Britain & EU member-states

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Tok FM: Jak próba zabójstwa Siergieja Skripala może wpłynąć na negocjacje Wielkiej Brytanii z Unią Europejską?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about the Sergei Skripal poisoning and Brexit.

Deutschland will klein sein, muss aber Großes wollen

Sophia Besch
13 March 2018
Der Standard
Nach monatelangem Hin und Her gibt es nun auch in Berlin eine neue Bundesregierung. Mit ihr muss sich Deutschland von alten, liebgewordenen Illusionen verabschieden – unter anderem von seiner Selbsteinschätzung, es sei ein höchstens mittelgroßes europäisches Land.
Deutschland hat sich lange den Luxus erlaubt vorzugeben, etwas zu sein, was es nicht...

Der ausgleichende Faktor wird fehlen

Christian Odendahl
09 March 2018
Europa dürfte die Briten noch schmerzhaft vermissen, meint der Berliner Ökonom Christian Odendahl. Wichtige Errungenschaften der EU wie der Binnenmarkt und die Osterweiterung gingen direkt auf britische Bemühungen zurück.

Trump is no ally on trade for post-Brexit Britain

Noah Gordon
09 March 2018
If there were any faint hopes that the deep cultural and commercial ties between the UK and the US would secure a sweetheart free trade deal for the smaller UK after it leaves the European Union, they are now surely dashed.

Exceptional women who inspire Polish community in Britain

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
09 March 2018
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska is one of 18 women chosen by the Polish Embassy for a series of stories about modern Polish women, who through their work and commitment create a positive image of Poland on the British Isles.

Jersey holds the key to unlock Brexit dilemma

Sam Lowe
08 March 2018
Could the Channel Islands hold the key to unlock the Brexit puzzle? Trade expert Sam Lowe of the CER told EURACTIV that Jersey’s ‘strange relationship’ with the EU could be an acceptable ‘halfway house’.

IIEA: Thinking about the EU-27: Expert views from across Europe Q&A session

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
07 March 2018
Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, Senior Research Fellow at the Centre of European Reform took part in an IIEA debate on the European reforms that have been proposed by Presidents Juncker and Macron, and to present perspectives on the future of Europe from Poland, Spain and Austria.

Germany should finally take the lead in Europe

Sophia Besch
06 March 2018
Now she has won a fourth term, Chancellor Merkel should put little-Germany thinking behind her and be the leader that Europe needs.

Why Germany must spend more on defence

Sophia Besch
06 March 2018
Now that Germany has a new government, investing in defense and the transatlantic relationship has to be a priority for Angela Merkel.

The end of little Germany?

Sophia Besch
05 March 2018
Project Syndicate
Now that a new government has finally been formed, Germany must start thinking of itself as the major economic player it is, and behave accordingly.

The Italian election has shattered any illusion that Europe's populists are in retreat

05 March 2018
The Telegraph
In the wake of Emmanuel Macron’s victory in France, many argued that anti-establishment parties in Europe were on a downward trajectory. Italy's election has shattered that illusion.

How to think about Britain's post Brexit foreign policy

05 March 2018
What impact will Brexit have on the UK’s foreign and security policy? While many Brexiteers argue it will lead to a global Britain, for many others it is clear it will result in a substantial loss of international influence.

Whatever happens in this election, Italy has fallen out of love with the EU

04 March 2018
The Telegraph
Italy’s election comes at a crucial time for the EU. French President Emmanuel Macron has set out ambitious plans for reforming the eurozone and integrating more closely in security, defence and migration.

CNBC: Brexit: Analysts preview the next stage of talks between the EU and UK

Sam Lowe
02 March 2018
Sam Lowe of the Centre for European Reform, and Bill Cash of the European Scrutiny Committee, discuss the latest Brexit developments.

BBC Newsnight: EU-27 deals

02 March 2018
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform told Mark Urban that although quite a few EU countries want a broader deal than the Commission, France and Germany, they lack a leader (from 17.18 mins).

CER reaction to Prime Minister Theresa May's 'Road to Brexit' speech

02 March 2018
"Theresa May’s speech was serious. It was good that she recognised that the UK faces trade-offs and will lose some access to the single market."

Liam Fox's shiny new trade deals won't compensate for hard Brexit

Sam Lowe
28 February 2018
The Guardian
If Britain leaves the single market and customs union, the idea that future trade agreements will make up for the losses is for the birds.

BBC Radio 4 - The World Tonight: Selmayr controversy

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 February 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform speaks to Adam Fleming about Martin Selmayr and his new role (from 24:21 mins).

Tok FM: Corbyn opowiedział się za nową unią celną z UE. Jaką?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 February 2018
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Jeremy Corbyn's speech on Brexit and the customs union on 27th February 2018.

The one thing May must remember: The 27 will not split

27 February 2018
The Times
Theresa May will be on a hiding to nothing this week if she tries to present a Brexit plan on managed divergence in the hope that it will divide and conquer the EU.