
Germany's record trade surplus is a bigger threat to euro than Greece

Simon Tilford
05 May 2015
The Telegraph
"The European Commission should stop pulling its punches: Germany should be fined," said Simon Tilford, from the CER. ..."Germany should cut taxes on low incomes and VAT. It has plenty of fiscal scope to do so. It chooses not to," said Mr Tilford.

Le Royaume-Uni gagnerait-il à quitter l'Union européenne ?

Simon Tilford
05 May 2015
Le Monde
Selon le Centre for European Reform, cela a permis au pays d'accroître de 55% ses echanges de marchandises vers l'UE, qui est aujourd'hui son principal partenaire commercial.

Brittiska valet – hot mot Sverige och EU

05 May 2015
Storbritannien är inne på en farlig väg, säger John Springford, brittisk EU-expert på tankesmedjan CER. Ingenting talar för att övriga Europa skulle gå med på så stora förändringar som britterna kräver.

L’Europe, enjeu caché du scrutin en Grande-Bretagne

05 May 2015
Le Monde
Je suis opposé au référendum, car je pense que c’est aux députés de choisir, estime Charles Grant, fondateur et directeur du CER.

Dear Britons, please keep away from the Brexit!

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 May 2015
EU inside
A study by the CER shows that although even now the national parliaments have influence over European policies they are not using it.

Royaume-Uni. Un scrutin très ouvert

04 May 2015
Le Telegramme
"Les travaillistes n'aiment pas en parler car ils savent que la plupart de leurs électeurs y sont indifférents ou vaguement hostiles. De leur côté, les conservateurs craignent que le traitement du sujet européen donne des voix au parti Ukip", confie Charles Grant, directeur du Center for European Reform à Londres.

Bye bye England ou la schizophrénie européenne des Anglais

03 May 2015
Radio France International
Charles Grant speaks to Radio France International about the upcoming British elections (in French).

Kan Duitse en Nederlandse handelsoverschot lager?

Simon Tilford
02 May 2015
de Volkskrant
Nederland en Duitsland moeten meer consumeren en minder exporteren, stelt de Brit Simon Tilford. Een vreemde eis, vinden andere economen.

UK election reminds Asia that it needs a strong Europe

01 May 2015
Asian review
"Britain on its own would not be a big enough player to be significant," says Ian Bond, a former British diplomat now with the CER."It would no longer be invited to the [negotiating] table, and therefore would lose its ability to shape EU policy and more."

Cameron's imaginary problem

01 May 2015
Cameron will want to show he has achieved fundamental change. But few of his fellow leaders want to help him, because aside from difficulties managing a volatile party, he is looking for solution to an "imaginary problem", in the words of Ian Bond, of the CER.

Define elección futuro británico en UE

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
30 April 2015
"La elección determinará el futuro del Reino Unido en la UE; si los conservadores permanecen en el poder, iniciarán negociaciones y convocarán un referéndum cuyo resultado es incierto", dice a REFORMA Agata Gostynska.

Britain leaving the EU: How it would impact Ireland

29 April 2015
UTV Ireland
John Springford, of the CER, said: "The biggest risks are economic ones, and the main economic risk is from foreign direct investment (FDI). Over the last 15 years, we've seen a huge amount of FDI flowing into the UK because of our EU membership."

Jak Donald Tusk radzi sobie w Brukseli?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 April 2015
To duży test dla Tuska. Jego rolą będzie dopilnowanie, aby raport uwzględniał interesy wszystkich państw członkowskich, w tym tych, które nie są w strefie euro. Przewodniczący nie pochodzi z państwa strefy euro, co nie ułatwia mu zadania – mówi Agata Gostyńska, ekspert CER.

FT Future of Europe Leadership Series: Will the election decide the future of the UK in Europe?

29 April 2015
Charles Grant speaks at the first panel discussion of the FT Future of Europe Leadership Series organised in co-operation with the CER and King's College London.

Nace la Unión de los Mercados de Capital

Christian Odendahl
27 April 2015
Capital Madrid
Además, como ob­serva Christian Odendahl, del CER, "el prés­tamo ban­cario tiende a ser pro­cí­clico: crece con fuerzas du­rante un 'boom' y se con­trae con la cri­sis".

Germany is becoming relaxed about a Grexit – perhaps too relaxed

24 April 2015
The Guardian
Many EU member states and the US still fear the consequences of Greece leaving Europe. They need to get their voices heard in Berlin

EU vil bekæmpe menneskesmuglere militært

Rem Korteweg
23 April 2015
Rem Korteweg, seniorforsker ved CER, er dog ikke imponeret. »Det lyder rigtig brutalt at sige, at man vil destruere skibe. Man sender et signal om, at man er meget seriøs, og at man vil knække smuglerne. Men når man vil omdanne det til praksis, kommer der til at opstå problemer,« siger han.

Migrant deaths: EU leaders to triple funding of rescue operations

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Rem Korteweg
23 April 2015
The Guardian
"Reluctant governments should realise that overemphasising the 'pull effect' is not only factually incorrect but also morally indefensible," said the Centre for European Reform think-tank on Thursday. See the full report here.

Facing migration crisis, European leaders to meet in Brussels

Camino Mortera-Martinez
23 April 2015
New York Times
“The EU hasn’t had a coherent immigration policy since forever, and the situation is getting worse since the Arab Spring,” said Camino Mortera-Martinez of the CER. “Now, there has been a wake-up call."

Video interview on 'Cleaning the neighbourhood: How the EU can scrub out bad energy policy'

Video interview on 'Cleaning the neighbourhood: How the EU can scrub out bad energy policy'

Stephen Tindale
22 April 2015
Stephen Tindale discusses how the EU should not buy electricity from countries with highly-polluting coal power stations in his most recent policy brief.