Britain & EU member-states

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Tok FM: Agata Gostyńska "Po raz pierwszy mam poczucie - a może jednak nie wyjdą?"

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
11 April 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform commented on the EUCO summit and the Brexit extension.

Newsnight: The how, why and if of the new Brexit extension

Sam Lowe
09 April 2019
European fears that the UK would disrupt EU affairs during a further Brexit extension are probably overblown, Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform tells BBC Newsnight (from 06:28 mins). 

Aljazeera: Right wing populist alliance

08 April 2019
Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform argues that the new right wing populist alliance is internally divided, and will find it difficult to co-perate in the new European Parliament.

No-deal Brexit would not be the end of the world – just very, very, very bad

Sam Lowe
04 April 2019
The New Statesman
Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, some have convinced themselves that exiting the EU without an agreement – “no deal” – is a good idea. It is not.

Remainers, take note: Much of Europe just wants to excise the British cancer

01 April 2019
The Guardian
The mood in Brussels is pessimistic. Most of those closely involved in the Brexit talks think the likeliest outcome is for the UK to leave without a deal.

The reality of Britain's role in the global trading system after Brexit remains deeply uncertain

Sam Lowe
30 March 2019
The Independent
Continuity agreements are in place with a small number of countries but replicating the arrangements that Britain currently benefits from will be the overriding priority throughout the transition period - if there is one - and beyond.

RTÉ Radio 1: Morning Ireland

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 March 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to RTÉ Radio 1: Morning Ireland about the Brexit chaos.

BBC Radio 4: The Briefing Room: Britain's future

Sam Lowe
28 March 2019
With the route of the UK’s departure from the European Union still unclear, this week David Aaronovitch looks at Britain’s place in the world and assesses what lies ahead in the next stage of negotiations with the EU. Joining David in the Briefing Room are: Ngaire Woods, Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University, Sam Lowe, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform, Meg Russell, Director of the Constitutional Unit at University College London and Stefanie Bolzen, London Correspondent of German newspaper, Welt.

The Spectator Podcast: Have chances of a no-deal Brexit increased?

21 March 2019
Charles Grant director of the CER talks to Katy Balls about the probability of Britain leaving the EU without a deal, he argues that it is very unlikely, because both Parliament and the European Council will try to prevent no deal.

Channel 4 News: May's last-ditch dash to Brussels to salvage her Brexit deal

21 March 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform joins Gary Gibbon to discuss the possible next steps in the Brexit negoitations (from 15:50 mins).

Channel 4 News: Brussels exerts control over Brexit

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 March 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Matt Frei about what happens next in the Brexit process.

No deal, no border

Sam Lowe
17 March 2019
The Business Post
In the event of no deal Brexit, we now know the UK’s plan for the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland: pretend it doesn’t exist.

France Culture: Les convulsions du Brexit et l'Europe (en direct du salon du livre de Paris)

16 March 2019
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform along with Florence Faucher, Vivien Pertusot and Adrien Rodd, spoke on France Culture about the fast approach of Brexit, the divisions in the UK and the future realtions between the EU and the UK.

Deutsche Welle: Stammtisch: One year GroKo - Road to nowhere?

Christian Odendahl
15 March 2019
As Angela Merkel's government reaches its first birthday, Stammtisch asks whether it really has the staying power to make it to the 2021 elections. Centre of European Reform's Christian Odendahl, New York Time's correspondent Melissa Eddy and Berlin Policy Journal's Bettina Vestring also join host Damien McGuinness with the latest on Brexit and get in the mood for St. Patrick's Day in Germany.

Three reasons the Irish backstop is actually a good thing

Sam Lowe
14 March 2019
The Westminster debate on the Irish backstop is deeply divisive. This protocol would see Northern Ireland remain de facto in the single market for goods, and the whole UK in a customs union, in the event that another solution is not found.

Brytyjczycy chcą opóźnić brexit. "Rząd traci kontrolę nad tym procesem"

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2019
Wciąż nie ma pewności, kiedy i w jaki sposób Wielka Brytania opuści Unię Europejską. Głosowania w Izbie Gmin niczego nie zmieniły. – Brexit bez umowy wciąż wchodzi w grę – przyznaje ekspertka Centre European for Reform.

Parliament Live: International Trade Committee

Sam Lowe
13 March 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Lucia Quaglia, Catherine Bernard and Alan Winters gave evidence on trade in services. 

Info Radio: Politikwissenschaftler: "Mays Deal ist noch nicht tot"

13 March 2019
Das britische Unterhaus hat am Dienstagabend über den Brexit-Vertrag abgestimmt und den Deal von Premierministerin May erneut abgelehnt. Politikwissenschaftler Leonard Schütte lebt und arbeitet in London. Er erklärte im Inforadio, auch wenn es grotesk erscheine: Mays Brexit-Vertrag mit der EU habe noch eine Chance.

BBC Newshour: Brexit deal rejected

Sam Lowe
12 March 2019
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC Newshour about Theresa May loosing the parliamentary vote on the Brexit Withdrawal Bill for a second time. MPs defeated the deal, which had been agreed with the European Union, by 391 votes to 242.

Der verklärte Austritt

Christian Odendahl
12 March 2019
Theresa May steht vor einem politischen Scherben­haufen. Der Brexit-Deal, den die britische Premier­ministerin nach vielen Monaten mit der EU ausgehandelt hat, wird im Parlament, wenn überhaupt, nur eine erzwungene Mehrheit finden. Verschoben wird der EU-Austritt sowieso – auf Mai, auf Juni oder vielleicht auf den Sankt-Nimmerleins-Tag.