Britain & EU member-states
Ask CER - Episode 4: Phasing out Russian gas, UK-EU relations and Hungary's response to the war
30 March 2022
You asked, we answered: the fourth episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.
Ask CER - Episode 3: Strategic autonomy, the EU's taxonomy and the French election
26 January 2022
You asked, we answered: the third episode of our ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.
One year on, it’s clear that Brexit has failed on its advocates’ own terms
25 December 2021
The Independent
Now that the Brexit deal has been in force for a year, it’s worth looking at initial claims from the politicians who forced through an exit from the EU’s single market.
Why EU-UK data flows have a dim future
13 December 2021
After Brexit, the EU and the UK reached an uneasy truce to maintain the free flow of personal data between them.
ITV News: Analysis shows Brexit caused £12 billion of lost trade in October
10 December 2021
The pandemic delivered a huge shock to UK and global trade but the deputy director of the CER, John Springford, told ITV News he’s “pretty confident” that Brexit is to blame for the slump.
CER podcast: What's the state of UK-EU relations?
29 October 2021
Charles Grant speaks to Sam Lowe about the state of UK-EU relations.
Ask CER - Episode 1: EU integration, democratic backsliding & UK financial services regulation
29 September 2021
You asked, we answered: introducing the first episode of our new ‘Ask CER’ podcast series.
BBC Radio 4 PM: Northern Ireland protocol
21 July 2021
Sam Lowe a senior research fellow at the Centre for European Reform spoke to Evan Davis about today's proposal paper on the Northern Ireland protocol and what the British solution is to the impasse on GB-Northern Irealand trade.
Letters: Fait accompli
16 July 2021
Julian King’s assessment of Michel Barnier’s role in the Brexit talks (“The Brexit illusions,” July) is fair minded.But perhaps he underplays Barnier’s nationality. The Frenchman was a key link in the Brussels-Paris axis that drove the EU to be hard on the British.
CER podcast: How well will the UK's European diplomatic strategy work?
09 July 2021
Ian Bond speaks to Luigi Scazzieri and Georgina Wright about EU-UK diplomatic co-operation and the ways both parties can work together in foreign and security policy.
Can the UK's new European diplomatic strategy work?
06 July 2021
Since it left the EU, the UK has been vigorously trying to emphasise the purported benefits of Brexit. In foreign policy, this has meant trying to present itself as more agile and effective than the EU.
Bloomberg: Merkel-Johnson summit
02 July 2021
Charles Grant, director of the CER told Bloomberg TV that the UK and Germany's intertwined economies mean some co-operation has to take place
Brexit: So close, yet so far…
30 June 2021
The Parliament Magazine
Despite current difficulties, the UK and the EU will, in the long run, forge closer economic and security ties, predicts Charles Grant.
La moraleja de las salchichas de Johnson
27 June 2021
El Pais
Los grandes proyectos históricos necesitan, principalmente, políticos de Estado y planes estratégicos. Downing Street no tiene ni lo uno ni lo otro.
The UK-Australia trade deal has been painted as both a travesty and a triumph for Britain – it’s neither
15 June 2021
This deal does not give us any insight into whether the UK will be able to conclude tougher negotiations with the US, India and South American countries.
Sky News: Why the Australia trade deal matters
15 June 2021
Sam Lowe, senior research fellow at the CER spoke to Sam Coates about why the Australia trade deal matters (from 2mins 20).
BBC Radio 4 - PM: Irish Sea border goods checks
08 June 2021
Sam Lowe spoke to Evan Davis about the EU and UK queston of Irish Sea border goods checks, "the British proposal wouldn't remove the issue, it would just reduce it. Whereas the EU's would remove the issue, but at the expense of regulatory flexibility for Great Britain." (From 26mins)
Rociito y el Estado de derecho
17 May 2021
El Periodico
España tendrá unas cuantas cosas que explicar cuando la UE ponga en marcha su mecanismo de supervisión del Estado de derecho.
CER podcast: Britain after the pandemic
25 March 2021
John Springford discussed the links between pre-COVID austerity and the UK's poor pandemic outcomes with Jonathan Portes.
Brexit has already been a disaster for British trade
23 March 2021
No one has much interest in talking about Brexit in the UK at the moment. The pandemic means that voters have more important things on their mind.