
As Europe’s political landscape shifts, two-Party system fades

07 April 2015
New York Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, emphasizes the failure of the European center-left to keep its promise “to create growth and redistribute it to make a fairer society.”

Hollandsk "nej" er en klar EU-protest - og det kan få konsekvenser for hele unionen

Rem Korteweg
06 April 2015
Rem Korteweg fra tænketanken CER, at den hollandske folkeafstemning handler mere om at ramme EU end om selve aftalen med Ukraine. Han vurderer dog, at det er EUs udvikling, som mange hollændere er utilfredse med, og ikke EU som projekt og handelssamarbejde.

Isolated Greece pivots east to Russia, China and Iran. But will it work?

Simon Tilford
06 April 2015
The Telegraph
"[Flirting with] Russia is almost guaranteed to antagonise and make it harder for those who want the Germans to be more conciliatory towards Greece," said Mr Tilford. "The strategy is counter-productive to brokering a deal and doesn't offer up any serious alternative sources of money for Athens."

Exit from EU 'would worsen inequality across Britain' as poorer areas depend on manufacturing

06 April 2015
The Independent
“Regions with manufacturing sectors that make up a large proportion of their economies look to be most at risk, and since these tend to be poorer, an exit from the EU risks making Britain an even more unequal place,” said John Springford.

Little Britain

04 April 2015
The Economist
Charles Grant, director of the CER, believes that the euro is not the issue: “Look at Tony Blair at his best. The problem now is a lack of ambition. We are capable of leading on a range of issues—climate, energy, trade, the single market, defence, foreign policy. But too often we don’t even when we could.”

Russia shows continuing ambitions in CEE with pipeline

Rem Korteweg
01 April 2015
Monitor Global Outlook
On March 12, Russia’s Stroytransgaz Group (SG) announced that it would be constructing a gas pipeline in the Republic of Macedonia. The company says the pipeline “will become part of a new gas pipeline system.”

Even with free money, Merkel still reluctant to spend

Simon Tilford
01 April 2015
Bloomberg Businessweek
“You’re talking about an economy where the fiscal situation is robust, inflation is low, the capital stock has been eroded and  the government can borrow at close to zero and still it refuses to spend,” said Mr Tilford of the CER.

Little Englanders? Eurosceptics in focus in UK election

31 March 2015
Agence France Presse
"The most difficult thing about the referendum is that the arguments in favour are complicated, economic, numerical and rational," said Charles Grant."The arguments against are simple, emotional and romantic."

Greece looks to Russia as deal with Europe stumbles

Simon Tilford
30 March 2015
The New York Times
“Flirting with Russia is guaranteed to antagonize the rest of the eurozone,” Mr. Tilford of the CER said. “It will make it harder for those in Germany who were arguing for a more conciliatory line toward Greece to keep it.”

Cameron lets UK drift towards EU exit

30 March 2015
The Guardian
“No one thinks he’s credible,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform. “Cameron wants to have his cake and eat it.”

Schengen, capítulo dos

Camino Mortera-Martinez
29 March 2015
El Pais
 “Reabrir el melón de Schengen con tantas elecciones a la vista y con el populismo al alza es complicado”, abunda Camino Mortera-Martínez, investigadora del CER.

Netanyahu's unholy alliance with Europe's 'anti-semitic' far right

Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy
24 March 2015
“The Swedish Democrats and the Austrian Freedom Party have very questionable pasts. They are still perceived as racists and anti-Semitic by many,” says Yehuda Ben-Hur Levy of the CER.

Na samite Únie riešia Rusko. Predĺžia sankcie hneď alebo sa o tom pohádajú až v júni?

19 March 2015
Dennik N
"Sankcie Západu síce nezastavili Rusko v porušovaní medzinárodného práva." povedal denníku N Ian Bond, šéf zahraničnej CER.

Is EU support for Russia sanctions waning? See who's visiting the Kremlin

18 March 2015
“The likeliest outcome is that they will not agree to roll over the sanctions now and they will put off a decision until the last possible moment before the sanctions expire,” said Ian Bond of the CER.

Judy Asks: Time for Greece to leave the euro?

Christian Odendahl
18 March 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

Video interview on 'Frozen: The politics and economics of sanctions against Russia'

Christian Odendahl, Ian Bond
16 March 2015
Ian Bond and Christian Odendahl discuss Western sanctions against Russia and the findings of their latest policy brief.

Wanneer raakt Europa’s geduld met Duitsland nou eens op?

Simon Tilford
11 March 2015
Hervormen moet. Maar na het lezen van ‘German Rebalancing: Waiting for Godot?’ van Simon Tilford moest ik ineens heel erg aan Lucas 6, vers 42 denken: ‘Hoe kunt u tot uw broeder zeggen: Broeder, laat mij de splinter uit uw oog halen, terwijl ge de balk in uw eigen oog niet opmerkt; huichelaar’.

Voting on Brexit: The EU issues shaping the UK election

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Camino Mortera-Martinez
11 March 2015
In the upcoming election campaign, the debate over the EU will be dominated by the question of an in/out referendum and the issue of immigration. EurActiv asked UK-based think tanks to analyse the policy implications of the European positions held by the main political parties.

Traditionally frugal Germans fuel economy with spending spree

Christian Odendahl
09 March 2015
The surge in spending is likely to outlast weak oil prices due to low joblessness and expectations of bigger paychecks, said Christian Odendahl, chief economist at London's Centre for European Reform.

Nowa zimna wojna Zachodu z Rosją doprowadzi do Armagedonu (in Polish)

06 March 2015
Fakty interia
"W zeszłym roku osiągnęliśmy jednak taki etap, kiedy już nie dało się ignorować, tego co się dzieje" - dodał Bond z CER.