
Las dos fases económicas del coronavirus

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
09 April 2020
ES Global
Las autoridades europeas deben contrarrestar los enormes costes de la contención del virus y, al mismo tiempo, mantener una deuda sostenible en todos los Estados miembros de la eurozona.

Euroamor en tiempos de pandemia

08 April 2020
ES Global
Ian Bond, director de Política Exterior en el Centre for European Reform, cree que es un ejemplo perfecto de cómo las “políticas impulsivas” nacionales tienen consecuencias negativas para todos: “La gente que intentaba volver a sus respectivos países quedó atrapada, se interrumpieron las cadenas de suministro, incluso de bienes esenciales, y nos encontramos con filas interminables de camiones sin que todo eso impidiera la propagación de la enfermedad”.
US, EU, China dice

CER podcast: The EU, the US and China: Irresponsible stakeholders in the global order?

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond
08 April 2020
The EU, the US  and China are the most important economic blocs in the world. But trade, political and security relations between them are becoming dangerously tense. Can the EU calm things down?

EU pledges billions to 'partner countries' but unable to agree on pandemic support for its own members

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
08 April 2020
CNS News
“The EU’s initial belated and chaotic response and its failure to coordinate has weakened its reputation and provided fertile ground for euroskeptics,” said Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

The EU's latest existential crisis might be its biggest one yet

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
07 April 2020
Bloomberg Quint
“The EU’s initial belated and chaotic response and its failure to coordinate has weakened its reputation and provided fertile ground for euroskeptics,” said Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in Brussels. “This shock is of a more symmetric nature and can hit the north and south equally. So the question is whether this makes the north more open to risk-sharing.”

Les coronabonds fissurent le consensus allemand

Christian Odendahl
07 April 2020
Pour beaucoup de raisons, donc, l’Allemagne devrait opposer un «non, mais» aux coronabonds. «A ce stade, Berlin veut que l’Europe explore les options que les institutions actuelles offrent déjà, explique Christian Odendahl, économiste en chef pour le think tank Centre for European reform. Ils vont dire en substance : "Oui, nous vous avons entendus, mais utilisons d’abord nos institutions".

Corona time

Christian Odendahl
07 April 2020
A paper by Christian Odendahl of the Centre for European Reform, Sebastian Grund of Harvard Law School and Lucas Guttenberg of the Jacques Delors Centre suggests the European Commission could raise 440 billion euros in 30-year bonds to fund the collective costs of fighting coronavirus. Crucially, however, the money would be granted to member states rather than lent. Responsibility for repaying the bonds would be divided between EU members according to the relative size of their economies in 2050, allowing the strong to support the weak.

A plan of action

Christian Odendahl
06 April 2020
Financial Times
Lucas Guttenberg, Christian Odendahl and Sebastian Grund have devised a plan for a Pandemic Solidarity Instrument that aims to avoid the obvious political pitfalls of debt mutualisation but still provide a €440bn bazooka for the EU to spend on the healthcare systems and labour markets the need it the most.

Hilfe für Italien und Spanien ist gut investiert

Christian Odendahl
06 April 2020
Die Krise droht Italien und Spanien in die Insolvenz zu stürzen. Da sind Coronabonds allemal besser - auch für die politische Einheit Europas. Ein Selbstgespräch des Ökonomen Christian Odendahl.

Nicht alte Vorurteile, sondern ökonomische Vernunft sollte die Krisenbekämpfung leiten

Christian Odendahl
06 April 2020
Dass es auch schneller gehen kann, zeigt allerdings die Idee des von den drei deutschen Ökonomen Christian Odendahl, Sebastian Grund und Lucas Guttenberg entwickelten „Pandemic Solidarity Instrument“: einer gemeinsamen, einmaligen und begrenzten Krisenanleihe, die von allen EU-Ländern garantiert würde und mit dem EU-Recht und ohne neue Institutionen machbar wäre.

Der Anti-Boris

05 April 2020
Die Welt
„Nach Corona wird es aber ohnehin schwer, eine Politik links von Johnson zu machen“, gibt Charles Grant, Chef des Centre for European Reform, zu bedenken. 

Sharing the fiscal burden of the crisis: A Pandemic Solidarity Instrument for the EU

Christian Odendahl, Sebastian Grund, Lucas Guttenberg
05 April 2020
To ensure that all EU countries can do what is necessary to fight the economic fallout of the pandemic, the fiscal costs of this crisis must be shared.

As Italy teeters, EU wrestles with crisis that could tear it apart

05 April 2020
Brisbane Times
"Those countries that did not respond may have been worried they were about to be hit themselves, but the optics were absolutely atrocious and made even worse by the fact at the same time, China and Russia were taking advantage and sending medical teams and medical treatments," says Luigi Scazzieri, a research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

The EU needs to counter Italy's coronavirus-induced Euroscepticism

03 April 2020
The coronavirus crisis may be unprecedented in living memory, but for many Italians the EU’s reaction has been no surprise.

EU fiscal response to cornavirus pandemic taking shape after shaky start

02 April 2020
RTE News
"The way other member-states initially responded to Italy’s coronavirus plight has shaped the narrative of the crisis," says Luigi Scazzieri, of the Centre for European Reform (CER). 

BBC News: The EU's response to the coronavirus

02 April 2020
“This €100 billion [proposed EU coronavirus jobless scheme] strikes me as rather small given the number of unemployed that are expected in light of the huge economic shock facing not only Italy but the eurozone as a whole”.

The EU can emerge stronger from the coronavirus crisis

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Luigi Scazzieri
01 April 2020
The coronavirus pandemic has become a stress test for the European project.

EU countries step up ‘solidarity’ in fightback against critics

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
31 March 2020
Financial Times
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, from the Centre for European Reform think-tank, said the EU needed to make up for an initial “chaotic and unco-ordinated” pandemic response in which some member states “showed a lack of solidarity with Italy”, Europe’s worst-affected country.

'The future of the European project is at stake': EU in crosshairs of coronavirus pandemic

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
27 March 2020
"Basically the outcome of the summit is something not particularly surprising but still it’s obviously an outcome which is going to cast a shadow on a previously pretty efficient EU response," said Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska from the Centre for European Reform.

EU leaders enter a virtual, parallel reality

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
27 March 2020
Financial Times
Christian Odendahl and John Springford and the Centre for European Reform want governments to avoid the economic mistakes of 2008 by stimulating the “economy once the containment phase is lifted”.