Britain & EU member-states

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Cakewatch: How Brexit might affect UK and EU foreign policy

28 November 2018
The Centre for European Reform is the UK's foremost think-tank on matters European, and Ian Bond is its Director of Foreign Policy, so Chris is in his element this week discussing how Brexit might affect both UK and EU foreign policy. Featuring not one, not two, but three baskets.

BBC News: Brexit deal push

26 November 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to BBC News (from 12.21) about the likelihood of Theresa May getting the Brexit deal through parliament.

SWR2: Immer wieder Mayday, Interview mit Christian Odendahl

Christian Odendahl
23 November 2018
Am 25.11. will die EU das Scheidungsabkommen mit dem Vereinigten Königreich beschließen. In einer weiteren Absichtserklärung soll der künftige Weg in den Beziehungen beschrieben werden. In letzter Minute stellt Spanien dem Ganzen aber noch ein Bein, indem es Gibraltar ins Spiel bringt. Aber auch das britische Parlament kann das Verhandlungsergebnis noch zu Fall bringen. Wie die Briten inzwischen zum Brexit stehen, erklärt im Interview Christian Odendahl von der Londoner Denkfabrik Centre for European Reform.

CER podcast: A guide to the withdrawal agreement

21 November 2018
Beth Oppenheim asks John Springford what is in the 585 page withdrawal agreement, and Charles Grant outlines what might happen next: will Theresa May and her withdrawal plan survive?

Parliament Live: Exiting the European Union Committee

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
21 November 2018
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska (from 09.43), a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Mats Persson, Professor Franklin Dehousse and Dr Holger Hestermeye gave evidence on the progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal.

BBC World at One: Is a second referendum likely?

Beth Oppenheim
21 November 2018
Beth Oppenheim, a researcher at the Centre for European Reform, spoke on the World at One about the likelihood of a second referendum.

BBC News: Brexit pressure - #BBCAskThis

20 November 2018
John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform spoke on the #BBCAskThis programme (at 11:32) answering questions on the withdrawal deal, what a no deal woudl mean for trade agreements and the Irish border.

Yo o el caos: ¿conseguirá Theresa May sobrevivir a su propio 'brexit'?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
19 November 2018
El Periodico Internacional
Los oponentes de Theresa May tienen ahora una tarea formidable: convencer al electorado de que después de May no viene el diluvio.

Fog in the Channel: Finally a Brexit Deal! Is this the beginning of the end?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
18 November 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior reserach fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Stefan de Vries about the Polish perspective of Brexit, on the Fog in the Channel podcast.

RTÉ Radio 1: What happens next in the Brexit process?

15 November 2018
Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform in London and Brigid Laffan from the European Institute at Florence University discuss the latest on Brexit.

Parliament Live: Exiting the European Union Committee

Camino Mortera-Martinez
14 November 2018
Camino Mortera-Martinez (from 10.43), a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform along with Sir Rob Wainwright gave evidence on progress of the UK’s negotiations on EU withdrawal.

Sky News: Cabinet will meet today to consider draft agreement text reached with EU

14 November 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform spoke to Sky News at 07.30 this morning about the chances of Theresa May getting full support for the draft agreement.

Bloomberg podcast: Springford: Brexit backstop likely to be invoked

14 November 2018
The Brexit divorce deal looks to have been largely set by the European Union, says John Springford, deputy director of the Centre for European Reform in London. He spoke to Daybreak Europe’s Anna Edwards and Matt Miller, saying the backstop on the Irish border is likely to be invoked to keep frictionless trade.

Whether transition extension or backstop, Britain needs to embrace the consequences

Sam Lowe
12 November 2018
The Times
If reports are correct, the landing zone for Northern Ireland and the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is in sight.

May's reckoning with the Tory right over Brexit is fast approaching

12 November 2018
The Guardian
Over the years, different Conservative leaders have tended to use similar tactics to deal with the rightwing anti-EU minority in the party.

Bloomberg: How to trade the pound as Brexit talks near endgame

08 November 2018
Centre for European Reform Deputy Director John Springford and BlackRock Global Chief Investment Strategist Richard Turnill discuss the outlook for Brexit negotiations and the pound on "Bloomberg Surveillance."

The Spectator Podcast: Theresa May's Brexit deal is hard to stomach

08 November 2018
As Theresa May prepares to unveil her Brexit deal, we ask: just how bad is it, and what happened to ‘no deal is better than a bad deal’. In the American midterms, the Blue Wave didn’t happen, but Democrats did take control of the House of Representatives – what next for Trump’s presidency. And last, as we approach Remembrance Sunday, who are the lives we are remembering, and is it time to move on. With James Forsyth, Charles Grant, Kate Andrews, Leslie Vinjamuri, Liz Hunt, and Glyn Prysor.

Merkel is going but Germany won’t shift its stance on Brexit

30 October 2018
The Guardian
The departure of Angela Merkel from the leadership of her party will make little difference to the Brexit negotiations.

Angela Merkel will not get to pass the crown to her preferred successor without a fight

Sophia Besch, Leonard Schuette
29 October 2018
The Telegraph
German Chancellor Merkel announced today that she would not run again for the leadership of her conservative CDU/CSU party. The end of Merkel’s chancellorship is in sight.

Italy and the EU: There is no good outcome from here

24 October 2018
The European Union has taken the unprecedented step of rejecting the Italian budget.