Britain & EU member-states
Douglas Carswell MP at our conference on Brexit
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.
Nick Clegg MP at our conference on Brexit
12 July 2016
Konrad Szymański at our conference on Brexit
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.
Thomas Fricke at our conference on Brexit
12 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.
Charles Crawford at our conference on Brexit
11 July 2016
Speakers included: Richard Baldwin, Thomas Fricke, Andrew Lilico, Ludger Schuknecht, Adair Turner, Mark Boleat, Douglas Carswell, Nick Clegg, Malcolm Rifkind, Konrad Szymański, Robert Cooper, Charles Crawford, Bernard Jenkin, Nathalie Tocci and George Robertson.
The first item in Theresa May's in-tray: A Brexit-induced recession
11 July 2016
City A.M
Theresa May will be the next UK Prime Minister, and sterling and the FTSE 250 rose almost immediately.
Tok FM: Kto zostanie liderem Partii Konserwatywnej?
08 July 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to Tok FM about the Conservative Party's the leadership contest.
Duelo de damas para el numero 10
06 July 2016
La Razon
Nadie le pidió a David Cameron que celebrara un referéndum sobre la permanencia de Reino Unido en la Unión Europea.
Briten zum Brexit: Liebe EU-Partner, bitte behandelt Großbritannien mit Nachsicht
05 July 2016
Spiegel Online
Großbritannien steckt in ernsthaften Schwierigkeiten. Es braucht keine weiteren Zugeständnisse, aber es muss sich erst wieder sammeln, bevor es über seine Zukunft entscheiden kann.
Por qué Reino Unido perdió la batalla
04 July 2016
El Pais
La hostilidad hacia las élites se ha convertido en una fuerza poderosa, no solo en Europa sino también en EE UU. Para la Unión Europea es un problema porque, según el autor, siempre será vista como una institución ligada a la clase dirigente.
The Great British trade-off: Why the path to Brexit might be painful
04 July 2016
The Spectator
Before the UK can enter this glorious new era of bilateral trade deals, the new Prime Minister must negotiate the divorce terms with the EU. He or she must also avoid damaging Britain’s existing trade relations with Europe. Welcome to the Great British trade-off.
Judy Asks: Is Brexit reversible?
29 June 2016
Carnegie Europe
A selection of experts answer a new question from Judy Dempsey on the foreign and security policy challenges shaping Europe’s role in the world.
IB Times: Yvette Cooper fails to rule out leadership bid as she urges Jeremy Corbyn to quit
28 June 2016
Labour's Yvette Cooper has failed to rule out another leadership bid, as the former minister urged Jeremy Corbyn to stand down from the top job amid an attempted coup.
TOK FM: Szkocja prosi UE aby jej nie zawiodla
28 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to Tok FM about Scotland after the UK's EU referendum.
How Brexit burst the Brussels bubble
28 June 2016
The EU needs to start listening to its citizens, eurosceptic though they may be, if it wants to save what is left of the European project.
BBC World Service: Can The EU Survive?
28 June 2016
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska speaks to the BBC World Service about the future of the European Union after Britain's vote to leave (from 08.44).
Euronews: Brexit: rischi di contagio
28 June 2016
Ian Bond, del Centre for European Reform, commenta: “Molto dipende da che cosa accadrà al Regno Unito. L’importante è non dare l’impressione che sia tutto facile. Penso che l’approccio alla Boris Johnson, che vuole la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca, non l’avrà vinta. I leader europei gli diranno: avete una scelta, è una scelta fra due opzioni, e basta”.
Europejskie domino
26 June 2016
Brexit to przede wszystkim sygnał dla instytucji unijnych: trzeba się skupić na odbudowaniu zaufania obywateli do projektu europejskiego, a nie na pomysłach dalszej integracji - mówi Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, ekspertka Centre for European Reform w Londynie.
Na nią nie ma apetytu w poszczególnych stolicach. Nie zapominajmy jednak, że za Brexit odpowiedzialne są przede wszystkim elity polityczne i eurosceptyczne media, które od lat prowadziły nagonkę na Unię
Na nią nie ma apetytu w poszczególnych stolicach. Nie zapominajmy jednak, że za Brexit odpowiedzialne są przede wszystkim elity polityczne i eurosceptyczne media, które od lat prowadziły nagonkę na Unię