
Musimy bronić rządów prawa w całej Unii

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 January 2020
Komisja Europejska powinna jak najszybciej wdrożyć mechanizm monitorowania zasady rządów prawa we wszystkich krajach członkowskich, a nie skupiać się tylko na tych, w których sprawy poszły za daleko.

CER podcast: Brexit bulletin special

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe, Ian Bond, Beth Oppenheim
29 January 2020
In this special Brexit episode of the CER podcast, Charles Grant explains why the CER is still needed after Brexit; Sam Lowe discusses the future of UK-EU trade; and Ian Bond explores the fate of UK foreign policy.

Pompeo takes on growing rift with Brexit Britain

29 January 2020
Johnson might now simply be hoping "there are no precipitous statements from the US saying that's it, this love affair is at an end", said Ian Bond of London's Centre for European Reform.Bond pointed out that US officials had repeatedly warned how Huawei's inclusion in Britain's 5G rollout could force Washington to stop sharing intelligence with London.

Sky News: What's the next stage of Brexit?

Sam Lowe
29 January 2020
Sam Lowe spoke to Sky News on the cost of post-Brexit divergence: “The day one impact would look very similar to all of the forecasts as if we were to have left the EU without a deal in place”.

Brexit Britain trapped between superpowers

Sam Lowe
29 January 2020
Financial Times
Sam Lowe, a trade expert at the Centre for European Reform, says: “President Donald Trump is unpredictable and quick to take offence, and treats trade as akin to a protection racket — first he increases the threat, in the form of tariffs and instability, and then offers to shield you in exchange for payment.“The UK will not get an easy ride just because of its so-called special relationship with the US.”

UK talks up Japan trade as Brexit looms

Sam Lowe
29 January 2020
Global Trade Review
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (CER) think-tank and a committee member of the UK Trade Forum, tells GTR that of the government’s target markets there are good reasons to prioritise Japan. “The US is going to be really tough, while Australia and New Zealand are nice to have but not hugely economically significant,” he says.

Short-term boost may be undermined by Britain’s new trading relationship with EU

29 January 2020
Financial Times
The broad optimism of Brexit-supporting economists is countered by their opponents, who are rather larger in number. John Springford, chief economist of the Centre for European Reform, said the expectation of a big improvement in the economy from Brexit was “silly”. “The story that now you’ve got certainty, investment comes flooding back [doesn’t work],” he said, “because what you’ve got certainty about is a pretty hard outcome”. This would depress activity at companies dependent on free movement of people or frictionless goods trade, he added.

De keuze voor de Brexit werkte als rem op de Britse economie

28 January 2020
Ook econoom John Springford van denktank Centre for European Reform in Londen, gebruikte de dubbelgangermethode. Maar hij is er ook weer mee gestopt, omdat het risico op fouten volgens hem toeneemt, nu het referendum langer geleden is. Springford liet een algoritme een mandje samenstellen van 22 hoogontwikkelde landen, waaronder de VS, Duitsland en Australië. Hij kwam uit op een verlies voor de Britse economie van 2,9 procent tot in juni 2019.

Polska znów w centrum sporów w Brukseli

28 January 2020
Deutsche Welle
Komisarz UE ds. sprawiedliwości, wziął wczoraj wieczorem (27.01.2020) udział w debacie o praworządności w UE, która – choć oparta na raporcie Centre of European Reform, wskazującym na obniżające się standardy w sporej liczbie krajów Europy – skupiała się w dużej mierze na Polsce i Węgrzech.

Brexit guide

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 January 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Centre for European Reform (CER) analyst, has a similar opinion. - The formal exit of Great Britain from the Union is not the end of the Brexit saga, but only the beginning. At the same time, she points out that the Community began to prepare for this stage much earlier than London, which gives Brussels an advantage at the very beginning. - Although the nature of the talks will change fundamentally, the EU side has kept the negotiation team with Michel Barnier at the forefront unchanged.

Trump's 'massive' US-UK trade deal faces big hurdles

Sam Lowe
27 January 2020
“The NHS is a religion in the UK. That’s where the real red line is,” said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform in London. “If the U.S. is saying: ‘Pay more for medicine,’ that’s quite difficult to get past the Treasury and the taxpayers.”

Brexit showdown: Boris set to flex muscles with secret weapon in EU talks

Sam Lowe
25 January 2020
The Express
Speaking to Channel 4 News yesterday, Sam Lowe, from the Centre for European Reform, suggested it the US and UK would come together to strike the first phase of a deal within weeks - possible when Boris Johnson goes to the US in March.

Scot influence ‘would wither if poll was not legally binding’

24 January 2020
The Times
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank, said that the EU would “look benignly towards Scottish independence” if it was approved in a legally binding referendum. He said: “The reason why the EU has not taken Catalonia’s side in the last couple of years is because the Catalans are pursuing a course of action which the EU perceives as illegal.” He said that if Scotland pursed a law-abiding route the EU could be “very welcoming”.

Poland launches a fresh attack on judges - and there's little the EU can do about it

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 January 2020
"What could be happening in Poland is a dangerous situation, where there are two legal systems, both of which claim the other to be illegitimate," says Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, a senior researcher at the Centre for European Reform, based in Brussels.

Channel 4 News podcast: How will Britain and Europe build a new relationship after Brexit?

Sam Lowe
24 January 2020
Sam Lowe of the CER spoke to Gary Gibbon about what happens next on Brexit and what is in store for our new relationship with Europe.

The Spectator - Edition podcast: Is there a new Anglo-French bromance?

24 January 2020
Is a new Anglo-French bromance blossoming? Emmanuel Macron certainly seems like he needs an ally.

Brexit: MSPs told EU would take London's lead in recognising an independent Scotland

23 January 2020
The Scotsman
Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform said the key thing for the EU was "the question of legality."He said: "The reason the EU has not taken Catalonia's side in recent years is because the Catalans are pursuing a course of action the EU perceives as illegal. So long as Scotland moves towards independence according to the constitution and in co-operation with Westminster, I think the EU would look benignly on Scottish independence.

Trump zeroes in on his next trade target: Europe

Sam Lowe
23 January 2020
"The European Union is probably thinking, 'Hey if we can find something to give them, and that keeps tariffs on cars off the table, it makes sense to move forward,'" said Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

SPTV: Article 50 enquiry - Withdrawal Agreement and Negotiation of the Future Relationshi

23 January 2020
Charles Grant gave evidence to the Scottish Parliament Culture, Tourism, Europe and External Affairs Committee’s Article 50 Inquiry.

Imminent UK Brexit unleashes new EU dynamics

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
22 January 2020
The Financial Times
Time pressure will “focus minds on the continent and make it easier for the EU-27 to maintain unity”, says Agata Gostynska-Jakubowska of the Centre for European Reform think-tank in Brussels. “The idea that they will crack in the later phase is overplayed.”