
Understanding the German approach towards Greece

Christian Odendahl
27 January 2015
With the new government in Greece preparing for the negotiations with the troika, the German position in particular has been a topic of debate, both in Greece and on markets.

Greek coalition braces for debt showdown as Germany rattles sabre

Simon Tilford
27 January 2015
The Telegraph
Simon Tilford of the CER, said that Greece will remain trapped in crisis even if it wins a few concessions. “Nothing likely to happen will make any material difference for the Greek economy,” he said.

Hvad nu, Grækenland? Magtskifte udløser nyt drama

Christian Odendahl, Simon Tilford
27 January 2015
Som økonomerne Christian Odendahl og Simon Tilford, så har alle interesse i at undgå »atombombe-scenariet«, hvor Grækenland bare nægter at betale landets gæld for derefter at blive tvunget ud af møntunionen.

Brussels shaken as new Greek leader challenges Europe’s austerity drive

Christian Odendahl
27 January 2015
The Sofia Globe
Germany is seen as the driving force behind austerity.  Government officials have stated that it may be better for Greece to leave the euro currency – but that is posturing to the German public, says Christian Odendahl of the CER.

Could Syriza's win really herald Europe's move to a softer form of austerity?

26 January 2015
Charles Grant says there is a window of opportunity for Greece's new prime minister to renegotiate, however staunch the German resistance to softening austerity might appear.
Syriza’s victory creates a great deal of uncertainty for the eurozone. It could possibly lead to Greece’s ejection from the euro, an event which would...

Brussels fears tough line from Tsipras

Simon Tilford
26 January 2015
The Guardian
“In private, there are acknowledgements from some Europeans that they are going to have to move to towards the centre..and acknowledge that the European side has been part of the problem,” said Simon Tilford.

US, Japan offer lessons as Eurozone launches huge stimulus

Christian Odendahl
23 January 2015
Voice of America
So will quantitative easing, or QE, rescue Europe’s economy? Unlikely, says Christian Odendahl, chief economist at the Centre for European Reform in London.

EZB - Chef Draghi ringt um deutsche Akzeptanz

Christian Odendahl
22 January 2015
Der Standard
Der Chefökonom des CER, Christian Odendahl, erklärt sich die deutsche Skepsis so: "Der Öffentlichkeit wurde nie erklärt, was es heißt, in einer Krise Teil einer Währungsunion zu sein".

CER/UCL panel discussion on 'Britain & Europe: Pathways to EU reform'

21 January 2015
Panel discussion to launch UCL's 2-year series on Britain & Europe with Wolfgang Blau, Richard Corbett, Deirdre Curtin and Charles Grant.

You should really pay attention to Greece this week

Christian Odendahl, Simon Tilford
20 January 2015
Global Post
If SYRIZA wins outright, many believe it could find a compromise with the EU. "Both sides have an interest in avoiding the nuclear scenario," said a recent paper by the CER.

European politics emerges as one of the top global risk factors

Simon Tilford
20 January 2015
Financial Times
“The stability of the euro and the futures of the participating countries will continue to be vulnerable to the short-term exigencies of German domestic politics,” wrote Simon Tilford of the CER.

EU gears up for different levels of fight against terrorism

20 January 2015
Global Post
"The attacks show that foreign policy and internal security are intimately connected," said Rem Korteweg, research fellow at the CER, when referring to the bloody attacks in Paris earlier this month.

La Unión Europea intenta blindarse contra el yihadismo

Camino Mortera-Martinez
19 January 2015
El Pais
“El sistema permite introducir alertas para sospechosos o susceptibles de cometer actos criminales en cualquier país de la UE, pero se utiliza poco”, explica Camino Mortera, del Centre for European Reform.

When you join the EU you make a deal – Switzerland needs to remember that

19 January 2015
The Guardian
Swiss attempts to limit EU immigration may succeed but, as UK Eurosceptics should note, reneging on a bargain can bring dire consequences.

Euro currency’s missing pieces challenge policymakers

Simon Tilford
19 January 2015
The Washington Post
“The burden of adjustment ... falls squarely on labor, basically on cutting labor costs,” said Simon Tilford, deputy director of the CER. “That, politically, is a precarious basis for a currency.”

Terrorisme : l'urgence européenne

Camino Mortera-Martinez
17 January 2015
France Culture
Face à la menace terroriste, l'Europe doit mieux s'organiser. Autour de Christine Ockrent, cette semaine: Camino Mortera Martinez, chercheuse au CER.

Ukraine lurches back toward war as Merkel urges rapid talks

15 January 2015
“Fighting has already been stepped up significantly,” Ian Bond of the CER, said by phone. “What I do think is happening pretty clearly is that the Russians are resupplying the forces in eastern Ukraine and probably rotating them.”

Judy Asks: Can Europe protect itself against terrorism?

Rem Korteweg
14 January 2015
Carnegie Europe
Every week, a selection of leading experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.

The former British ambassador in Latvia: the Cold War is already taking place (in Russian and Latvian)

13 January 2015
Эксклюзив: Вторая Холодная война уже идет, уверен бывший британский посол в Латвии

Lithuania embraces the Euro

Simon Tilford
13 January 2015
“All of the Baltic governments believe that eurozone membership will help protect them against Russian aggression,” says Simon Tilford of the CER.