
Ten reflections on a sovereignty-first Brexit

28 December 2020
The UK-EU trade deal prioritises sovereignty over economics. Politicians will soon be talking about how to improve the deal. Very little about the UK’s long-term relationship with the EU has been settled.

Deadly coronavirus, domineering China and divided America: What the new geopolitics means for Europe

17 December 2020
Trump's presidency and COVID-19 have destabilised geopolitics, creating problems for the US and the EU, while strengthening China.

European strategic autonomy and a new transatlantic bargain

Sophia Besch, Luigi Scazzieri
11 December 2020
The distinction between a European path and a transatlantic path in European defence is misguided. Europeans should focus on improving their capabilities and developing a common strategic outlook.

Europe needs a strong Africa, but will it work to achieve one?

03 December 2020
The massive problems created by COVID-19 in Africa offer Europe a chance to promote a new partnership. But upgrading the relationship will require the EU to confront both illicit financial flows and a looming debt crisis.

Can Biden mend Trump's foreign policy mess?

30 November 2020
Donald Trump’s foreign policy failures far outweigh his successes. America’s allies may have exaggerated expectations of what Joe Biden can do to put things back on an even keel.  

Navigating accidental illegality

Sam Lowe
30 November 2020
Next year many companies selling goods or services between the UK and EU will inadvertently break some rule or other. But the immediate consequences of their inevitable infractions remain uncertain.

Turkey rising?

30 November 2020
Turkey’s foreign policy has become increasingly militarised and assertive, driven by a mix of ambition, security concerns and domestic politics. However, despite its recent successes, Ankara is at risk of overreaching. 

Post-Brexit foreign, security and defence co-operation: We don't want to talk about it

26 November 2020
The UK is wrong to reject an institutional foreign policy relationship with the EU, but the EU should improve its ineffective external security co-operation with third countries, including the UK.

President Biden: Don't expect miracles, Europe

13 November 2020
Transatlantic relations will improve under Biden, but Europe will not be his number one priority. Europeans must strengthen their capacity to protect their own interests.

Brexit and police and judicial co-operation: Too little, too late?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
09 November 2020
The EU and the UK will find an agreement on extradition and Europol. But both parties are further apart on data protection than it may seem. Data transfers will be a problem in the future relationship.

Americans choose their president: Europe must live with the consequences

02 November 2020
The US election could spell the end of the transatlantic partnership or give it a new lease of life. But even if Biden prevails, Europeans should not use his victory as an excuse to hit the snooze button.

What would a Biden presidency mean for US-EU trade relations?

Sam Lowe
28 October 2020
Joe Biden in the White House would remove the threat of a US-EU trade war from the table, and open up new areas for co-operation.

The Commission's 'new migration pact': Handle with care

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Luigi Scazzieri
26 October 2020
The European Commission's new migration plans are more likely to succeed than previous attempts at reforming the system.

A tale of batteries, Brexit and EU strategic autonomy

Sam Lowe
23 October 2020
Recently leaked proposals suggest the EU wants to use the EU-UK trade deal to help on-shore an electric vehicle supply chain.

Brexit and COVID-19 are a toxic mix

John Springford, Tomas Hirst
15 October 2020
The second wave of COVID-19 is arriving just before the UK leaves the single market. The pandemic will make it harder for the economy to adjust to Brexit.

A trade deal would give the City of London breathing space

30 September 2020
The EU’s decisions on financial equivalence for the UK are formally separate from the trade deal under negotiation. But in reality, the two are linked.

Will the coronavirus pandemic deliver a coup de grâce to Schengen?

Camino Mortera-Martinez
30 September 2020
The EU’s Schengen area will survive the pandemic. But member-states need to co-ordinate border closures and set clear criteria for imposing quarantines, or they will imperil the single market.

Can the EU's Strategic Compass steer European defence?

30 September 2020
The EU’s planned ‘Strategic Compass’ will define its security and defence ambitions. Though not a panacea, it could give European defence more coherence and should help foster a common strategic outlook among member-states.
