
In post-election Britain, talk turns to European Union

12 May 2015
New York Times
“Economically, the European Union would lose its biggest champion of free trade and the single market (which is why some protectionists would welcome a Brexit),” Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, wrote on the center’s website.
And in security terms, without Britain, Mr Grant wrote, “the EU would find it harder to become any kind of power.”

Listen carefully to the British

12 May 2015
Flashlight Europe - Bertelsmann-Stiftung
Other than many have predicted the general election in the United Kingdom have not led to a hung parliament but the opposite: An absolute majority for David Cameron and his Tory party.

France 24: Road to EU renegotiation for re-elected British PM

11 May 2015
Ian Bond speaks to France 24 on how Cameron will seek to re-negotiate with the EU

EU erwartet harte Gespräche mit London

Christian Odendahl
10 May 2015
"Camerons Mehrheit ist dünn, die Fraktion hat eine große Macht", sagt Christian Odendahl vom Centre for European Reform, London. Zudem fehlt ihm mit den bisher mitregierenden Liberaldemokraten ein Korrektiv. "Das könnte Cameron zu einer harten Verhandlungsposition zwingen."

Marknadsjubel efter valskrällen

Christian Odendahl
08 May 2015
Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på CER, tycker att det är lika bra att få folkomröstningen överstökad. ”Den leder till osäkerhet för näringslivet. 2017 är inget idealiskt år eftersom det är val i Tyskland och Frankrike då.” Tories bräckliga majoritet ger mer makt åt partiets EUskeptiker. ”David Cameron kan inte längre gömma sig bakom Liberaldemokraterna för att tämja dem.”

Katasztrófa lenne, ha a britek kilépnének az EU-ból

Rem Korteweg
08 May 2015
Most már száz százalék, hogy a brit kormány népszavazást rendez az EU-tagságról, és ez rendkívül kockázatos stratégia – mondta lapunknak Rem Korteweg, az (CER). A mostani felmérések szerint a britek 55 százaléka az EU-ban maradna, 45 százalék kilépne.

Несподівана перемога Кемерона

08 May 2015
Експерт про те, чого очікувати Україні від другого терміну лідера консерваторів (in Ukranian).

British election's other losers: Pollsters

Rem Korteweg
08 May 2015
The New York Times
Rem Korteweg, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in London, said that British pollsters were going through a particularly bad period. "This isn’t the first time in 18 months when the polls got it wrong," he said. "This is starting to become a trend in this country."

So, Mr Cameron, how can we help? EU seeks to avert Brexit

08 May 2015
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform in London, said Cameron could highlight the program of cutting bureaucracy and interference as well as plans to improve free trade inside the bloc that is already under way under Juncker.

Conservative right could limit Cameron's freedom to push reforms

Christian Odendahl
08 May 2015
Europe online
Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform, a pro-EU think-tank, said Cameron could be more vulberable because he "cannot hide behind coalition politics any longer."

Cameron im Triumphzug zurück in die Downing Street

Christian Odendahl
08 May 2015
„Das könnte Camerons Position verhärten“, sagt Christian Odendahl, Chefökonom der Londoner Denkfabrik Centre for European Research (CER).

Darum ist die Briten - Wahl für UNS so wichtig

07 May 2015
 „Die britische Wahrnehmung ist, dass die EU von Deutschen und Franzosen zu ihren Gunsten und gegen unsere Interessen gelenkt wird”, sagt Charles Grant vom Londoner Centre for European Reform (CER).

Le 'Brexit' fait trembler les grandes entreprises

John Springford, Simon Tilford
07 May 2015
Le Temps
Deux arguments que balaie le CER: "Il est probable que les négociateurs britanniques cherchent à obtenir un accès au marché européen."

Radio Fribourg: Cameron's promised EU referendum

07 May 2015
Ian Bond talks to Radio Fribourg on the referendum over the UK and the EU promised by David Cameron (02:50).

Europe ‘a la carte’: The whats and whys behind UK opt-outs

Camino Mortera-Martinez
07 May 2015
“The UK and Irish opt-out to the Lisbon Treaty are nothing new,” explains Camino Mortera, research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Five years on, doctor and patient split on Greek cure

Christian Odendahl
07 May 2015
The Wall Street Journal
"The ultimate goal of achieving debt sustainability was not properly served by overdoing the fiscal consolidation,”" says Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the CER in London.

Cosa succede se il Regno Unito lascia l’Unione europea

Simon Tilford
06 May 2015
Secondo il Centre for European Reform, questo ha permesso al Regno Unito di aumentare del 55 per cento le sue esportazioni verso gli altri paesi dell’Ue, oggi uno dei suoi principali partner commerciali.

Interview: Wahlen in Großbritannien

Christian Odendahl
06 May 2015
WDR5 Radio
Christian Odendahl speaks to WDR5 Radio about the British elections (in German).

ECFR's the world in 30 minutes: British elections

06 May 2015
On 7 May the British public is asked to choose a new government. Mark Leonard, Robin Niblett, Charles Grant, the director of the CER and Ulrike Franke discuss the possible outcomes and what this would mean for the future of British foreign policy and its relationship with the EU.

Germany's record trade surplus is a bigger threat to euro than Greece

Simon Tilford
05 May 2015
The Telegraph
"The European Commission should stop pulling its punches: Germany should be fined," said Simon Tilford, from the CER. ..."Germany should cut taxes on low incomes and VAT. It has plenty of fiscal scope to do so. It chooses not to," said Mr Tilford.