Britain & EU member-states

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FOCUS online: Nach Niederlage für May "Warne vor Optimismus": Experte erklärt, warum 2. Brexit-Referendum unwahrscheinlich ist

16 January 2019
Der geplante Brexit verläuft bis jetzt nur schleppend. Theresa Mays Abkommen fiel im Unterhaus krachend durch. Im Interview mit FOCUS Online erklärt der Politikwissenschaftler Leonard Schütte vom "Centre for European Reform", warum es nicht zu einem zweiten Referendum kommen wird. Es ist außerdem nicht sicher, dass die Briten bei einer erneuten Befragung anders entscheiden würden.

Info Radio: "May wird die Abstimmung wohl krachend verlieren"

15 January 2019
Das britische Unterhaus soll über den von May mit der EU verhandelten Vertrag abstimmen. Beobachter halten eine Ablehnung für wahrscheinlich. Leonard Schütte, Politikwissenschaftler am Centre for European Reform, sagt, es hänge viel davon ab, wie hoch Mays Niederlage ausfallen wird.  

In search of lost Brexit: How the UK repeatedly weakened its own negotiating position

14 January 2019
The New Statesman
In 2018 the British were obsessed with Brexit, but the rest of the EU had much else to worry about. Although the migration crisis abated, EU governments could not agree on how to handle irregular immigration.

Monocle podcast: The Globalist- The European Parliament's elections

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 January 2019
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Monocle about a possible alliance between Salvini and Kaczynski in the European Parliament’s elections (from 17:15 mins).

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Free trade negotiations

Sam Lowe
09 January 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (from 2:24), speaks to the Today programme discussing the complexities of post-Brexit tariffs.

Brexit negotiations in the field of defence: Lessons learnt and moving forward

Sophia Besch
08 January 2019
Federal Academy for Security Policy
It is clearly in Britain and the European Union’s mutual interest to continue working closely together on defence after Brexit.

Food prices will go up, not down, after a no-deal Brexit – despite what Jacob Rees-Mogg says

Sam Lowe
07 January 2019
Could Brexit mean cheaper food on our supermarket shelves? The idea has been propagated by politicians such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and business people like JD Wetherspoon’s owner Tim Martin, who promised lower prices in his “Beermat Manifesto”.

The Spectator Podcast: The two elections that will shape 2019

05 January 2019
As we move into 2019, two big elections could shake up the rest of the year. In May, the European elections could see an unprecedented eurosceptic populist surge. ...We are joined by Charles Grant, the director of the Centre for European Reform, who says that, in response, the pan-European moderates will become more cohesive:

Polskie Radio: Przedwigilijne spojrzenie na mijający rok

22 December 2018
Wielka Brytania chwieje się pod naporem Brexitu, który sama sobie zgotowała. O przyczynach wyjścia Wielkiej Brytanii z Unii Europejskiej i jego już odczuwalnych i dopiero mających nadejść konsekwencjach Dariusz Rosiak rozmawiał z Charlesem Grantem z Centre for Europe Research w Londynie.

How can Father Christmas deliver presents in a no deal Brexit scenario? Baby, it's cold outside (the EU)

Sam Lowe
19 December 2018
In the run up to 25th December, there is one issue that has not received half the attention it deserves: what happens to Father Christmas in December 2019 in the event of a no deal Brexit?

Parliament Live: Exiting the European Union Committee

Sam Lowe
19 December 2018
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Dr Kirsty Hughes, Catherine Barnard and Henry Newman, gave evidence on the progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal.

Brexit's impact on services

Sam Lowe
18 December 2018
Trade in services has not received enough attention in the Brexit debate. But if Theresa May follows through on plans for the UK to leave the single market, UK services exports to the EU-27 will likely fall, in the case of financial services by more than half, and related jobs and tax revenues will suffer.

TVN 24: Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Dembiński oraz Rokita o brexicie

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 December 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to TVN 24 Bis about Brexit.

Brussels sprouts: Ian Bond on Brexit and what's next for Europe

14 December 2018
Former Ambassador Ian Bond sits down with Dr Andrea Kendall-Taylor and Jim Townsend to discuss his perspective on Brexit and what the future holds for the transatlantic relationship.

The Guardian - Politics Weekly podcast: #Brexitshambles

Sam Lowe
13 December 2018
It was one step forward and two steps back in the Brexit hokey cokey this week. Tuesday’s long-awaited parliamentary vote was cancelled at the 11th hour, as Theresa May realised that a catastrophic defeat could be curtains for her premiership.
MPs raged, and within 24 hours Sir Graham Brady, chair of...

BBC Radio 4 - The Briefing Room: Brexit - where next?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
13 December 2018
Theresa May has been back in Brussels to attend a meeting of EU leaders, a day after surviving a leadership challenge at home. Her mission: to try to extract some form of concession from the other 27 EU member-states that might persuade MPs in Westminster to support the withdrawal agreement the UK has concluded with the EU.

Review: Plugging In the British: Completing the Circuit

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Camino Mortera-Martinez
12 December 2018
Foreign Affairs
Brexit has proved surprisingly difficult to implement, not just in economic affairs, where analysts always expected problems, but in many other areas, too.

CNBC: Changing Theresa May’s Brexit deal pointless, political analyst says

11 December 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform, discusses the next steps for Theresa May after she cancelled the parliamentary vote on her Brexit deal.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer’s election offers no cause for Macron and the EU to celebrate

Sophia Besch, Leonard Schuette
10 December 2018
The election of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as the new leader of the governing Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party suggests there will not be any immediate shift in Germany’s lukewarm approach to French proposals for eurozone reform if she also succeeds Angela Merkel as Chancellor.

BBC - The Real Story: Britain's big Brexit moment

Sam Lowe
07 December 2018
Chris Morris and a panel of experts, including Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, discuss the costs and benefits of May's deal, no deal, no Brexit - and everything in-between.