Single market, competition & trade

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Immigration is key to UK’s services trade after Brexit

Sam Lowe
24 May 2019
Despite its importance to the economy, the UK’s services sector has not attracted the attention it deserves in the Brexit debate. Services account for around 45 per cent of total UK exports in value terms, a high proportion for a medium-sized economy.

Why Europe's capital cities are pulling away from their countries – and what we can do about it

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
13 May 2019
Europe’s capital cities are much more productive than smaller cities and towns: the average metropolitan worker produces about 50 per cent more output than workers elsewhere. The divide between capitals and everywhere else is growing, too.

Berlin's confounding productivity gap

11 May 2019
The bustling German capital scores poorly on a scale of meeting its economic potential. But do its residents care?

Newsnight: The how, why and if of the new Brexit extension

Sam Lowe
09 April 2019
European fears that the UK would disrupt EU affairs during a further Brexit extension are probably overblown, Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform tells BBC Newsnight (from 06:28 mins). 

No-deal Brexit would not be the end of the world – just very, very, very bad

Sam Lowe
04 April 2019
The New Statesman
Despite all of the evidence to the contrary, some have convinced themselves that exiting the EU without an agreement – “no deal” – is a good idea. It is not.

The reality of Britain's role in the global trading system after Brexit remains deeply uncertain

Sam Lowe
30 March 2019
The Independent
Continuity agreements are in place with a small number of countries but replicating the arrangements that Britain currently benefits from will be the overriding priority throughout the transition period - if there is one - and beyond.

No deal, no border

Sam Lowe
17 March 2019
The Business Post
In the event of no deal Brexit, we now know the UK’s plan for the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland: pretend it doesn’t exist.

Parliament Live: International Trade Committee

Sam Lowe
13 March 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform, along with Lucia Quaglia, Catherine Bernard and Alan Winters gave evidence on trade in services. 

BBC Newsnight: Will a UK-US trade deal lower food standards in the UK?

Sam Lowe
01 March 2019
Sam Lowe, as senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Ben Chu for Newsnight, on the US opening position for US-UK trade deal negotiations.

Forget new trade deals – Britain’s struggling to keep the ones it has

Sam Lowe
07 February 2019
The Guardian
Liam Fox said up to 40 would be ready one second after Brexit. Well, they won’t, and the government must be honest about it.

Die Zinsen sollten niedrig bleiben

Christian Odendahl
03 February 2019
Der Tagesspiegel
Nach zwei Jahren robusten Wachstums deuten alle Indikatoren darauf hin, dass sich die europäische Wirtschaft abkühlt, auch wenn sie noch nicht auf eine Rezession zusteuert.

The other May problem

Sam Lowe
01 February 2019
Many officials believe we will need – and could easily get – an extension to the March 29 deadline for Brexit. But, with European elections looming in May, this may prove far trickier than we imagine.

PIIE: Trade Talks Episode 68: Brexit votes for uncertainty

Sam Lowe
19 January 2019
Soumaya Keynes and Chad Bown discuss the rocky departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. Sam Lowe (Centre for European Reform) joins for an update on the latest political developments as Britain approaches the March 29, 2019 deadline. They then speak with Meredith Crowley (University of Cambridge) and Kyle Handley (University of Michigan) about new research on the economic impact that Brexit-related uncertainty has already had.

BBC Radio 4 - Today programme: Free trade negotiations

Sam Lowe
09 January 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform (from 2:24), speaks to the Today programme discussing the complexities of post-Brexit tariffs.

Food prices will go up, not down, after a no-deal Brexit – despite what Jacob Rees-Mogg says

Sam Lowe
07 January 2019
Could Brexit mean cheaper food on our supermarket shelves? The idea has been propagated by politicians such as Jacob Rees-Mogg and business people like JD Wetherspoon’s owner Tim Martin, who promised lower prices in his “Beermat Manifesto”.

How can Father Christmas deliver presents in a no deal Brexit scenario? Baby, it's cold outside (the EU)

Sam Lowe
19 December 2018
In the run up to 25th December, there is one issue that has not received half the attention it deserves: what happens to Father Christmas in December 2019 in the event of a no deal Brexit?

Brexit's impact on services

Sam Lowe
18 December 2018
Trade in services has not received enough attention in the Brexit debate. But if Theresa May follows through on plans for the UK to leave the single market, UK services exports to the EU-27 will likely fall, in the case of financial services by more than half, and related jobs and tax revenues will suffer.

Whether transition extension or backstop, Britain needs to embrace the consequences

Sam Lowe
12 November 2018
The Times
If reports are correct, the landing zone for Northern Ireland and the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is in sight.

May's reckoning with the Tory right over Brexit is fast approaching

12 November 2018
The Guardian
Over the years, different Conservative leaders have tended to use similar tactics to deal with the rightwing anti-EU minority in the party.

Bloomberg: How to trade the pound as Brexit talks near endgame

08 November 2018
Centre for European Reform Deputy Director John Springford and BlackRock Global Chief Investment Strategist Richard Turnill discuss the outlook for Brexit negotiations and the pound on "Bloomberg Surveillance."