Britain & EU member-states

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NPR: British Prime Minister Theresa May outlines plan to leave European Union

Rem Korteweg
17 January 2017
Rem Korteweg speaks to NPR about Theresa May's Brexit speech on the 17 January 2017.
CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP

CER podcast: 5 questions on Trade, Trump and TTIP

Sophia Besch, Rem Korteweg
16 January 2017
Rem Korteweg explains what trade policy under Trump will look like, if and how European governments can save TTIP, and what to make of a US-UK trade deal.

Brexit-folk er ikke globaliseringstabere

Simon Tilford
09 January 2017
Siden et flertal af briterne i juni sidste år stemte for at forlade EU, har politikere og analytikere kaldt det et oprør fra vælgere, der er blevet ramt af globaliseringens ulemper og stigende ulighed.

Tok FM: Jak rezygnacja ze stanowiska brytyjskiego ambasadora przy UE może wpłynąć na procedurę Brexitu?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
04 January 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the resignation of Ivan Rogers and the potential effects on Brexit negotiations.

BNR: Brexit: snelle scheiding niet per se minder pijnlijk

Rem Korteweg
31 December 2016
Rem Korteweg speaks to BNR about the Brexit work ahead for Theresa May and the future of the EU-UK trade relationship. 

VPRO: Wat de Brexit voor onze Britse buren gaat veranderen

Rem Korteweg
23 December 2016
Rem Korteweg talks to VPRO 6 months after the Brexit vote about the obstacles ahead.

CER podcast: CER researchers review the year 2016

Sophia Besch, Ian Bond, Charles Grant, Simon Tilford
21 December 2016
Charles Grant, Simon Tilford and Ian Bond review the political themes and events that shaped 2016.

BBC Radio 4: World at One talks to Charles Grant

20 December 2016
Charles Grant talks to the World at One about Nicola Sturgeon's announcement on Scotland staying in the single market (22:42).

Share Radio: Ian Bond on the Berlin attacks

20 December 2016
Ian Bond is director of foreign policy at the Centre for European Reform, and joined Share Radio's Juliette Foster on the line for more on these stories.

Nicola Sturgeon Brexit adviser pours cold water on her single market plans hours before they are unveiled

19 December 2016
The Telegraph
Charles Grant said it was “extremely difficult” to see how her plans were legally, politically or technically feasible.

CER podcast series: The economics of populism, episode five

Sophia Besch, Martin Sandbu, Christian Dustmann
15 December 2016
In this episode, Martin Sandbu and Christian Dustmann discuss 'How should governments respond to migration fears?'

Britain is heading for the hardest of hard Brexits, but Theresa May can limit the damage

08 December 2016
The Guardian
Theresa May's government is heading for the hardest of hard Brexits. That's what many European officials now believe.

TOK FM: W Sądzie Najwyższym rozpoczęła się rozprawa ws. Brexitu

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
06 December 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM about the ongoing Brexit case in the Supreme Court. 

The impact of Italy's "No" vote is likely to be contained

05 December 2016
The "No" vote in yesterday's referendum was expected by most observers. But its consequences are likely to be less dramatic than many feared.

Italy's referendum result is not another Brexit or Trump

05 December 2016
The Guardian
First Britain voted for Brexit. Then America voted for Trump. And now Italians have overwhelmingly voted to reject constitutional reform.

De kans dat de brexit niet doorgaat is nul

05 December 2016
Wie het Britse brexitgetreuzel volgt, kan zomaar het gevoel bekruipen dat de eilandbewoners misschien wel nooit uit de Europese Unie zullen vertrekken.

Are we heading for a hard Brexit?

05 December 2016
While it’s nice to know what the options are, the main thing is trying to find out what will actually happen.

Italian constitutional referendum: Much ado about nothing?

25 November 2016
After the victory of "Leave" in the EU referendum and Donald Trump’s election as US President, Italy seems to be lined up as the next domino to fall to populism, with a referendum on constitutional changes scheduled for 4th December.

Tok FM: Kto będzie chciał mieć ostatnie słowo w sprawie Brexitu?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
24 November 2016
The CER's Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Brexit.

It's impossible for the government not to screw up Brexit with only 24 months to seal the deal

Rem Korteweg
23 November 2016
The Independent
From figuring out the negotiations guidelines to drawing up a transition deal, parliament's vote, European Court of Justice reviews and even talks about who gets what wine from the Commission's cellar, drawing up a Brexit deal will take years not months.