaracji do niej dołączonej – mówiła w "Magazynie europejskim” Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka z Centre for European Reform w Londynie.

Regime Change? The European Economy to 2030

17 October 2018
Brink News
After a decade of putting out the fires of the Great Recession of 2008-09, the euro crisis of 2010-12, and the migration crisis, which blew up in 2015, now is the right time to ask: What regime does the European economy need by 2030?

Cumbres borrascosas

Camino Mortera-Martinez
16 October 2018
El Periodico Internacional
Esta no es la mejor semana para ser corresponsal, diplómatico o turista en Bruselas. Entre el martes y el viernes, la ciudad habrá acogido siete cumbres. 

Een Vandaag: Waarom blijven zoveel Britten de brexit steunen

13 October 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, speaks to Een Vandaag about why so many Brits continue to support Brexit.

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: The Irish border, SNP conference and emotions in politics

11 October 2018
Heather Stewart is joined by Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, Katy Hayward and Lisa O’Carroll to discuss one of the toughest issues yet to be resolved in the Brexit negotiations: the Irish border.

„May ist ein Desaster”

10 October 2018
Das Endspiel hat begonnen: Brexit-Experte Charles Grant über den Niedergang der politischen Klasse in England, das Trauerspiel der Premierministerin – und das Vorbild Schweiz.

Remainers shouldn't assume EU leaders will welcome another Brexit referendum

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Beth Oppenheim
08 October 2018
The Telegraph
Prime Minister Theresa May has yet again ruled out a new EU referendum. There has already been a people’s vote, and the people voted to leave, she told her party conference last week.

SIEPS: Brexit – state of play

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 October 2018
As the date for the United Kingdom formally leaving the European Union approaches, negotiations are at a critical stage. There is urgency on both sides to agree on the conditions for the UK leaving the union, as well as on the nature of the future relationship between the two.

New approaches to upholding democratic values in Poland

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
05 October 2018
Carnegie Europe
For almost three years, Poland has backtracked on the rule of law. The EU needs a comprehensive strategy to make the Polish public more resilient to the government’s populist narrative.

La muger que nunca ganaba a las damas

Camino Mortera-Martinez
04 October 2018
El Periodico Internacional
Como una buena reina del baile, Theresa May va a necesitar la creatividad de un buen jugador de ajedrez para cuadrar el círculo irlandés.

Britain's best Brexit hope is a revised Chequers plan

03 October 2018
The Financial Times
A Brexit deal between the EU and the UK is more likely than not, because both sides really want one. But there is a serious chance of no deal, because of differences over the Irish “backstop”.

Weetabix wars and X-Men: Welcome to the wacky world of trade post-Brexit

Sam Lowe
03 October 2018
The New Statesman
As a UK that goes it alone will soon learn, trade disputes are complex, bizarre and at times, well, a little petty.

CER Bulletin podcast: Singapore-on-Thames; the Western Balkans; Italy

28 September 2018
In the CER Bulletin podcast, CER researchers brief podcast listeners on three of the most important topics for Europe this month. 

There’s nothing ‘super’ about Boris Johnson’s tired old Brexit ideas

Sam Lowe
28 September 2018
The Guardian
If Boris Johnson puts pen to paper and it doesn’t get on the front page of the Telegraph, did it really happen? I guess we’ll never know.

Jacob Rees-Mogg and fellow Brexiteers' latest trade proposals, fact-checked

Sam Lowe
24 September 2018
The past weeks have seen the publication of a stream of reports making the case for a harder Brexit.

Brexit: «Wir werden noch zehn Jahre verhandeln»

21 September 2018
Aargauer Zeitung
Charles Grant, Direktor der britischen Denkfabrik «Centre for European Reform», spricht im Interview über die Starrsinnigkeit Brüsseler Juristen, den weiteren Verlauf des Brexits und die Chancen von Boris Johnson als Premierminister.