
The highest hurdle to a UK-EU trade deal

Sam Lowe
26 February 2020
Financial Times
Four of the UK’s most knowledgeable minds on trade offer their thoughts on the chances of a deal. Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform: 6.5/10. It is possible to see a way through on most of the contentious issues. Once they are resolved there is actually much agreement between the EU and UK as to the nature of the final trade deal. The issue giving me cause for concern is that the day-one disruption at the border is similar if the desired free trade agreement is concluded, to if it isn’t, which reduces the political benefit to Boris of making concessions to the EU.

UK-EU trade talks: The problems — and potential solutions

Sam Lowe
25 February 2020
Financial Times
“There will be a lot of noise and shouting but I think there will be a trade deal this year,” said Sam Lowe, trade expert at the Centre for European Reform think-tank. “I just don’t think it will be a very good trade deal when you think of the disruption it will involve.”Mr Lowe added: “Both sides are pretty aligned on what they want.”

Belarus reset

Khrystyna Parandii
25 February 2020
Financial Times
Khrystyna Parandii at the Centre for European Reform makes the case for the EU to restart its relations with Belarus as the country looks to distance itself from the Kremlin.

Post-Brexit, Britain is going its own way. That way looks expensive

25 February 2020
The New York Times
“The real cost is lack of investment,” says Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a research institution in London. “Food, manufacturing, cars, aerospace, chemicals will all have big problems.”

BBC PM: Trade deal conditions

25 February 2020
“If I had to bet money on it I would say there will be a simple deal on trade by the end of the year... but also there is a real risk evident of no deal at all,” Charles Grant, director of the CER discussed the prospect of UK-EU deal on the BBC PM show (from 35 mins).

Poland’s judicial battle spreads confusion in EU

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 February 2020
Financial Times
“Once the rule of law is being undermined in one member state, other member-states can’t be certain the rights of their citizens and their companies will be adequately respected,” said Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, from the Centre for European Reform think-tank.

EU crippled: How bitter feuds between EU-27 could topple bloc in Brexit talks

22 February 2020
The Express
Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron's countries have come to blows over a number of issues in recent years, as highlighted by Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform. He highlights how, for example, Berlin did not consult Paris before agreeing to the Nord Stream gas pipeline opened in 2011.

Tok FM: Po rozwodzie. Jaka umowa Wielkiej Brytanii z UE?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 February 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM on the Brexit negotiations ahead and on the new migration package unveiled yesterday.

Podcast 5 News: What are the options for post-Brexit trade with the EU? What does 'Australia-style' mean?

Sam Lowe
20 February 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow a the Centre for European Reform spoke to Andy Bell of Channel 5 news about what to expect next from the Brexit negotiations.

Business needs a transition period with the EU

Sam Lowe
19 February 2020
The Telegraph
From the EU’s perspective, there is a political argument to be made that Brexit should be seen to hurt.

The EU is in trouble and Ursula Von der Leyen is the wrong person to rescue it

18 February 2020
The Spectator
Charles Grant of the Centre for European Reform warns that France and Germany are increasingly operating unilaterally, each pursuing its national interest. “Germany,” he points out, “did not consult its EU partners over its support for the Nord Stream 2 Russian gas pipeline, although it will increase the EU’s dependency on Russian energy and cause tensions with the US.”

What if Trump wins? Europeans fear a more permanent shift against them

Sophia Besch
18 February 2020
The New York Times
European leadership remains weak and divided, noted Sophia Besch, an analyst in the Berlin office of the Centre for European Reform. “We talk a lot about US leadership but not enough about European leadership,” she said.

Bloomberg Westminster: Wales under water

17 February 2020
Plaid Cymru Leader Adam Price joins us from flood-hit Pontypridd where he says many of those affected are still in a state of shock. He calls for hardship support for the large number of people who have lost everything and are uninsured. Plus, Charles Grant director of the Centre for...

Sustaina Babble: #166: Chlorine Chicken

Sam Lowe
17 February 2020
Sam Lowe from the Centre for European Reform joins us to defend his fascination with one of the nerdiest subjects in the world and patiently explain why it’s actually quite important.

How Hungary's sledging hill with no snow may reshape EU budgets

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
16 February 2020
The Telegraph
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, the EU policy special at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels says that the Commission’s ‘conditionality’ proposal will survive in some form - but it is not yet clear exactly what will remain, once the haggling over the budget heats up.“The risk is that ‘rule of law’ conditionality will become a bargaining chip in the negotiating end-game, traded away for other concessions rather than being treated on its merits,” she warned in a discussion paper last month.

Brexit boost: How Boris Johnson could sign US trade deal ‘promise’ before November

16 February 2020
The Express
Charles Grant from the Centre for European Reform said: “I think the chances of a real proper free trade agreement between the UK and the US in the next year or two are absolutely minimal.”He continued: “I’m very sceptical that you could move quickly.

'Global Britain' goes missing at Munich security summit

Sophia Besch
16 February 2020
The Financial Times
Sophia Besch, a defence and security specialist at the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said Britain was still trying to figure out what global Britain meant. “Maybe the thinking was that there wasn’t a new high level message,” she said. “But in the debates on China and technology, a high-level UK voice would have been valuable.”

Talk Radio: Post-Brexit trade deals

Sam Lowe
16 February 2020
The Centre for European Reform's Sam Lowe discusses post-Brexit trade deals: "Everything we buy from the EU will be more expensive than it was before, even if tariffs are zero, because there will be new customs procedures and new bureaucracy."

CER podcast: Europe and Libya

Luigi Scazzieri, Beth Oppenheim
12 February 2020
The conflict in Libya is spiralling out of control despite the recent Berlin conference. Beth Oppenheim and Luigi Scazzieri discuss why Europe has struggled to influence Libya, and how the conflict may evolve.

Why traditional freeports won’t work in the UK

Sam Lowe
11 February 2020
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, at the Centre for European Reform, says the case for establishing freeports is often much clearer in developing countries, where the environment for doing business may be more difficult, with higher tariffs and bigger bureaucratic obstacles. “You can see value in countries that have real rule of law and governance issues, an unwieldy business system, lots of patronage . . . You can make a much better argument for them in a developing context.”