Single market, competition & trade

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The European unicycle

Jonathan Portes
16 November 2015
I attended the annual Centre for European Reform conference at Ditchley Park earlier this month, with the topic 'Has the euro been a failure?'.  The conference was attended by a fairly impressive list of British and continental European economists and policymakers.

Debunking three myths about TTIP

Rem Korteweg, Douglas Grant
10 November 2015
Over the last couple of years a menacing and secretive global power, known only by its acronym, has emerged. It operates across borders, with scant regard for international law – let alone the lives of those under its rule. Left unchecked, it poses an existential threat to Western civilisation.

The pain in Spain

Simon Tilford
28 October 2015
Project Syndicate
LONDON – Spain is the eurozone’s latest poster child for austerity and structural reforms. Its economy has expanded for eight consecutive quarters, steadily gaining momentum and easily outperforming the rest of the currency union. Export growth has matched that of Germany; unemployment has fallen by over a million people in...

Speech on: The banking union, one year on

Danièle Nouy
21 October 2015
Speech by Danièle Nouy, chair of the ECB Supervisory Board

A troubled euro needs a softer Germany

25 September 2015
The World Today: Chatham House
For those of us who think that the European Union is a good idea, the euro’s travails in recent years have been very trying. We had long assumed that the euro would encourage trade and investment across frontiers, thereby deepening the single market and boosting competition.

Will the Eurozone caucus on financial regulation?

Julie Dickson
01 September 2015
Speech by Julie Dickson, Member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank, at a lunch discussion organised by the Centre for European Reform, at Morgan Stanley, London, 1 September 2015.

How not to create a 'European Google'

27 August 2015
Europe must learn that markets make strong companies. Bureaucrats don’t.

Financial Times: Has Greece crisis created a two-speed Europe?

Christian Odendahl
04 August 2015
Christian Odendahl talks to the Financial Times about the Greek crisis (4:48).

David Cameron should stand up to the eurozone

31 July 2015
Financial Times
Can Britain, a country that plans to keep its own currency, feel comfortable in an EU that is increasingly focused on the euro and its troubles? As David Cameron’s government starts negotiations with its partners on the terms...

The EU risks damaging consumer interests in its push against Google dominance

23 July 2015
City A.M
Jean Tirole won last year’s Nobel prize for economics for his work on a new type of market – and one that has grown with the meteoric rise of the internet. So-called two-sided markets arise when a company brings together suppliers and consumers. Google is a classic example: it...

The eurozone’s fault lines

Simon Tilford
14 July 2015
The New York Times
Without crucial reforms, the currency union is likely to remain in a political no man's land, whatever happens to Greece.

The Greek bailout deal resolves nothing

14 July 2015
The Huffington Post
The new bailout deal signals Greece's capitulation to its creditors, something which has important ramifications for the bailout's success. Even if the deal makes it through the Greek parliament in the coming weeks, the programme's economic incoherence will make it fall apart.

BBC Newsnight live from Athens: Duncan Weldon talks to Simon Tilford on the Greek crisis

Simon Tilford
06 July 2015
Live from Athens, as the Greeks and the Euro face the consequences of a no vote. The BBC are hit in the wallet. And have Labour forgotten how to win?
Simon Tilford talks to Duncan Weldon on the Greek crisis: watch it here (12:39/ 14:18).

No catharsis in Grexit

Simon Tilford
03 July 2015
City A.M.
There is a growing gap between the way the Greek crisis is seen in the Eurozone and the way it is seen across the rest of the world. Everyone agrees that Greece is a poorly governed country and that Syriza has played a poor hand badly. But whereas many Eurozone...

Radio 4 - Week in Westminster: Greek crisis and the eurozone

27 June 2015
Charles Grant speaks on the 'Week in Westminster' discussing the Greek crisis and the eurozone.

China Central TV: EU at a crossroads

26 June 2015
Ian Bond is interviewed by China Central TV English service, along with Francois Godement of ECFR and George Tzogopoulos, on the Greek crisis in Europe.

Beware the four horsemen circling Europe: Greece, Russia, migrants and the Brexit

Rem Korteweg
25 June 2015
The Independent
Four horsemen are stalking Europe: the Greek financial crisis; illegal migration in the Mediterranean; Russian aggression; and Britain's reform-or-Brexit threat.

Was Griechenland eigentlich braucht

Christian Odendahl
24 June 2015
Der sich abzeichnende Deal zwischen Griechenland und den Gläubigern ist politisch richtig, aber ökonomisch kontraproduktiv, sagt Ökonom Christian Odendahl. Eine langfristige Lösung für Griechenland und für Europa ist er nicht. Rein ökonomisch betrachtet: Ist es richtig, von Griechenland stärkere Einsparungen, eine Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer und eine Kürzung der Renten zu...

Gästinlägg: Vad Grekland behöver

Christian Odendahl
18 June 2015
Ett avtal mellan Grekland och dess fordringsägare är fortfarande sannolikt. Vad landet verkligen behöver är emellertid en partiöverskridande överenskommelse om att förändra sina institutioner, en mindre restriktiv finanspolitik och löften om framtida skuldnedskrivningar, skriver Christian Odendahl, chefsekonom på tankesmedjan Centre for European Reform i detta gästinlägg. 
Förhandlingarna mellan Grekland...

Grecia, dopo l'accordo lavoriamo per una soluzione

Christian Odendahl
13 June 2015
Il sole 24 Ore
I negoziati in corso tra la Grecia e i suoi creditori stanno entrando nelle fasi finali, come indica il coinvolgimento di Angela Merkel e François Hollande.
