Aslak Berg

Aslak Berg

Research fellow
Areas of expertise 

Trade policy, international economics, regulatory policy and regional integration.

Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

Should the UK pursue dynamic alignment with the EU?

04 July 2024
The EU’s neighbours follow various models of dynamic alignment with its rules. Which model, if any, could suit the UK?
EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

EU-UK relations: Towards a post-election agenda

01 July 2024
Britain’s next government needs a coherent strategy towards the EU, ranging from trade and regulation to energy, foreign policy and defence.
Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

Delivering the goods: An EU trade agenda for the next UK government

28 May 2024
The Labour Party’s red lines will restrict its ambitions for changing the EU-UK relationship, but if it forms a government it should push Brussels for concessions, particularly on trade in goods.
Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

Living next door to an elephant: Lessons for the UK from EFTA

29 April 2024
After Brexit, the UK finds itself next door to a regional trade hegemon. Britain can draw useful lessons from the experience of the EFTA countries.
Enrico Letta's report: More than a market, but less than an agenda

Enrico Letta's report: More than a market, but less than an agenda

23 April 2024
Enrico Letta’s report on the single market offers largely sensible ideas to strengthen the EU’s economy. But he leaves member-states the job of prioritising and tackling the trade-offs.
Weighed down by gravity: UK trade policy after Brexit

Weighed down by gravity: UK trade policy after Brexit

11 March 2024
The post-Brexit vision of 'Global Britain' is slowly replaced by the reality that free trade agreements deliver marginal benefits, particularly for the UK’s service-oriented economy. 
Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

Europe and the superpowers: Responding to economic nationalism

26 February 2024
Superpower competition poses a significant challenge for Europe's trade-intensive economy. The EU must evolve its toolkit and economic model to respond.
Why Europe should not worry about US out-performance

Why Europe should not worry about US out-performance

13 December 2023
The US has had stronger growth than Europe recently – but its out-performance is easily explainable. Instead of worrying about the US, Europe should focus on itself and avoid repeating past mistakes.