Britain & EU member-states

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Britain’s complacency over Brexit will end in humiliation

Simon Tilford
02 May 2017
The Guardian
France and Germany don't make the mistake of thinking they would be better off outside the EU. The UK is deluding itself if it thinks it will prosper.

BBC Sunday Politics: Camino Mortera-Martinez on Brexit neogitations

Camino Mortera-Martinez
02 May 2017
Camino Mortera-Martinez talks to BBC Sunday Politics on the EU summit and the forthcoming Brexit neogitations.

Das Märchen von der britischen Einzigartigkeit

Simon Tilford
29 April 2017
Spiegel Online
Die britische Elite hält ihr Land für dermaßen außergewöhnlich, dass es den Rest Europas nicht braucht. So war ihre Einstellung zur EU, so kam es zum Brexit. Und so wird es zu einer Demütigung der Briten kommen.
RTÉ News: Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker

RTÉ News: Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker

26 April 2017
John Springford talks to RTÉ News about the likely topics of discussion when Theresa May meets Jean-Claude Juncker in London (from 27.03).

CER podcast: What UK-EU trade deal after Brexit?

John Springford, Sophia Besch
25 April 2017
John Springford talks to Sophia Besch about about the best possible trade deal between the UK and the EU after Brexit. Based on new empirical research into the costs of trade barriers he argues for a ‘Swiss style’ Brexit.

Tok FM: Wielka Brytania przed ogłoszeniem przyspieszonych wyborów

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
25 April 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the forthcoming UK elections.

Germany needs a strong EU. Why would it allow Britain an easy Brexit?

19 April 2017
The Guardian
Angela Merkel’s government has no interest in indulging the UK during the negotiations – and a general election won't change that.

CER podcast: Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska on the triggering of Article 50

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Sophia Besch
30 March 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Sophia Besch about the triggering of Article 50, the tone and substance of the letter, how it was received in Brussels, and how we can expect negotiations to unfold. 

BBC Newsnight: Brexit and Article 50 - The view from Germany

Christian Odendahl
30 March 2017
What do people in Germany think about the triggering of Article 50 - and the UK's decision to leave the EU? Diplomatic editor Mark Urban interviews Christian Odendahl (02:38). 
BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight

BBC Radio 4: The World Tonight

15 March 2017
Charles Grant talks to The World Tonight about what could lie in store should Britain leave the EU without an exit deal (from 30.25).

The four traps Theresa May must avoid in her EU divorce letter

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
14 March 2017
The Guardian
To avoid disaster, Britain’s prime minister needs to get article 50 talks off to a good start – and that begins when she writes to Donald Tusk.

CER podcast: Charles Grant on Theresa May's emerging Brexit deal

Charles Grant, Sophia Besch
07 March 2017
Discussion on the process of deciding the British position in Brexit negotiations, the value of the UK’s ‘trump cards’ and why European officials are pessimistic about finding a good agreement.

Tok FM: Będzie drugie referendum ws. niepodległości Szkocji?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
03 March 2017
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to TOK FM about the Scottish referendum on independence.

How the Dutch fell out of love with the EU

Rem Korteweg
02 March 2017
Carnegie Europe
After decades of embracing a firmly pro-EU stance, the Dutch appear increasingly out of sorts and disappointed with the European Union.
Britische Trümpfe: London wird die Sicherheitspolitik in den Brexit-Verhandlungen nutzen wollen

Britische Trümpfe: London wird die Sicherheitspolitik in den Brexit-Verhandlungen nutzen wollen

Sophia Besch
01 March 2017
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)
Premierministerin Theresa May hat signalisiert, bei den Austrittsverhandlungen mit der EU auch Großbritanniens militär- und sicherheitspolitisches Gewicht in die Waagschale werden zu wollen – ein riskantes Spiel für die EU, aber auch für die Briten.

A quantum solace - defence in Brexit negotiations

Sophia Besch
01 March 2017
Berlin Policy Journal
The UK's exit negotiations with the EU have not yet officially begun, but it is already becoming clear that no policy area will remain unaffected - not even security and defence policy cooperation.

Report: 'Deluded' UK cannot afford to be smug on Brexit

23 February 2017
Global Government Forum
Britain is in a weak negotiating position and will have to win the goodwill of leaders in Europe if it is to avoid economic chaos following Brexit, according to a report by independent think tank the Centre for European Reform (CER).

A quick trade deal with the US after Brexit is less likely than we think

Rem Korteweg
22 February 2017
The Spectator
It is many a Brexiteer’s fantasy: In 2019, shortly after the UK formally leaves the EU, Theresa May welcomes Donald Trump to Downing Street to ink a trade pact.
CER podcast: What free movement means to Europe and why it matters to Britain

CER podcast: What free movement means to Europe and why it matters to Britain

Camino Mortera-Martinez, Christian Odendahl, Sophia Besch
16 February 2017
Discussion on the politics and economics that underlie differing views of free movement in the UK and Europe.

Theresa May needs to compromise with the technocrats

15 February 2017
As British prime minister, Theresa May has the right – and the power – to interpret the referendum result as she sees fit.