Britain & EU member-states

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Milan airport empty March 2020

Bold policies needed to counter the coronavirus recession

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
18 March 2020
The 2008 financial crisis was a global economic catastrophe. Millions of people lost their jobs, their homes, their savings or their businesses as banks collapsed and creditdried up.

Building 'European champions': An effective way to fend off Chinese competition?

17 March 2020
In February, Germany, France, Italy and Poland proposed a review of EU competition policy, demanding that the European Commission “introduce more justified and reasonable flexibility” to its decisions about mergers between European companies, to “take better account of third countries’ state intervention”.

500 Euro, um das Nötigste abzufedern

Christian Odendahl, Anke Hassel
13 March 2020
Die Zeit
Eltern, Selbständige, Minijobber: Die Eindämmung des Virus wird zu finanziellen Engpässen führen. Die Lösung wäre ein vorläufiges Corona-Geld für jeden Bundesbürger.

The future of the EU: New perspectives - Italy

12 March 2020
The UK in a Changing Europe
The current trajectory of Italian politics is likely to impact considerably on the EU’s future. Ten years ago, Italy was one of the most enthusiastic supporters of European integration.
Milan airport empty March 2020

CER podcast: How to contain the coronavirus fall-out

Christian Odendahl, Luigi Scazzieri, John Springford
11 March 2020
The new coronavirus has been spreading rapidly in Europe, and Italy has imposed strict constraints on movement to contain the outbreak there.

Wie sich die Coronavirus-Rezession eindämmen lässt

Christian Odendahl, John Springford
10 March 2020
Die Covid-19-Krise ist ernst und wird kurzfristig schwerwiegende wirtschaftliche Folgen haben. Aber wenn die Fiskal- und Geldpolitik mutig und entschlossen gegenhält, lassen sich die langfristigen Schäden begrenzen.

The EU and UK can agree on the scope of a new trade deal, but the devil is in the detail

Sam Lowe
05 March 2020
The EU and the UK have set out what they want their future partnership to look like and the horse trading has begun.

CER podcast: Are the Brexit negotiations doomed to fail?

Charles Grant, Sam Lowe
04 March 2020
The EU and the UK have now published their objectives outlining what they want a future EU-UK partnership to look like. There is much headline disagreement, but is there a landing zone in sight? Charles Grant and Sam Lowe discuss.

Londyn liczy na podziały w Unii Europejskiej. Jak dotąd ta strategia się nie sprawdziła

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
02 March 2020
Twierdzenie, że Unia Europejska przystępuje do negocjacji z Wielką Brytanią osłabiona, należy traktować z przymrużeniem oka.

Boris Johnson is clearly in no rush to do a big US trade deal, as proven by his tough red lines

Sam Lowe
02 March 2020
The Telegraph
For those of us who assumed the UK would rush head first into trade talks with the United States, myself included, the last few months have come as somewhat of a surprise.

Polskie Radio: Opublikowano mandaty negocjacyjne w sprawie umowy handlowej między Unią Europejską a Wielką Brytanią

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
29 February 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Polskie Radio about the EU and UK negotiating mandates.

EUidea podcast: Differentiated integration among the post-Brexit scenarios

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
28 February 2020
“Even if we have some agreement on free trade or perhaps security [by the end of 2020] we will probably be discussing Brexit for years to come” said Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform.

Channel 4 News: Britain talks post-Brexit trade with the EU

Sam Lowe
28 February 2020
Gary Gibbon caught up with Same Lowe of the Centre for European Reform to wade through the documents and tell us what they say about the chance of a deal and the shape of a deal.

Channel 4 News: Government reveals Brexit negotiation demands

Sam Lowe
27 February 2020
"Throughout the process the EU has said we can give you a deal like Canada it's just we are going to ask more of you. It's fine if the UK says that's not fair... the EU don't care if it's fair or not" Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow at...

BBC Today Programme: UK mandate for trade negotiations

Sam Lowe
27 February 2020
"The barriers for trading within the EU are four times lower than if you were to sell into the EU from outside", Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform told the Today Programme (from 43 mins)

BBC PM: Trade deal conditions

25 February 2020
“If I had to bet money on it I would say there will be a simple deal on trade by the end of the year... but also there is a real risk evident of no deal at all,” Charles Grant, director of the CER discussed the prospect of UK-EU deal on the BBC PM show (from 35 mins).

Tok FM: Po rozwodzie. Jaka umowa Wielkiej Brytanii z UE?

Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska
20 February 2020
Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska talks to TOK FM on the Brexit negotiations ahead and on the new migration package unveiled yesterday.

Podcast 5 News: What are the options for post-Brexit trade with the EU? What does 'Australia-style' mean?

Sam Lowe
20 February 2020
Sam Lowe, a senior research fellow a the Centre for European Reform spoke to Andy Bell of Channel 5 news about what to expect next from the Brexit negotiations.

Business needs a transition period with the EU

Sam Lowe
19 February 2020
The Telegraph
From the EU’s perspective, there is a political argument to be made that Brexit should be seen to hurt.

Sustaina Babble: #166: Chlorine Chicken

Sam Lowe
17 February 2020
Sam Lowe from the Centre for European Reform joins us to defend his fascination with one of the nerdiest subjects in the world and patiently explain why it’s actually quite important.