Single market, competition & trade

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Boris Johnson is clearly in no rush to do a big US trade deal, as proven by his tough red lines

Sam Lowe
02 March 2020
The Telegraph
For those of us who assumed the UK would rush head first into trade talks with the United States, myself included, the last few months have come as somewhat of a surprise.

Channel 4 News: Britain talks post-Brexit trade with the EU

Sam Lowe
28 February 2020
Gary Gibbon caught up with Same Lowe of the Centre for European Reform to wade through the documents and tell us what they say about the chance of a deal and the shape of a deal.

Channel 4 News: Government reveals Brexit negotiation demands

Sam Lowe
27 February 2020
"Throughout the process the EU has said we can give you a deal like Canada it's just we are going to ask more of you. It's fine if the UK says that's not fair... the EU don't care if it's fair or not" Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at...

BBC Today Programme: UK mandate for trade negotiations

Sam Lowe
27 February 2020
"The barriers for trading within the EU are four times lower than if you were to sell into the EU from outside", Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform told the Today Programme (from 43 mins)

BBC PM: Trade deal conditions

25 February 2020
“If I had to bet money on it I would say there will be a simple deal on trade by the end of the year... but also there is a real risk evident of no deal at all,” Charles Grant, director of the CER discussed the prospect of UK-EU deal on the BBC PM show (from 35 mins).

Podcast 5 News: What are the options for post-Brexit trade with the EU? What does 'Australia-style' mean?

Sam Lowe
20 February 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow a the Centre for European Reform spoke to Andy Bell of Channel 5 news about what to expect next from the Brexit negotiations.

Business needs a transition period with the EU

Sam Lowe
19 February 2020
The Telegraph
From the EU’s perspective, there is a political argument to be made that Brexit should be seen to hurt.

Sustaina Babble: #166: Chlorine Chicken

Sam Lowe
17 February 2020
Sam Lowe from the Centre for European Reform joins us to defend his fascination with one of the nerdiest subjects in the world and patiently explain why it’s actually quite important.

Talk Radio: Post-Brexit trade deals

Sam Lowe
16 February 2020
The Centre for European Reform's Sam Lowe discusses post-Brexit trade deals: "Everything we buy from the EU will be more expensive than it was before, even if tariffs are zero, because there will be new customs procedures and new bureaucracy."

British services have played second fiddle in the Brexit debate

Sam Lowe
11 February 2020
The UK in a Changing Europe
In 2018, services accounted for 46 per cent of UK exports, or £297 billion. The EU received 40 per cent of British services exports, and was the origin of 48 per cent of British services imports, the highest proportion of any UK trading partner.

EU trade chief: ‘Australia-style’ Brexit agreement means no deal

05 February 2020
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson could still end up without a trade agreement if he pursues an "Australia-style" deal with the EU because such a deal does not exist, European Commissioner for Trade Phil Hogan said.

Keynote address by Commissioner Phil Hogan at the Centre for European Reform

Phil Hogan
04 February 2020
European Commission
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,
First of all let me thank CER for the invitation to speak here today, and let me commend you for the hugely important space you provide for reflection and debate.
We live in a time where balanced analysis has gone out of fashion in many constituencies. Polarised...

Brightblue podcast: Where does Britain go next: The US or the EU?

Sam Lowe
01 February 2020
This edition of our podcast asks where does Britain go next: The US or the EU? We are joined by Dr Alan Mendoza, Director of the Henry Jackson Society, and Sam Lowe, Researcher at the Centre for European Reform.

A Brexit trade deal can be done but new cliff-edges await, warns trade expert

Sam Lowe
30 January 2020
The UK may be just hours away from walking through the EU’s exit door but when it comes to trade, the journey is only just about to start, according to Sam Lowe, one of Westminster’s leading trade experts.

BBC Radio 4 - The Briefing Room: How to do a trade deal

30 January 2020
For the first time in decades the UK will now negotiate its own trade deals. David Aaronovitch explores our options and likely outcomes. Free trade deals can take years and require hundreds of highly skilled staff in what are described as the biggest games of poker you can play.

CER podcast: Brexit bulletin special

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe, Ian Bond, Beth Oppenheim
29 January 2020
In this special Brexit episode of the CER podcast, Charles Grant explains why the CER is still needed after Brexit; Sam Lowe discusses the future of UK-EU trade; and Ian Bond explores the fate of UK foreign policy.

Sky News: What's the next stage of Brexit?

Sam Lowe
29 January 2020
Sam Lowe spoke to Sky News on the cost of post-Brexit divergence: “The day one impact would look very similar to all of the forecasts as if we were to have left the EU without a deal in place”.

CER podcast: Reviewing 2019

18 December 2019
CER researchers review the year 2019, and discuss what to expect in 2020. The conversation spans the future UK-EU relationship; the fraying of the transatlantic link; China; the state of Franco-German relations; and the EU economy.

BBC Today Programme: UK-US trade agreements

Sam Lowe
30 November 2019
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to the Today Programme to discuss how a possible FTA might take shape between the UK and the US (from 52 mins).

Johnson's future Brexit plan would be almost as disruptive as no deal

Sam Lowe
28 November 2019
A "super Canada plus" agreement would still present businesses with a cliff edge.